30 Best Josh Bowman Quotes

Charlotte: My party was a blast, Daniel. Sadly, no potential boyfriends, but, still, thank you.
Daniel: [chuckles] Stay single, Charlotte. Life's far easier that way. I think Emily's out to get me. A bellhop at the South Fork told me that she and Dad are working together on something.
Charlotte: Why would she trust him when his mistress shot her?
Daniel: [lowers his glass] I'm not sure. But... they got close when he thought he was dying, and... and, you know, he always wanted me to marry Emily.
[shrugs, puts down his drink]
Daniel: Listen, I want you to... help me with something.
Charlotte: What do you want me to do?
Daniel: Voulez is Dad's new base of operations. Okay, now that you're working there, find out all you can about what he's up to.
[she nods]
Daniel: All right? Like I said, it's just you and me now.
[she smiles]

Louise: [turning her back on him in enticing way] You're a man in search of an identity.
[turns around]
Louise: You clearly haven't settled on one yet.
Daniel: You're unlike anyone I've ever met.

Daniel: You never sent me the report I asked for detailing your abandoned R&D.
Nolan: Yeah. Guess I kind of forgot about it.
Daniel: No, see, I don't think you did. I think you don't want me to know about Carrion, and you'd rather get fired than tell me what it does.
Nolan: Let's see if you're right. Fire me.
Daniel: [whispering] Nolan, if I find out you've done anything other than destroy that program, I won't just fire you. I will cripple you with lawsuits and make sure you never write another line of code again. You got it?
Nolan: Control, alt, delete. Got it.

Sara: Well, I don't want your money. I want you to leave me alone.
Daniel: Well, I can't, not after what...
Daniel: Not after you hurt yourself the way you did.
Sara: You... you think I tried to kill myself, because you married Emily? That is... is so typical Grayson, believing everything is about you.
Daniel: Your roommate called me...
Sara: I was drunk, Danny. I passed out and almost drowned. I was stupid, okay? But I won't be stupid again.

Emily: [bearing gift] I wanted to leave this at your parents' wedding before...
Daniel: Before the whole thing went to hell?
[she sighs]
Daniel: Mom and Dad will be very touched,
Daniel: assuming it is not ticking.

Daniel: [the sound of high heels passing] Char. Could you come here a sec?
[she approaches]
Daniel: Uh, I was just trying to remember. When you managed to help Emily get all her memory back, how did you do that?
Charlotte: Oh, I didn't. That was Jack, remember?
Daniel: Of course.
Daniel: My bad. And he asked you to sneak him in here too, right?
Charlotte: [cautious] What are you getting at?
Daniel: Just that Jack seemed to put a lot of behind-the-scenes effort into Emily after the shooting.
Margaux: Yeah. He's her friend, Daniel.
Daniel: Is that all? Because I just think it's odd
[Charlotte shakes her head]
Daniel: that he's trying to push you to leave now that Emily's single.
Charlotte: [dismayed] Daniel, stop. Don't listen to him.
Margaux: [to Daniel] You're trying to manipulate me.
Daniel: No, I'm just trying to get you to open your eyes. Jack is doing exactly what your father always has, what's best for him. It's time to do what's best for you.
[this clearly hits home with her]

Victoria: Daniel, must we continue this endless display of animosity? I don't know how much longer I can weather this.
Daniel: Emily came clean about how you manipulated her into spying on me. It's pathetic.
Victoria: The fact that she agreed to my proposition should call her own motives into question.
Daniel: Oh, say what you will about Emily, but at least she had the courage to tell me the truth. Which is more than I can say about you.

Daniel: Like you've ever approved of any girl I've chosen myself.
Victoria: [as Ashley enters] With good reason.

Daniel: [to Emily, who is wearing stunning dress] You just had to wear red. I guess I'll be betting on black for the night.

Louise: [showing off slinky dress] Too much, or 'hot damn'?
Daniel: Definitely 'hot damn'.
Louise: So, tell me, Danny, am I wasting all my top-notch flirting on you? Is there a prim New York girl waiting at home?
Daniel: No.
Daniel: No, there's not.

