The Best Tyler Barrol Quotes

Nolan: No "thank you?"
Tyler: Of course. 20 million of them.

Tyler: Side out, bitch.

Emily: I don't know what you're talking about. But you should get out. You're not welcome here.
Tyler: [wants the evidence] Give it to me now, you bitch!
[lunges forward at her]
Emily: [shoving him away] Get the hell out of my face! You know the Graysons can't stand you? Leaching off of them all summer, who can blame them? Daniel told me you've always given him the creeps, and even Ashley thinks you're a lying hypocrite. And as for me, well, I've always seen you for exactly what you are.
[while keping him enraged, sneaks Frank's wallet into his coat pocket]
Emily: An impotent little misfit who's gonna spend the rest of his life on the outside looking in.
[turns her back on him disdainfully, starts walking away]
Tyler: [finds handgun and aims it at her back] Emily...

Tyler: Gay? Eh. Hustler? Maybe.