Top 100 Quotes From Camrus Johnson

Luke: Bomb squad just left. They're gonna have some follow-up questions, but since you weren't here...
Kate: Thanks.
Luke: I should be thanking you for talking me off the ledge last night.
Kate: That's what partners are for.

Kate: Bruce doesn't have night vision goggles?
Luke: Batman doesn't do goggles.

Agent: Freeze. Hands in the air.
Batwoman: You got to be kidding me.
Agent: He's ours. Back the hell away.
Batwoman: Kind of in the middle of something.
Agent: Kinda gonna shoot you in the face. Hands in the air. Now!
Batwoman: You hearing this?
Luke: [on comms] I know it's tempting, but don't.
Batwoman: [to the Crows] You want to know why you guys suck?
Luke: And here we go.
Batwoman: It's not just because you don't care about 99% of the people in this city, or just because you lie and you cheat and you cover up murders. It's because you legit suck at your job.
Agent: Five seconds until we shoot.
Batwoman: I put a tracker on his boot, moron. Guy had no idea. He would have led me back to Black Mask, I would have had the upper hand, and the most dangerous man in Gotham would have been behind bars! Instead, your alpha asses show up late acting like I was the enemy, and they gave me time to do this.
[she fires a two-way grappling hook and escapes]

Batwoman: Where were we? Oh, yeah. Sidekick names.
Luke: Just FYI, no sidekick actually likes being referred to as a sidekick.
Batwoman: Copy that, my number two dude.
Luke: Nope, not that either.

Horten: [seeing Batwoman] I'm just glad it's you.
Luke: [listening in] Said no suspicious dude ever.

Luke: Ever wonder why the Joker hasn't reared his head in five years? He's not in Arkham, Kate. Both you and Bruce stared into the abyss.

Luke: You need to leave, now.
Bruce: Don't be so rude, Luke.
[coming down the stairs in a metal exoskeleton]
Bruce: You'll have to forgive him. We're not used to having guests.
[seeing and recognizing her]
Bruce: Kate.
Kate: Bruce?

Luke: [after Kate got the wig on her cowl yanked on] I'm just saying, like, a braid or something could help.
Kate: I am not wearing a braid.

Mary: What do you mean they caught her? What happened to your member of the Special Reconnaissance Turns Out I'm Not Good Backup regiment?
Luke: Okay, I didn't call you down here for a Yelp review, Mary. I need you on the comms monitoring the cameras for me.
Mary: What?
Luke: I'm going in and save Kate and Julia.
Mary: Going in? As what, Sabatino's accountant? No offense, this is not gonna get you past the bouncer. It has to be me.
Luke: Okay, no offense, but you're insane!
Mary: I know Sabatino's cousin. I pumped her stomach when she ODed. She owes me one. She can get me face time with her cousin.
Luke: And then what? Ask him nicely, offer to tag his club on your Insta?
Mary: You sound like Kate.
Luke: Because she's right, Mary. It's too dangerous! Case in point, she was just apprehended!
Mary: Well, then what's the bat-protocol here, Luke?
Luke: I don't know! I don't know. All I do know is that I really wish my dad were here right now because he would know what to do, but he's not because he died protecting that journal, and now Kate and Julia might do the same, and I cannot add you to that list.
Mary: Look. I know no one trusts me to pull this off, but I trust you to keep me safe.

Batwoman: So she's somewhere inside a janky, old sawmill?
Luke: Gotham bad guys wouldn't have it any other way.

Luke: Good evening, party crashers. Tuxedo One, you have a date with the utility hub one level down. Red One, there's an employee bathroom on the north end. Could be a good place for a wardrobe change.

Mary: Okay. Problem.
Kate: What?
Mary: Her cells are disintegrating on a molecular level.
Beth: May I? I'm no expert in multiverses...
Luke: But you're two credits shy of astrophysicist, so whatever you're thinking, spill.
Beth: Well, I've read some theories - the multiple universe hypotheses, inflation model, MWI of quantum mechanics.
Kate: [confused] MWI?
Luke: Many worlds...
Beth: Many worlds interpretation.
Kate: Does anyone speak real people?
Beth: Right. Um, in my research, I theorize that all of these universes are separated for a reason. If I'm right, it means Alice has one mother of a headache, too. Collateral damage from the multiverse collapsing. In other words, this universe is literally not big enough for the both of us, and the longer we coexist in this world, the more we're living on borrowed time except we're borrowing it from each other. As cells decay, the body goes haywire, synaptic misfire, pain receptors go into overdrive until eventually...
Kate: If we can't find a way to save you, you're both gonna die.