Charlotte: Look, you're not gonna tell mom and dad about me being pregnant, are you?
Daniel: You think that's a conversation I want to be a part of?

Daniel: Dear dad, my whole life I've been told I was destined for greatness based solely of the virtue of my name. I was taught sacrifice was for the foolish, survival was all that mattered. But now I find myself in the crossroads, and I must decide what I believed to be true. There is no such thing as destiny. Legacies must be earned by the choices we make. I now know that we write our own endings, and we can either choose to hide as villains, or live as heroes.

Daniel: I didn't hear you come in last night.
Emily: Um, I got a late start leaving the Hamptons, dropped in on your Mom for a goodwill call.
Daniel: Yeah? How is the witch?
Emily: She actually said she'd come today.
Daniel: Really? It seems like we're all doing better apart than together.
Emily: It's been a long time, Daniel. What could go wrong?

Charlotte: [coming down the stairs, giggling at the prospect] Nothing like a little retail therapy.
Regina: Sounds beautiful.
Daniel: Where are you two off to?
Regina: I'm taking Eeyore out to buck her up. Promise not to make any more headlines.
Daniel: Can I have a minute with my sister?
[Regina moves on]
Daniel: Look, I just wanted to say you don't have to be embarrassed about what happened outside that club. All right? Not around me.
Charlotte: Don't try to commiserate. You have no idea what I'm going through.
Daniel: Sure I do. I... I've been through a rough patch when I was your age. Hey, you... you're going to be at our engagement party later tonight, aren't you?
Charlotte: Sorry, but I can't be around Mom right now. And I'm sure you understand or you wouldn't be moving to France. But good luck tonight.
[moves to go, then turns back]
Charlotte: And this year, try not to shoot anyone.
[he scoffs]

Daniel: Is this Marco Romero?
Marco: Who is this? Do you know what time it is?
Daniel: Oh, it's late. My apologies. My name's Daniel Grayson with Grayson Global. I have a business proposition for you. One that involves Nolcorp.
Marco: [his interest piquing] I'm listening.

Daniel: [on cellphone] What are you talking about?
Charlotte: [overhears] Daniel?
Daniel: [switches off phone] That was Sara's roommate.
Charlotte: Daniel, what is it?
Daniel: Sara tried to kill herself.
Charlotte: I am so sorry.
[tries comforting him]
Daniel: Don't. Don't.
[whispers: ]
Daniel: Don't.

Charlotte: [he offers her a portfolio] What's that?
Daniel: I went to the bank and opened up a new trust account for you, one that Dad can't touch. I transferred everything I own into it, including my half of the inheritance. You can even have my car if you want it.
Charlotte: What? Why are you doing this?
Daniel: 'Cause when you were born, Mom made me promise to be nice to you, and I don't want to let her down. I'm gonna move out to the pool house. You can, uh, have this place to yourself.
Charlotte: Daniel, I-...
Ashley: What's this about the pool house?
[been eavesdropping]

Daniel: [as Emily clambers out of the elevator through the lid above him] If I knew you were that flexible, things might have worked out.

Daniel: [as dressed-to-kill girlfriend steps into high heels] Wow. Where are you off to?
Ashley: I forgot that I have to butter up some donors for the Heal the Sound benefit. But I won't be long.
Daniel: Good.
[holding her to him from behind]
Daniel: I'm liable to get jealous with you out dressed like this.
[sensing tension]
Daniel: Something wrong?
Ashley: Daniel, no one's ever been kinder to me than you. I just want you to know how much that means to me.
Daniel: Well, that's nice. You're welcome, babe. Now hurry up, so you can get back here.

Krasko: Blue box in the alley, is it a TARDIS?
The: Might be. What's it to you?
Krasko: Well, could be worth a lot.
The: Nah, not that one. Second hand, huge mileage, one careless owner!

Louise: [emerging from dressing room] Danny! You made it! Is this your first business meeting in a dress shop?
Daniel: [scoffs] Yeah. Pretty... pretty sure it is, yeah. Although, next time, you might wanna choose someplace more private. My family is still the top story.
[onlookers peering]
Louise: They don't bother me. I'm from the South, dear. If they're not gossipin' about you, you might as well be dead.

