The Best Mother's Milk Quotes

Mother's: And Hughie?
Billy: Kid's a weeper. Don't want him to get snot on me jacket.

Annie: I think Soldier Boy is bulletproof.
Mother's: This ain't for Soldier Boy.
Annie: Look, I'm pissed at those guys, too, but we have to keep our heads on.
Mother's: Why? Why do I always have to take the high road? You know, when white folks get mad, y'all motherfuckers go berserk, but I got to turn the other cheek? Fuck the high road, fuck Butcher, and fuck Hughie.
Annie: Hughie is not himself right now.
Mother's: Hughie is a grown-ass man that's made his own choices.
Annie: M.M.! Please. Soldier Boy is gonna kill more people. I mean, fuck. Kimiko is in the hospital. She lost her powers. Frenchie isn't answering, Alex is dead, and Maeve...
Annie: We're all we got. It's up to us.

Frenchie: Oh, come on, It's a quick trip. She and I will hide in the van. Let's go. In, out, boom, bing.
Mother's: Boom, bing? Look, I'll tell you what I can do. I can... .possibly, tattoo "fuck no" on your ass.
Frenchie: Ah, come on!
Mother's: Best I can do.

Mother's: You killed my family.
Soldier: Which one?

Mother's: Get the fuck out the car.
Todd: What's wrong?
Mother's: You heard me.
Janine: Daddy?
Mother's: Hey, baby. I need you to go inside the house with your mama. Daddy needs to talk to Todd alone.
Janine: Okay.
Mother's: All right.
Monique: Marvin, what are you doing here?
Mother's: You're okay with this?
Monique: What?
Mother's: He took her to a Homelander rally.
Todd: Yeah, so?
Monique: Excuse me. You took her where?
Todd: It's fine.
Monique: No, it is not fine. You didn't ask me. Janine. Come on. Inside, honey.
Todd: Everything's fine. Just relax.
Mother's: Don't tell me to relax, Todd. Soldier Boy is out there gunning for Homelander. Do you have any idea what kind of danger you put my baby girl in?
Todd: There's no danger.
Todd: Starlight is making all that up. Read any news outside the establishment media.
Mother's: Todd, Todd, they're lying.
Todd: Really? All of them?
Mother's: All of them. Homelander is lying to you. He's a fucking psychopath.
Todd: Worse than Starlight? She's trafficking kids the same age as Janine, as the... as the kids in my classroom. Homelander is the only one protecting them.
Monique: Okay, you guys. That's enough.
Mother's: Homelander ain't protecting shit, all right? He's feeding you this insane fairy tale, and you're too fucking stupid and-and brainwashed to fucking see it!
Todd: Hey, fuck you.
Monique: Both of you, stop.
Mother's: You know what? If you want to risk your life, fine. Have at it. But not with my baby girl. You're not her father.
Todd: Someone's got to be.
[Mother's Milk floors Todd with a right hook]
Monique: Marvin!
[voice breaking]
Monique: Oh, my God, Todd. Todd. Oh, my God, Todd. Todd. Todd. Open your eyes. Wake up.

Mother's: I figured if you wait around long enough, two plus two equals nasty.

Billy: What's Sporty Spice up to?
Mother's: Who?
Billy: Sporty fucking Spice. What is she up to?
Mother's: I don't know.
Billy: Exactly. How about Posh? You know what she's doing?
Frenchie: I don't understand.
Billy: Making clothes for anorexics. Right? Not exactly a growth market. And Baby? You know what she's doing? Fuck all. Not even page six of the Daily Mail. And Scary Spice? Up to her eyeballs in lawsuits and sex tapes. Ginger, on the other hand, has released three albums. 'Passion', 'Schizophonic', and 'Scream If You Want To Go Faster'. They'll all make your ears bleed. You see, when they're apart, they're absolute fucking rubbish. But, you put them together... they're the goddamn fucking Spice Girls.
Mother's: How do you know so much about the Spice Girls?

Mother's: [to Billy] Sometimes you get further with people... by treating them like people.

Mother's: Yo. Close stitch, but Hughie's okay.
Frenchie: Oh, bien... hey, tell Butcher about the thick penis around your neck.
Mother's: [whispering to Frenchie] Fuck you.
Mother's: [to Butcher over the phone] Nah, nah, nah... it's just Frenchie being Frenchie.

Frenchie: What's your thoughts about transgender strippers?
Mother's: Strippers ain't really my kind of Hersheys, with or without nuts.

Mother's: [Annie hands Mother's Milk her smartphone] This is a bad idea.
Annie: Homelander helped make me America's Sweetheart. He's gonna regret that.

Mother's: Frenchie, are you high?
Frenchie: Well, that goes without saying.

Frenchie: You need to unclench your asshole.
Mother's: You need to eat my clenched asshole.