Mary: So, this is what a victory lap looks like.
Kate: Trafficker got away. Some asshat yanked my wig, almost pulled off my cowl.
Luke: Who could have predicted that 30,000 strands of grab-me red hair would be like waving a flag in front of a bull?
Mary: What if you ran an electrical charge through the cowl, so that the next person who tried to get grabby would have 10,000 volts of "hands off"?
Kate: As much as I love the thought of wrapping my head in lightning...
Mary: Right. Dumb.

Luke: So, I ran the mystery shooter's partial plate.
Kate: And?
Luke: The three numbers I remembered don't match a single registered sedan. I think the plate was stolen.
Kate: So not only did we let an innocent girl die, but I can't even bring her killer to justice.
Luke: Mary's making reward fliers for any info on that vehicle. Okay, we'll find something. In the meantime, though, we still live in Gotham, where there's still plenty of justice to dole out.
[offering a tablet]
Luke: Maybe this will take your mind off things.
Kate: A vampire?
Luke: A wannabe vampire.
Kate: You can't be serious.
Luke: That's kind of my point. Lately, things have been a little too serious, and you could use the distraction.
Kate: Then bring me an old-fashioned bomber, or an arsonist, or-or someone that actually exists in the real world.

Janus: All I know is he's gone underground.
Batwoman: What about his daughter?
Janus: I don't know. You gotta believe me.
Luke: [cut to the Batcave] And you believed him?
Ryan: What did you want me to do, go through the entire product line? Am I the only one who can smell me right now?

Luke: When did you start working at the Hold-Up?
Ryan: When my P.O. wouldn't get off of my ass about punching a clock.

Batwoman: This would be a lot easier if we had a Batplane.
Mary: That's what I've been saying.
Luke: I'll get right on that after I work out the kinks in the Batsub.

Kate: Wow. That's a really impressive six-pack.
Luke: Sorry, do I know you?
Kara: [prompting her] No.
Kate: No. But I know you. Well, a-a different... like, a less this version of you. I-I'm Kate Kane. I'm... I'm Bruce's cousin.
Luke: [shutting the door in her face] Yeah, no.

Batwoman: Sure you got the right address? Because what kind of stone-cold killer shops at Storage & Stuff?
Luke: An actual psychopath.

Luke: You see, Alice can't get my hopes up, because I never lost hope to begin with.

Mary: Blech. You know we're gonna have to deep-clean the Batmobile now.
Luke: Oh, I am well aware. Okay, based on the trajectory, they're headed somewhere along the waterfront.
Mary: Ugh. I get the appeal of Angelique or whatever, but how desperate are we? I mean, Alice? Alice? Really? Do we even know this isn't a trap?
Luke: Nope.

Kate: [talking about Nocturna] Well, we can't track her down, maybe we can draw her out.
Luke: Please don't say "blood drive".

Mary: Safiyah. I've never heard of her.
Luke: It's one of her many aliases. The only Safiyah we have in our database has half a dozen European passports with just as many names; Nasar, Sohail, Patel...
Mary: Okay. So how do we find her?
Luke: Well, if she's extremely shady, odds are Ryan's already in a book club with her.
Mary: What's your problem with her?
Luke: I don't have a problem with Ryan.
Mary: Then what's your problem with me?
Luke: This is not a permanent gig.
Mary: I know. You've said that a thousand times.
Luke: Then why get her a job, lie to her P.O., throw a pep rally every time she does something right?
Mary: Because we're her team. She's the Bat.
Luke: She's a stand-in who fits the suit until Kate comes back.
Mary: Except she's not! Kate is not coming back, Luke.
Luke: How can you say that after everything we're been through?

Luke: So you paid a guy a thousand bucks to tell you there's a car in a junkyard. How much will you give me if I tell you there's sand at the beach?

Luke: The suit is literal perfection.
Kate: It will be... when it fits a woman.

Luke: The building schematic shows a wall safe. I'm betting it's in there.
Batwoman: [spotting the journal] Or it's just sitting on his desk.
Luke: Awfully important book to just leave lying around.
[grabbing it, she sets off an alarm, and a boobytrap knocks her unconscious]
Luke: Kate? Kate, come in! Kate!

Luke: Since the encounter was so... intimate, we may be able to get something off the suit's UV detection system.
[showing her a small, hand-held device]
Luke: Behold. 600 watts of 95% UVA and 5% UVB. Works great for fingerprints, counterfeit money, checking out motel bedspreads.
Kate: Ew.

Luke: How did you say you knew Kate?
Kara: I didn't. We're still sort of...
[subtly scanning the room with her x-ray vision]
Kara: ...getting to know each other.

