150 Best The Doctor Quotes

The: Need a lift anywhere?
Dan: Why? Where are you going?
The: No idea. Wanna come?

[the Doctor meets Yaz's family for the first time]
The: Look at your views! Never had a flat. I should get a one, I'd be good in a flat. I could get a sofa. Imagine me with a sofa, like my own sofa. I could get a purple one and sit on it...
The: [softly, to Ryan] Am I being weird?
Ryan: A little bit, yeah.
The: Trying to do small talk, I thought I was doing quite well.
Yasmin: Needs work.

The: Doesn't time fly when you don't have all the answers?

Dalek: Humanity will surrender. Dalek invasion fleet will be summoned. Total conquest of Earth predicted in 9376 rels.
[Dalek fires propulsion jets and blasts through the warehouse roof]
The: [runs outside the warehouse to track the Dalek's course] Now I must remember. How long's a rel?

The: Have you got work done?
Captain: You can talk.

The: Something's missing. No ship, Sherlock!

Yasmin: Doctor, can I just say...
[motions to the Twelfth Doctor's tattered outfit that she's still wearing]
Yasmin: ...you really need to get out of those clothes.
The: Right, yeah. It's been a long time since I bought women's clothes.

Grace: You came crashing through the roof!
The: Yeah, I was thrown out of my Tardis... Oh! I've lost my Tardis! It was exploded, then it dematerialized. Don't panic! Not the end of the world. Well, it could be the end of the world, but one thing at a time.
Graham: Are we supposed to understand anything you're saying?

Dalek: [a Dalek suddenly bursts through a sealed door within a large warehouse] I am rebuilt!
The: [examining the reconstructed Dalek front and back] What do you call this look - junkyard chic?
Dalek: Earth is now under control of the Daleks.
The: No it's not. You couldn't even control one person.
Dalek: Humanity will surrender.
The: They really won't, trust me. I've seen them in action. They've fought off so many things, including the worst of their own people. They're really stubborn. Have you not worked that out yet?

Tim: You're interfering in things you don't understand.
The: Yeah, well, we all need a hobby.

The: You're a medic, I'm the Doctor.
Mabli: A doctor of medicine?
The: Well, medicine, science, engineering, candy floss, LEGO, philosophy, music, problems, people, hope. Mostly hope.

Graham: And... so's Polidori. I lost him.
The: You had one job.
Graham: Yeah, made more challenging by his ability to walk through walls.

Svild: May death rain down on you both.
The: Well, it's nice to meet you, too.

Graham: There's no such thing as aliens. Anyway even if there was, they ain't going to be on a train to Sheffield.
The: Why not? I'm alien and I'm here.

Durkas: Will you incant for her?
Ronan: It would be my honour.
The: Can we join you?
Durkas: Please.
Ronan: May the saints of all the stars and constellations...
Ronan,48451: ...bring you hope as they guide you out of the dark and into the light on this voyage and the next and on all the journeys still to come.
The: For now and evermore.

The: [via pre-recorded hologram] I'm probably worried for you if you're hearing this... And I'm sure I miss you.
Yasmin: I miss you too.
The: I know you do... I hope you said 'I miss you too' or else that bit's weird.

Yasmin: What do we do when we get up there?
The: Don't worry. I've got a plan.
Yasmin: Really?
The: Well, I will have by the time we get to the top.

[the Thirteenth Doctor's first lines]
Thirteenth: Oh, brilliant!

The: But the Master tracked me down, and now he wants me dead, whereas I am a big fan of being alive.

The: Don't be scared. All of this is new to you, and new can be scary.

The: Keep your faith. Travel hopefully. The universe will surprise you... constantly.

The: [emerging from the wreckage] Sorry about the mess.

Ryan: Did you just make that?
The: Sonic screwdriver, well, I say 'screwdriver', but it's a bit more multi-purpose that that. Scanner, diagnostics, tin opener. More of a sonic Swiss Army knife. Only without the knife, only idiots carry knives.

The: These legs definitely used to be longer!

The: So, how do you defeat two rampaging immortals? Answer you don't. Those two planets, they've spent a millennia trying to work out how to do it.
Graham: Well, I think the motivational speech needs a bit of work, Doc, if you don't mind. Also, a plan, by the way.
The: I've got plans crashing through my brain all the time. You want a plan? Come to me. Identifying which plan's gonna work, that's the tricky bit.

Yasmin: Hold on there, please, Madam. I need you to do as I say. This could be a potential crime scene.
The: Why are you calling me 'Madam'?
Yasmin: Because... you're a woman?
The: Am I? Does it suit me?
Yasmin: What?
The: Oh yeah, I remember! Sorry, half an hour ago I was a white-haired Scotsman.

Graham: Oh, come on, Doc, this is where you jump in with a rational explanation. I mean, ghosts don't exist, right?
The: Unless they do.

The: I gave you your chance.
Queen: A chance to be like you?
The: A chance to evolve. But you were too stupid to take it. When you die, there'll be nothing left behind. Just a trail of blood and other people's brilliance. No-one will even know you existed.

Bella: You've got a plan, right?
The: Oh, it's brewing. At least three-eighths of a plan right here. Two-eighths. I'll be honest, all I've got is the letter P, but sometimes that's all I need.

The: Surrender to death.
The: I'd rather not.