Mother's: This kid needs to be trained up, Butcher.
Hughie: Yeah. Yeah, what he said. I-I don't know how to blackmail anyone.
Billy: Hughie, you've done a murder. Comparatively speaking, this will be a piece of cake.

Mother's: How could anybody be such a complete asshole?
Billy: Practice.

Starlight: [toasting] To fathers and sugar.
Mother's: To fathers and sugar.

Mother's: You know, for the longest time, Janine, I... I didn't want to bring you into this. But you know what? There's nothing to be ashamed of. Truth is, superheroes aren't always good. One of them, Soldier Boy... killed a lot of our family members a long time ago. It makes me sad. Sometimes it makes me mad when I think about it. But...
Mother's: your granddaddy, he spent his entire life fighting to get justice. And now I do, too. I just want you to know that you should be proud. Your granddaddy... now, he was a real hero.
Janine: You're my hero, Daddy.

Mother's: [about Hughie returning] Only been here three minutes, and it's already The Bold and the Batshit.

Billy: Now I ain't going to ask you to come along.
Mother's: Lick my big black balls, Butcher.

Mother's: [after a semen-covered Termite bumps into him] What the fuck did this motherfucker put on my jacket?

Mother's: Who's this guy?
Billy: The new lad. Hughie. Hughie, Mother's Milk.
Hughie: That's a... nickname?
Mother's: No, my mother actually named me Mother's Milk.
Hughie: Did-did she?
Mother's: So we got a French whore and a Stephen fucking Hawking. Great job, Butcher.
Billy: Well, it was Stephen fucking Hawking who dusted the Supe.

Love: You are not Supe.
Mother's: I'm with her. For the fuck party.
Annie: Yeah. Um, mm-hmm. No, he's very good at cunnilingus. Yeah, his tongue is just...
Love: Oh, yeah?
Annie: Yeah. He just gobbles that vagina right up. Nom, nom, nom, nom, nom, nom, nom, nom.

Mother's: Not until this frog gets what's coming.
Frenchie: Only thing that is coming is me on your mother's titties!

[while locked in a cell]
Mother's: Did they get Butcher too?
Hughie: No.
Frenchie: They had you separated? When? When?
Hughie: Well, um... he went after Homelander. But I-I came to save you. Yay.
Mother's: So, you came here. You meant to come here. Without Butcher.
Hughie: Yeah.
Frenchie: [genuinely impressed] C'est incroyable.
[he grabs Hughie and kisses him on both cheeks]
Frenchie: Never has a man thrown his life away so... completely like you've thrown yours away today. No. No, I mean, *you* rescuing *us* is the most useless, futile gesture I can think of!
Hughie: Yeah, I-I got it.
Frenchie: Unbelievable!

Mother's: We're gonna break into Vought Tower, while you go to the lab crawling with armed guards and you're gonna cook up the world's most dangerous neurotoxin with, what, a little moxie and a little Mr. Wizard know-how while we hold off Homelander and Soldier Boy?
Frenchie: Uh... oui.

Mother's: Any idea what this Supe gun is supposed to look like?
Billy: Ain't the joy in the discovery, eh?

Mother's: [to Hughie] Your dick's out.

Mother's: 'Cause from where I'm standing, we're fucked with no grease.

Mother's: Red Dawn, motherfucker!

Pastor: I'm- I'm not really sure what you're saying, son.
Billy: I'm saying that if there is some geezer up there with a big white beard, he's a world heavyweight cunt.
Mother's: What?
Pastor: I-I'm sorry, did you just call God a C-word?
Billy: Yeah. He's got a hard-on for mass murder and giving kids cancer, and his big old answer, to the existential clusterfuck that is humanity, is to nail his own bleeding son to a plank. That is a cunt move. Come on, even you got to agree with me there.
Mother's: Hey, hey, hey, please...
Billy: We should lob a fucking nuke at him, get it over and done with. You know what I'm saying?
Mother's: We're sorry, sir. We apologize. My man...
Billy: All right. Good talk. Think about it. I'm here all day, all right?

Hughie: Asshole.
Mother's: Yep.

Hughie: So what they do is they take boxes full of that stuff and they ship it to hospitals all across the country. And apparently the latest one is going to the NICU at Mercer Hospital. It's in... it's midtown I think.
Mother's: You are a natural, kid. You're like the fucking... Rain Man of fucking people over.
Hughie: [Chuckles] Not a compliment.

[Frenchie and Mother's Milk are sitting on the floor of their cell]
Frenchie: You know, in Medieval times they locked prisoners inside a pillory barrel, and they kneel in their own excrement until they got sepsis and died, so...
Mother's: Thank you, Frenchie, for that disgusting yet fascinating piece of trivia.
Frenchie: I'm just saying, it could be worse, no?