Luke: You looked me in the eye, and said miracles happen.
Mary: I know. So do tragedies.

Kate: Do you know anything about this journal that Tommy Elliot wanted?
Luke: Yeah, let's just say my dad's journals weren't poems about his feelings. This was an instruction manual to building every piece of Wayne technology.
Kate: Phew. Well, it's a good thing that Batwoman's back.

Luke: [picking up the Gotham City Gazette] "Bat Girl Magic," huh? Where did they get a professional photo of you?
Ryan: You didn't hear? Yeah, uh, Mary's doing all my PR now.
Luke: Well, of course she is.

Batwoman: The suit's bulletproof, dumbass.
Devil: Who are you?
Batwoman: Batwoman.
Devil: Nah. You ain't Batwoman.
Batwoman: Is that so? Luke, I need a good comeback. Luke?
Luke: Uh, sorry. Nothing's coming.
Batwoman: [fist-fighting the dealer, with each landing blow] Does this... clear... things... up?
Devil: [with his arm wrenched behind his head] Are... are you beeping?
Luke: Yeah. What is that? Is that an alarm?
Batwoman: Tag in the GCPD. I gotta go.
Luke: You got somewhere else you need to be?

Batwoman: Seriously?
Luke: That would have been a 10 if you stuck the landing.
Batwoman: I would have stuck the landing if the boots actually fit.
Luke: [she throws batarangs at a drug dealer] You know we don't have an inexhaustible supply of those, right? About a grand apiece. We're at about 4 grand now?
Batwoman: [nailing the dealer in the knee] Ha ha! Worth it!

Luke: I wanted to say I'm... sorry for being so hard on you. You kicked some major ass yesterday.
Ryan: I get it. You miss Kate. But I need you to give me a chance, a real chance 'til she's back.
Luke: Yeah. Deal.
Ryan: And, uh... let me make some upgrades to the Batmobile.
Luke: Okay, now you're being crazy again.

Luke: So what's next, Batwoman?
Ryan: We find that case of Batman trophies before anyone else does, and from the sounds of it, I am gonna have backup!

Kate: [Luke brings some of her old journals] This your way of telling me we were in a book club together?
Luke: See? You still remember how to be a smartass. I never realized how much I miss that. Yeah. You kept journals, like, meticulously. I thought it could trigger some memories, uh, your own voice, your own handwriting. Maybe reading about who you were will remind you of who you are. It... it's no beach read, but...
Kate: Good. 'Cause I seem to remember not liking the beach.
Luke: Then you're making progress.
Kate: And I'm starting to remember why we were friends.
Luke: [she nonchalantly strips off her shirt] Uh... yep. Just friends.
[she puts on a clean one]
Luke: Ah, and what kind of friend would I be if I didn't bring you something a little more fun than some dusty old books to help kickstart your memories?
[showing her the keys to her motorcycle]
Luke: That is, unless you forgot how to ride.

Ryan: [re-watching a recording of Angelique at gunpoint] Why are you making me re-live this?
Luke: Black Mask kept tabs on his cookhouses with a video feed, allowed him an eye on the cookie jar without actually getting his hand caught in it. Smart, right? Wrong. Because that allows me to track the internet traffic.
Mary: So we can track it back to the camera's IP address to get the location of the cookhouse where Angelique is being held.
[seeing his look]
Mary: Not just a pretty face here, people.
Ryan: Send those cookhouse coordinates to the Batmobile.
Luke: Uh, I'm not sure that's gonna be first your stop. Somebody turned on the Bat-Signal.

Luke: Why didn't you tell me about Cartwright?
Kate: Honestly... sometimes I feel like you think I'm some infallible hero that makes the right choice every single time. I just... I didn't want to see the look on your face when you realized you were wrong..
Luke: I'm not wrong.
Kate: I broke Batman's code.
Luke: You think you're the only one?

Luke: Okay, are you looking at the satellite access portal?
Mary: Uh, the thing with the dots and the numbers?
Luke: Let's assume "yes".

Luke: Got your text. Uh, yes, technically, Wayne is in possession of a thermal cycler and PCR mixers.
Kate: PCR?
Luke: Polymerase Chain Reaction. It's used to separate and amplify DNA, which then needs to be analyzed against another sample for a match.
Kate: So if I could provide you with another sample?
Luke: Sorry. I just keep the doors locked and the lights on.
Kate: For Bruce Wayne, who isn't here.
Luke: Currently, but not ultimately, which is why we need to talk about his suit. Are you watching the news? The city is clamoring for a hero that isn't here, and I know you don't want to be the city's next great hope, but it's too late, 'cause they think you're him.