Daniel: [to Emily] You look good. You out on a date? Want me to call the poor guy and read him his last rites?

Daniel: Did I tell you how beautiful you look in that dress?
Emily: [amused laugh] Twice, actually.
Daniel: Well, what can I say? Some things are worth repeating.

Louise: [emerging from swimming pool, showing off in white bikini] You still checking out my portfolio?
Daniel: [nose to the grindstone] You can afford to take more risks. Your buys have been way too conservative.
Louise: Says the guy in a suit at the pool. Come on, it's summer. It's hot as hellfire. Don't you want to get in and cool off, then we can talk some business?
Daniel: I'd rather talk about increasing your return.
Daniel: I can give you some quick fixes, but... you need a more comprehensive overhaul. Trust me.
Louise: [comes nearer] And why should I trust you?
[sits down next to him]
Louise: I don't know anything about you. Except for your last name.
Daniel: Well, don't hold that against me. Tabloids print lies.
Louise: Mm. My brother is in politics. I'm aware of how papers are sold.
[dismissive: ]
Louise: It's all lies and sex.
[shakes head]
Louise: Why don't you tell me something about yourself? Something personal, like, uhm... tell me about your mother. Says a lot about a man's character how he gets along with his mama.

Emily: [as he wakes up next to her] Hi.
Daniel: How is it possible for you to wake up looking this good?
Emily: It isn't. You're just half asleep.
Daniel: Come here. I like this dream.

Daniel: Nolan. I see you found my office.
Nolan: Isn't this where I wait to get my Grayson Global ID badge?
Daniel: When I said I wanted to meet, I figured we'd get one on the books.
Nolan: Haven't you heard? Books are obsolete.

Conrad: [as they scan Emily approaching] The return of the vivacious and elusive Ms. Emily Thorne. It's never too late to reconcile, you know.
Daniel: Never gonna happen, Dad.
Conrad: Why not? Come on, she's a much more suitable match than the delightful if frothy little confection Ashley Davenport.
Daniel: Yeah, well, at least Ashley's smart enough not to cheat on me.
Conrad: Is she now?
[knowing something Daniel doesn't]

Charlotte: [bridal shower speech] And it took some time for my brother to find someone who'd put up with him. And I get that. He can be annoying.
Charlotte: But he's still my best friend. So, Emily, be good to him, or you'll have me to deal with.
[raising: ]
Charlotte: To Daniel and Emily!
all: To Daniel and Emily!
man: [calling out from crowd] Cheers!
Charlotte: [stepping down from podium] I see you drank to that. Refills?
Daniel: I'll get us all one.
Emily: That was lovely, Charlotte. Thank you.
Charlotte: [veiled warning] I meant every word.

Daniel: Come on, give me a reason. And I want to know the truth!
Emily: [furious] How dare you demand the truth? You're right, Daniel, I'm not an idiot. I know exactly what happened this morning.
Daniel: And this was in retaliation? Did you stop for a second to think why I helped my father?
Emily: Does it matter? It's disgusting!
[he scoffs and turns away]
Emily: I thought you were better than Conrad, but you're just as wrapped up in his lies.
Daniel: Yeah, right, 'cause you're such an open book.
[she slings her bag over her shoulder]
Daniel: Where are you going?
Emily: I'm not doing this.
Daniel: You walk out that door and I'm not gonna be here when you get back.
Emily: Then don't forget to turn on the alarm.

Daniel: [as Charlotte pretends to ignore him] Look, I get why you're mad, okay, but this silent treatment's lasted three days. And now that I'm back at Voulez, I want you there, too.
Charlotte: You used me to turn Margaux against Jack.
Daniel: I just tried to get you both to see the light about that guy. I'm sorry for the way I did it... all right?
Charlotte: Just so you know, your little plan didn't work. I'm helping Jack with his move.
Daniel: Char, I'm not making this up, okay? You know how tight he is with Emily. Tell me you've never wondered what their connection is.
Charlotte: I don't care. Carl's my nephew. And Jack has been nothing but nice to me.
Daniel: And what if you're blindly defending the man who is helping Emily demolish this family? Could you ever forgive yourself?
[Charlotte considers this]