The Best Reagan Quotes

Reagan: [to Kate; about Tommy Elliott] Danger. Hazardous Waste. Thinks he's doing us all a favor when he really just helps fund the laws that are separating our city... Gotham, am I right?

Kate: Where's the journal?
Reagan: I don't know, and that's the truth. I... I gave it to someone.
Kate: Who?
Reagan: It will sound worse than it is.
Kate: Who do you work for?
Reagan: It's more like "with". My sister Margot. You know her... as Magpie.

Kate: Magpie is your sister?
Reagan: Surprise.
Kate: Why did she want it?
Reagan: It bought her her freedom out of Arkham.
Kate: Who did she give it to?
Reagan: I don't know. I don't ask for details for exactly this reason. Besides, by now, it's lost up the food chain, she's in the wind. I told all of this to your friend.
Kate: What? What friend?
Reagan: Blonde chick with the British accent. She cornered me in a parking lot, put a knife to my throat, didn't stop to give a name.

Reagan: What are you doing here? Don't you have a club of your own now?
Kate: I'm checking out the competition. Promise not to tell your boss?
Reagan: Only if you let me make you a drink on the house and you promise not to tell my boss.
Kate: Deal.
Reagan: I actually stopped by the Holdup a couple of times. I was hoping... I don't know, maybe I would run into you.
Kate: I don't really oversee the day-to-day.
Reagan: Too busy? Yeah, I remember. At the risk of sounding even more stalkery, I've been following your real estate endeavors. Buying up property around Bennett Park and actually lowering the rents? This city could use a lot more Kate Kane.

Kate: This is really good.
Reagan: It's called an... I sort of thought you'd fight harder to win me back, and I've regretted walking away ever since.
Kate: That is very specific. Any chance you know how to make a Kate Kate is a total idiot?
Reagan: Mm-hmm.
Luke: [on comms] Can you ask her to make you a what the hell are you doing? You have a mission to complete.
Reagan: [seeing her touch her ear] Is your ear okay?
Kate: It's fine. Can you hear that annoying whining sound?
Luke: Mm, hilarious.