Kate: [finding her way into the Batcave] Bruce Wayne is Batman?
Luke: [to himself] Yeah. I'm dead.

Luke: She's not scheming against us.
Kate: And you'd know that how? Because she pretended to fall in love with you when she was really just a babysitter sent by Bruce Wayne?
Mary: [slipping toward the bar] Okay, it's time to day drink.

Ryan: [returning the Batsuit] It's not bulletproof, FYI.
Luke: [seeing the bullet hole] Is this from the kryptonite?
Ryan: [tossing the shard to him] You mean this? Yeah. Hurt like a bitch, too.

Julia: [after "Bruce's" visit to the Crows office] He didn't remember our codename for my father.
Luke: The Eagle? He made it up.
Julia: Yes. I told him to ring Daddy at home at his cottage in Glasgow. Bruce didn't blink an eye.
Luke: Alfred lives in a flat in London.
Julia: I smelled alcohol on his breath. I saw he had a drink in the Commander's office, ran the glass for prints.
Mary: Please do not say what I think you're about to say.
Julia: [showing them Tommy's GCPD file] I'm really sorry, Luke. I think Alice made him a new face.
Luke: No. No. They carried Tommy Elliot out of Arkham in a body bag.
Mary: Or they wanted us to believe as much, and who better to masquerade as Bruce Wayne than the person who's been obsessed with him his entire life?

Luke: Batwoman, we took a group vote, and you need to come home.
Batwoman: What are you talking about? Angelique is being held somewhere in this dump.
Mary: And while we appreciate that she's a former flame, Sophie just dropped an A-bomb. We need to figure out how to preserve your identity.
Batwoman: We will once I find Angelique.
Mary: Didn't Sophie just say that we only had a couple more hours?
Batwoman: Yeah. So I gotta be quick.
Luke: Okay, I'm just gonna say it. Finding Angelique is not worth throwing the Bat-legacy down the drain.
Batwoman: Excuse me?
Luke: Look, I'm just saying you can't have both. Black Mask is using Angelique to cook Snakebite, right? So, he went through a lot of trouble for her, so I highly doubt he'd just kill off his golden goose right off the bat. Priority number one should be saving the future of the symbol for your sake and the city's, and then...
Batwoman: How about this? You two call Sophie, y'all put your heads together and save my future. I'll be here kicking some False Face ass, saving my past.
[finding a mask and blood spatter on the ground]
Batwoman: I'll check in later.

Luke: [leading "Bruce" into the Batcave] For the record, Kate found it all on her own, and Batwoman was her idea.
Tommy: Well, Kate's not the type to sit idle while her sister's upending Gotham.
Luke: Wait. Hold up. You know Alice is Beth?
Tommy: [covering] Of course. They are my cousins.
[seeing the various Bat-weapons]
Tommy: Red accents are a choice.
Luke: Bruce, come on. Why didn't you call or-or write or answer one of my 3,000 texts?
Tommy: Because for every Alice Kate had, I had 20, all trying to find a way to kill me and everyone I cared about. Protecting you meant not letting you in.
[taking a weapon off the wall]
Tommy: Sticky-bomb launcher. Ohh. Oh. Your old man knew what he was doing, although I would have preferred the suit stay fully impenetrable.
Luke: Trust me, that makes two of us. In fact, this is why Kate flew to National City, to ask Kara Danvers if we could destroy one stupid piece of kryptonite before it got into the wrong hands.
Tommy: The only material on Earth strong enough to penetrate the Batsuit. I should probably hold onto this.
Luke: Look, I wanted it gone, okay? I-I-I thought I could protect her.
Tommy: Hey, hey, hey. We'll find her, okay?
[glancing at the wall and noticing what's missing]
Tommy: Wait. Where's the suit?

Kate: Thank you for bailing me out.
Luke: Yeah. I mean, I found the comms, and I saw you hadn't moved in a while, and I figured maybe...
Kate: Yeah, let's not get misty-eyed.
Luke: Yep, no problem. No problem.

Luke: He's going after Ryan?
Mary: Ryan? Why?
Luke: For the suit so he can be Batman.

Luke: This is what's left of the only thing on Earth that can penetrate the Batsuit.
[Mary blows the dust into the air]
Luke: Okay.
Mary: And that is me taking the only weapon that can kill you... off the table.
Kate: Before we get too cocky...
[retrieving a framed picture]
Kate: No more secrets, not between us, and not after today.
[she opens a hidden compartment to reveal the kryptonite shard she obtained during Crisis]
Luke: Where did you get that?
Kate: The same way Bruce did. A friend gave it to me for safekeeping in case she... ever lost her way.
Luke: And you're just telling us about it now because...?
Kate: I honestly didn't think you'd figure out a way to destroy it.
Luke: Well, we did, so hand it over.
Kate: And because I can't. It's not mine to destroy.
Mary: Kate, if that gets into the wrong hands, it'll kill you.
Kate: I promised my friend I would keep it. She trusts me, and until I can talk to her about it, I need you guys to trust me, too.

