The Best Grace Mallory Quotes

Grace: Vengeance isn't a path to glory. It's a one-way ticket to a dead end.

Grace: [to Billy] You know, calling you an asshole is an insult to assholes.

Grace: I don't like it.
- You don't back an animal like that into a corner.
- Fuck him.
- We own the cunt.
- Frenchie.
- Don't let him out of your sight.

Grace: [to Billy] If I think there's a way to screw this up, you'll find it.

- -Hey.
- -What are we gonna do now?
- Butcher? It's me.
- No, I'm afraid Hugh let our star witness burn himself to death.
- Thank you.
Grace: Well, I don't know.
- -What do you mean, no worries?
- -I mean, I got it sorted.

Grace: [to Billy] The compassion you show your team is truly touching.

Billy: I'm sorry.
Grace: Christ, I don't want to hear "sorry". Sorry's not an option.