Top 20 Quotes From Nardole

Nardole: Don't cross your arms.
The: He's a lying down person. I don't like lying down people. It's so untidy.
Nardole: Keep your arms by your side, like she said.
[the Doctor puts his arms by his side]
River: You are my one true love. the only husband I will ever have.
[the Doctor crosses his arms angrily - Nardole taps him and he uncrosses them]
River: My time with you has been too short.
King: You have given me days of adventure; many nights of passion.
The: Oh, hah!
[he crosses his arms again]
Nardole: Why do you keep crossing them?
The: Because they cross, I've got cross arms.

Bill: That's what I don't get. They invade somewhere, take control, why go to the trouble of changing the past?
Nardole: However bad the situation is, if people think that's how it's always been, they put up with it. It's 90% of the job done.

Suit: You look like you're trying to run. Would you like some help with that?
Bill: Can you shut your girlfriend up?
Nardole: Velma! That was her name.
Suit: Confirmed. My name is now Velma.

[Opening shot, the glowing end of a large spacecraft, engines pulling an inferno inwards. The view moves down its side. Lingering occasionally at windows, we see an industrial city and the number 1056, then a green, hilly terrain under a blue sky, then plains full of wheat. Pulling back, the camera looks down the remaining length of the ship, pointing towards a black hole and its violent accretion disk as rocks fall toward it and explode. At the end of the ship facing the black hold is a small blister of a room jutting out from the center of a large, mostly featureless bulkhead. Inside, a video camera comes alert as the sound of the TARDIS materialisation begins. Solidifying, the door opens and out walks...]
Missy: Hello. I'm Doctor Who.
[one of the cameras twitches, as if saying, "No," then locks onto her face as she poses]
Missy: And these are my plucky assistants...
[Bill and Nardole walk out of the TARDIS, glumly]
Missy: Thing One, and the other one.
Nardole: Bill, Nardole.
[Missy walks to the center of the room]
Missy: We picked up your distress call...
[Missy smiles and winks exaggeratedly]
Missy: and here we are to help...
[Missy spins and twirls her closed umbrella over her head]
Missy: like awesome heroes.
Bill: Yeah, no, we're not assistants, that's...
Missy: Ok, right, what- So, what does he call you, companions? Pets? Shnacks?

The: What do you want from me?
Nardole: The truth.
The: Don't be unreasonable.

Bill: Are you trying to get rid of us?
The: Why?
Nardole: Because you're sending us into the dark after a man with a gun.
The: Ah, well, I've thought of that.
Nardole: Thank you.
The: Nardole, make sure that you walk in front of Bill.

Nicolas: Choose a number, any number, both of you, now. And say it when I tap this table.
[he taps the table]
Bill,48463: [speaking at the same time] 36.

Nardole: Only in darkness are we revealed. Goodness is not goodness that seeks advantage. Good is good in the final hour, in the deepest pit, without hope, without witness, without reward. Virtue is only virtue in extremis.

The: Look at this. Classic design.
[the Doctor is examining a door hatch]
The: Pressure seals, hinges.
[He points the sonic screwdriver, sweepingly encircling the hatch]
The: None of that 'Shuck! Shuck!' nonsense.
Nardole: [petulantly] Space doors are supposed to go 'Shuck! Shuck!' not
Nardole: [as door slowly opens going] 'Mnnnnnhhhhhhhh.'

The: It's as if his bones have disintegrated.
Nardole: Oh. What could do that?
The: Complete and total absence of any kind of sunlight.
Nardole: Huh. Death by Scotland.

[last lines]
Nardole: [talking to the vault] Because, yeah, he may have a little friend now, and, yeah, he may be a little bit distracted, but I'll tell you something: I'm still here! And as long as I'm still here, *you* are going nowhere!
[pounding is heard from inside the vault in triplets]

The: [In The TARDIS] What you are standing in is a technological marvel. It is science beyond magic. This is the gateway to everything that ever was, or ever can be.
Bill: Can I use the toilet?
The: Pardon?
Bill: I've had a fright. I need the toilet.
The: It's down there, first right, second left, past the macaroon dispenser.
Bill: Thanks.
Nardole: [Nardole is coming up the stairs as Bill heads down] Oh, human! Human alert. Do you want me to repel her?
The: She's just passing through. She wants to use the toilet.
Nardole: Oh. I'd er give it a minute, if I were you.

Bill: Nardole, are you secretly a badass?
Nardole: Nothing secret about it, baby doll.

Bill: [the Doctor touches a spacesuit] Doctor!
The: It's fried. Should be safe.
Nardole: You thought you were safe before.
The: Yes, well I'm bound to be right eventually, aren't I?

Nardole: Your missus wouldn't approve.
The: How the hell did you get here?
Nardole: Followed you from Darillium on the explicit orders of your late wife, River Song. Warning: I have full permission to kick your arse.

Nardole: I used to have an imaginary friend, till he left me for someone else.

The: [explaining to Bill] You only see the true face of the Universe, when it's asking for help
Nardole: [Off-camera, Nardole interjects] I haven't seen my 'true face' in years...
[camera focuses cuts to Nardole, standing by the TARDIS' door]
Nardole: ... swapped it for this one...
[Nardole starts to pull on 'his' face cheek]
Nardole: ... on the run.

Cardinal: The very center of the Haereticum, home of the Veritas for over a thousand years.
The: Truth in the heart of heresy.
Cardinal: And death in the heart of truth.
Nardole: You'd be wizard at writing Christmas crackers, you two.

Nardole: [describing how the Tardis works] First you have to imagine a very big box fitting inside a very small box.
Bill: Okay
Nardole: Then, you have to make one. It's the second part people normally get stuck on.

The: Shall we pop over and have a look? Pretty sure no one's on board.
Nardole: How do you know? Did you scan for life forms?
The: No. All the lights are off .