Batwing: [saves Mary from a fall] Still working out the kinks.

Luke: You are holding the only shard of kryptonite on the planet.
Kate: Why was this in a puddle in the Batcave?
Luke: Safekeeping. Bruce was holding onto it. For... a friend.
Kate: Let me guess. Tights, cape, big "S" on his chest?
Luke: You... how do you know that?
Kate: Lucky guess.

Luke: Ryan, hurry up! If you miss your window, you're gonna end up in the middle of the ocean and there's no shark repellant on the utility belt.
Batwoman: Well, why not?
Luke: Because that's stupid.

Luke: [as Ryan fights False Face hechmen] So, not to backseat hero, but maybe leave one conscious to plant the tracker.
Batwoman: Takes all the fun out of it.

Mary: We're gonna find Kate.
Luke: She needed the suit to survive.
Mary: Miracles happen. I mean...
Luke: It's my fault. I was the one hell-bent on destroying the kryptonite. She didn't even want to do it, and I pushed.
Mary: Luke, that is not what happened.
Luke: I'm the reason she got on that plane. Kate's dead... because of me.
Mary: Luke. You didn't do anything wrong, okay?
Luke: Yeah.
Mary: Look at me. What would Kate say if she knew you were blaming yourself?
Luke: I don't know. Things are usually her fault.
Mary: She'd tell you that there'd be no Batwoman without Luke Fox and to put your pain into something worth changing.

Luke: How did you get her name?
Kate: Batsources, okay?
Luke: Would those batsources be of the tall, dark, and girlfriend material variety?
Kate: I'm choosing to ignore that.

[the Batmobile launches a missile at Ryan's van]
Ryan: Are you kidding me? What was that?
Mary: He wants the suit.
Ryan: He can have it. I'll toss it out the window!
Mary: No!
Luke: If he gets that suit, he becomes the most dangerous person in Gotham. You need to outrun him.
Ryan: Outrun him? Look at his car. I don't even have hubcaps!

Luke: Okay, I'm reading your stats. She injected you with a paralytic.
Batwoman: I got that.
Luke: And you have six Crows incoming.
Batwoman: I got that, too.
Luke: Gonna hit you with an adrenaline shot. Takes about thirty seconds to kick in.
Batwoman: I don't got that.

Luke: May I present to you...
Kate: [he pours a small pile of dust on the table] I'll stick with booze, thanks.
Luke: What? No. That's not... that's kryptonite. I figured out how to destroy it.
Mary: Oh, my god. You used a hammer.
Luke: Okay, more like 40,000 tons of compressive force. Wayne has access to a hydraulic press.
Mary: Mm-hmm. So... just a really expensive hammer.

Luke: What is happening?
Mary: Sorry. Doctor-vigilante confidentiality.

Ryan: I dove out of a flaming building just for a list of names?
Mary: Just a prolific hitman with a long list of names. Anyone else have a pit in their stomach?
Luke: Let's figure out who they are first. Janet Evans is... a ninth-grade biology teacher. Paul Akins... plumber. Jamal Walker... stockbroker. I... I don't get this. I'm not seeing a connection.
Mary: There's no way we can protect all these people.
Ryan: What if we don't have to? Zsasz doesn't find work, work finds him, meaning someone hired him to get this list. We figure out who he works for, and we stop them.
Mary: But how?
Ryan: I ask him.
Luke: [sarcastic] Because he really opened up to you the last time.
Ryan: Not as Batwoman. As Ryan.
Luke: Are you insane? Why would a hitman rat out his employer?
Mary: But he does know who you are, or at least of you peripherally, so it's worth a shot.
Luke: Or you become a tally mark over his right eyebrow.
Ryan: Or I find out who hired him.
[to Mary]
Ryan: You're a billionaire, right? How much of that is liquid?

Luke: You called it. Whatever you said must have rattled Tommy's cage. 22 minutes since you left Arkham, there's already an outgoing call to...
[checking a computer screen]
Luke: ...address says the Lookout.
Kate: Isn't that Johnny Sabatino's club?
Luke: Technically, but Tommy owns the building.
Kate: Hmm. Rumor has it that Sabatino's been laundering Tommy's money through that club for years.
Luke: That is one posh laundromat.

Agent: You come here looking for a fight?
Luke: You looking for another fake excuse to shoot me?

Kate: I killed Cartwright.
Luke: What? What?
Kate: I didn't want to suit up because I feel like a fraud in this thing. I had every chance to stop myself, and I didn't.

Kate: I need that suit to stop Alice. My cousin figured it out years ago. Be more terrifying than your enemy.
Luke: Do you know what this is?
Kate: A... bat... weapon.
Luke: Laser saw. This thing will cut through anything.
Kate: Cool.
Luke: What about this?
Kate: Gas mask?
Luke: Rebreather, to breathe underwater without a tank. See, these aren't toys. These are one-of-a-kind, dangerous tools of which even I don't know how to use. I don't know how to use half the stuff in here, because it's not meant for me. It's meant for Batman.

Kate: Did we just lure a vampire to us using a bar full of walking blood bags?
Luke: Theoretically... yes.

Luke: You finally get Sophie off your tail, and now you're swapping spit with her.
Kate: I don't think you know what kissing is.

Luke: The temporary paralysis was the result of Nocturna injecting you with an animal tranquilizer. That's got to be her M.O.
Kate: It wasn't really an injection. It was more like a bite, nibble, lip thing.
Luke: Do you mind?
Kate: I'm just saying, she had actual fangs that delivered the ketamine. You know, like, just when she bit down on my lip...
Luke: [extremely uncomfortable] Understood and moving on.

Luke: [to Batwoman] You're about to get up close and personal with some truly nasty cannibals.

Kate: We know she's targeting club-goers. Maybe your little black light will come in handy after all.
Luke: We're having a party.
Kate: We're having a party.

Kara: What are those?
Luke: Mementos from Batman's greatest victories.
Kara: You mean trophies. Um...
[sees broken glasses tainted with blood]
Luke: Yeah. Those belonged to Superman, his alter ego at least.
Kara: Bruce killed this Earth's Superman?
Luke: Who do you think put him in that exoskeleton? Yeah. Big mistake.

Mary: So, I assume that you've seen this, because you look good.
[they share a laugh about a picture of Batwoman]
Luke: Uh, hi, Mary. Kate... Kate's not Batwoman. That would be a major time suck from real estate development, her actual job.
Kate: It's fine. She knows.
Mary: Mm-hmm.
Luke: Sh-sh... she knows... she knows what, exact...
Mary: Yeah. We don't have to play this little game anymore.
Luke: What game? So you know what, Kate? You have a showing in fifteen minutes. You should really get going.
Kate: I'll let you two work this one out.
Luke: Yeah, great. So you know what? I'm gonna... you e-mail me that investment strategy, and I'll make sure to... I'll forward you back some-some comments about the building blueprints, and we'll-we'll make sure to get on the-the numbers.
Mary: Now you're just saying words.

Luke: So I have an idea for a name.
Batwoman: Please don't say Black Batman. Seriously? Black Batman?
Luke: Coming from the girl who inherited her code name.

Mary: Well, the suit has GPS, so you might as well just give it back now, Miss...
Ryan: [removing cowl] Wilder, Ryan. And I'm not done yet.
Mary: That suit is meant for a hero, not the lost and found.
Ryan: You tell that to the bored billionaire who found it in Batman's lost box?
Luke: You don't know the first thing about Kate Kane, and you sure as hell don't anything about that symbol.
Ryan: Trust me, I know I'm not a symbol or a name or a legacy.
Mary: Exactly, so why do you think you're worthy of wearing it?
Ryan: Because I'm a number. I am the 327th baby of a black woman who died during childbirth that year. I'm a $20 a day check to a group home. I'm Inmate 4075, serving 18 months for a crime I didn't commit, but I can live with all those numbers because the mama who adopted me, I was her number one, but it turns out she's just one of a quarter million murders in this country who have not seen justice, and that is a number I can't live with, so you can have this damn suit back when her killer is dead.

Luke: We're getting no signs of Kate on traffic cams, and facial recognition is not getting any hits.
Mary: None of the hospitals in 20 miles have admitted Kate, Circe, or any Jane Doe matching that description.
Ryan: Okay, how long since she wandered off, ten hours?
Luke: Long time, especially in Gotham.
Ryan: So what do we do, just sit around and wait?
Luke: [Mary's phone buzzes] Anything?
Mary: Just a belligerent drunk at the Hold-Up acting like they own the place.
Kate: [cut the bar, where she drinks with a group of women] Ohh. We got a dead soldier.
[she throws the empty bottle away]
Ryan: [on the phone] Yeah. So that drunk acting like she owns the place? Turns out she does.

Luke: [after an explosion derails Alice's transport to Arkham] Batcave to Kate. You're still five minutes out.
Batwoman: I can make it.
Luke: Tell me you realize that place is crawling with cops.

Luke: What about cryotechnology? Bruce knew a guy with a cryogenic tank. We freeze your body in cryostasis and slow the cell deterioration!
Beth: So a -196 degree bath in liquid nitrogen? Yeah, that sounds survivable.

Victor: You must be the new girl. Did you find what you're looking for?
Batwoman: [feeling her utility belt] B-Batarang?
Luke: Somebody used 'em all.
Mary: They run out?
Luke: Use the bo staff.
Victor: While we're all waiting for something to happen, can I make you a drink?

Kate: This is really good.
Reagan: It's called an... I sort of thought you'd fight harder to win me back, and I've regretted walking away ever since.
Kate: That is very specific. Any chance you know how to make a Kate Kate is a total idiot?
Reagan: Mm-hmm.
Luke: [on comms] Can you ask her to make you a what the hell are you doing? You have a mission to complete.
Reagan: [seeing her touch her ear] Is your ear okay?
Kate: It's fine. Can you hear that annoying whining sound?
Luke: Mm, hilarious.

Luke: You're not actually gonna run him over, right?
Batwoman: And ruin my new paint job?

Luke: Tell me you destroyed it.
Sophie: I can't. Too many eyes. We need a plan B.
Luke: No. What? Sophie, no. Every plan involves you destroying the damn sample!
Sophie: Look. My entire office is acting like they're sitting on the nuclear codes. I'd have an easier time swiping records out of Area 51. There are only 78 more minutes 'til they get her profile. Then they're gonna upload it to the national DNA database, and... and if she's ever been entered in there for any reason ever, such as an arrest, they're gonna get a match, and the whole world will know Batwoman's identity.

Tommy: Hello? I want my Batsuit.
Luke: [in the Batcave] Oh, crap.
Mary: What? What?
Luke: Tommy has the kryptonite.
Ryan: You're not Bruce Wayne.
Tommy: And you're not Batwoman.

Mary: Hey, I thought we were bathuddling over this Titan Tseslow psycho.
Luke: Bathuddling isn't a thing.

Luke: We're... going clubbing?

Luke: She seduces her victims, drains their blood, and leaves them for dead. It's all very early 2000s. Both victims were lured out of clubs on the Strip in Old Gotham. Crows are replacing every doorman, so I thought we should patrol the only other bar in that neighborhood on that street. It's a place called the Catch.
Kate: It's a janky, old fishermen's bar. It's not really her demo, but, um, what about Curse?
[seeing the confusion in his face]
Kate: EDM. It's invite-only.
Luke: Oh, oh! Curse. The... yeah. Yeah, right. Okay. Yeah. I thought... I thought you said "purse," which is why I was like "A club called Purse? That'd be weird."
Kate: You have no idea what I'm talking about.
Luke: Not a one. Nope.

Luke: Did you get the suit wet?
Kate: Okay, so I couldn't find the autodry function.
Luke: Yeah, because that's not a thing.
Kate: $10.8 million suit. Kind of feels like an oversight. Just saying.

Kate: Tell me you found that journal.
Julia: We've gone through the entire place, which is basically a shrine to his twig and berries, but alas, no Lucius Fox journal.
Luke: The guy owned at least 40 buildings in Gotham alone. Who knows where he could have stashed it?
Kate: [getting an idea] Well, there is one person who knows.

Luke: Cowlcam. What do you think?
Kate: Use this without my permission, and I will find a new place to put my batarang.

Sophie: Pretty sure in the real world this would be an HR violation of appropriate workplace behavior.
Luke: Good thing it's not the real world.
Sophie: Yeah. Well, hurry up because you're breathing like Darth Vader and making me feel bad about that bagel I had for breakfast.

Mary: What's with the mark on his forehead?
Luke: Running facial rec right now.
Ryan: Don't bother. It's Victor Zsasz. He's a hitman. He logs his kills with hash marks.
Luke: How are you on a first-name basis with a prolific hired assassin?
Ryan: Because I know people who know him.
[seeing their looks]
Ryan: What? We kind of run in the same circles.
Luke: You run in the...
Mary: Ran in the same circles, okay? Past tense, and very large, wide circles, which has now just come in handy because now we know who we're looking for.
Ryan: [her phone buzzes] My P.O. is at the Hold-Up looking for me. I gotta go.
Luke: What about Zsasz?
Ryan: I'll deal with him when you find his address. His scars are works of art. He ships in some high-end French skin-care lotion. Name translates like a baby's butt or something.
Mary: Les Fesses de Bebe!
[seeing Luke's look]
Mary: What? It's really good stuff.
Ryan: Yeah. You two, go...
Luke: Track the baby's butt. Yeah. I got it.

Luke: [regarding the batsuit] The suit is literal perfection.

Kate: You know who you sound like?
Luke: I'm sure you'll tell me.
Kate: Lucius Fox.
Luke: Trust me, I am far cry from my father.
Kate: Oh, I know. He was actually useful.

Kate: If Beth is enemy number one in Gotham, then we have to get her to a hospital outside the city. Maybe a new face to face with this new commander. Can help us past the checkpoints.
Luke: Sorry. By telling her what exactly?
Kate: I hadn't figured that out yet.
Luke: I have. It's easy. All you have to say is that "an event called Crisis merged an infinite number of universes, resulting in Alice's not-so-evil twin from another Earth ending up on this Earth. Just ask Supergirl or The Flash, and, oh, by the way, I swear I'm not Batwoman."

Luke: Oh. Hey. Slam is Mr. March in the Annual Hunks of the GCPD calendar.
Kate: The handcuffs are a nice touch.
Luke: I got to say I can't really blame people for shipping you and Captain America.
Kate: Have we not had this conversation? I'm very, very, gay.

Luke: The cowl shock thing, not the worst idea.
Kate: She wants to be part of this, and the answer is no.
Luke: She doesn't want to be part of this as much as she wants to be part of your life.
Kate: Then I will take her out for dinner. We need to focus on your dad's journal. If that thing really is the cookbook of Wayne Enterprises' best-kept secrets, we need to find where Tommy Elliot hid it.

Kate: Am I a fraud?
Luke: You still hung up on this Slam Bradley love affair?
Kate: Yeah. Whenever I put on this suit, I feel like I'm lying to our entire city.
Luke: Well, that's the job.
Kate: According to the multiverse, my job is to be a Paragon of Courage.
Luke: Right. Because a Paragon finder said so before the infinite Earths collapsed into a single space-time continuum. I'm sure it was all very exciting.
Kate: I live in shadows, I wear a disguise, and I let people believe that I'm dating Captain America. What part of that is courageous?
Luke: Kicking bad guys' asses to protect your city is pretty damn courageous.

Mary: Wasn't supposed to be Beth.
Luke: We did everything right. We found a loophole, we-we kept her alive, we got her through the checkpoints. I thought we were in the clear, and then it just... just came out of nowhere.
Mary: It wasn't your fault, Luke.
Luke: Look, we need to figure out who shot her.
Mary: I agree, but first, we need to prepare ourselves for the real Alice. The Crows think that she's dead, and she's not, which means no one's out looking for her, and if my twin picked my alien doppelganger's life over mine, I'd be on the verge of going nuclear.
[to Kate]
Mary: Uh, no offense.
Kate: You're right. I looked her in the eye and I told her I chose to save someone else.
Mary: Kate... you did the right thing. You have to know that.
Kate: It doesn't matter, because the wrong Beth lived. Now Alice is back on the loose because of me, and we need to brace ourselves for the consequences.

Sophie: Oh, no.
Luke: What? What happened?
Sophie: It's not just Batwoman's file. They're uploading DNA profiles from dozens of Crows investigations.
Luke: You can't single hers out?
Sophie: That's the problem. They made the file labels numbers for anonymity. There are no names, meaning there's no way to tell them apart. The only way to get Batwoman's would be to corrupt them all.
Luke: How serious are these cases?
Sophie: This being Gotham, we can be damn sure it's not for jaywalking. If we did this, we wouldn't just be protecting Batwoman. We would be protecting rapists and murderers. We can't do it, Luke.
Luke: What about Batwoman, Sophie? The results will be back in a matter of minutes. What are we supposed to do?
Sophie: I might have an idea.

Nocturna: Vampire, Bat. Screams "duo" to me.
Batwoman: I work alone.
Luke: [on comms] I heard that.
Batwoman: Shh.

Luke: [holds up Desert Eagle] This is a Desert Eagle Mark IX .50 AE, one of the most powerful handguns in the world. It can literally blast a hole through anything."

Ryan: [Mary is in danger] You keep trying her. I'll suit up. Oh, and don't kill me, but I made some alterations.
Luke: To what, the suit? It's not yours.
Ryan: I know. It's Kate's, but if I'm gonna be Batwoman, I'm doing it my way.
Luke: But the suit is perfect.
Ryan: Have you seen the damn wig?