The: Ryan Sinclair picked up a dead bird in Peru and might just have saved the world.
Ryan: Well, I am here for you guys, you know.

Yasmin: Doctor, it's OK...
The: It's not OK! Not for me! You don't understand anything.
Yasmin: ...alright.

The: Everything go all right? Apart from being kidnapped?

The: What do you want?
Swarm: To reign in hell.

The: 'Cause you, me, and the end of the universe--it's personal now.

The: They're preparing to beam down there. A platoon of Judoon. Near the moon. They can't do that.

The: If I'd known we were gonna get a royal visit I'd have put the kettle on.

Ruth: Well done. You're only five minutes behind someone who just had their memory fully restored. Five points!
The: Don't do points, I do points. Points are my thing.

The: Never been good at sprinting?
O: I was the last one in every race at school.
The: No, no, no, I read your file. You're a champion sprinter.
O: [smirks] Got me. Well done.
Graham: What's going on, Doc?
The: I don't know.
O: You best take a look out the window.
[everyone rushes to the window, where a house is flying alongside the airplane]
Graham: How is your house out there?
O: It's all a bit "Wicked Witch of the West", but you get the gist. Maybe. Maybe not.
[turns to face the Doctor]
O: Oh, come on, Doctor, catch up. You can do it.
The: [gasps as she begins to realize the truth] Oh!
O: That's my name, and that is why I chose it. So satisfying! Doctor, I... I did say look for the spymaster. Or should I say spy... Master.

The: [on the mobile] Get me Kate Stewart at UNIT! This is a code zero emergency!
Call: I don't know what that is, I'm afraid. Which organization did you say?
The: *UNIT* Unified Intelligence Taskforce. This is incredibly urgent. The fate of the entire planet is at stake.
Call: I'm checking for you... Oh, I'm so sorry. UNIT operations have been suspended, pending review.
The: What? No, it can't have been! UNIT is a fundamentally vital protection for planet Earth against alien invasion.
Call: Yes, but when did that last happen?
The: Now! Right now! What happened to it?
Call: I'm just checking... All UNIT operations were put on hold following financial disputes, and subsequent funding withdrawal by the UK's major international partners.
The: You're kidding.
Call: Other armed forces are available if you can answer a couple of questions, to help me best direct your call.
[the Doctor hangs up]

Nikola: Who are you?
The: Someone with a fast way out of here!

[explaining the anti-matter drive]
The: This is like the iPhone version of CERN.

Dalek: Daleks do not have friends.
The: Yeah, well, you only got yourselves to blame for that.

The: Is anyone else trapped?
Graham: Yes, and I think I'm seeing dead people.

Dalek: You will not escape us, Doctor.
The: Yes, I will. Every time.

[the Doctor is trying to help Epzo land his spaceship]
The: I can get us into the atmosphere if we jettison the rear section.
Epzo: Listen to me. Nobody is jettisoning anything. This is the Cerebos, all right? She's the envy of millions.
The: Really?
Epzo: Yes. People have written songs about her.
The: They'll be writing operas about our pointless deaths if we don't take drastic action *right* *now*!
Yasmin: We're about to die?
The: Oh, sorry Yaz. I forgot you were there. All gonna be fine.

Professor: How did you get in here?
The: Your door was open.
Professor: It most certainly was not.
The: Well, it was once I opened it. But let's not get bogged down in the order of things.

The: Hi! I don't suppose you've seen anything weird around here?

The: Here's my New Year's Resolution: I'm coming for you, Dalek!

Dalek: Dalek strategy is supreme.
The: Says you.

The: Oi, Brando! Looking for us?

Yasmin: So everything we saw, everything we've lied to people about, is this normal for you?
The: I'm just a traveler. Sometimes I see things need fixing, I do what I can.

The: I can't help feeling that some of this is my fault.
Yasmin: Some? All of this is your fault!

The: Yeah, well, I'm pretty good at stopping the unstoppable.

Dalek: Daleks are not worried.
The: You should be.

Graham: Are you sure it's safe?
The: You trust me, don't you?
Graham: Have I got to answer that?
The: Oi!
Graham: Is it gonna hurt?
The: No. Probably not. Maybe. Yeah. Ready?
Graham: No!

King: What do you know of my mother?
The: You could have seen her before she died, but you didn't want to. Why?
King: She left me. When I was not even one year old. What kind of mother does that? Why would I wish to see her?
The: Nobody will ever know why she left you, James. But you can't go hurting people just because you're scared to face up to the darkness inside you. You have to be better than that.
King: Who are you? How do you know these things?
The: I know, because we're all the same. We want certainty, security... to believe that people are evil or heroic. But that's not how people are. You want to know the secrets of existence? Start with the mysteries of the heart. I can show you everything if you stop being afraid of what you don't understand... if you trust me.

The: In societies that let this happen, there's nearly always a ruling elite that gets to evacuate, and then signs off all responsibility for whatever they've left behind.
Yasmin: That's messed up.
The: Happens more than you think.

The: The name's Doctor. *The* Doctor.

Ruth: Is there even a word for how dumb you are?
The: "Doctor"?

The: And three very special people I've missed.
Captain: One of them was me, right?
The: You never change.
Captain: Wish I could say the same.

The: Alright! It's a work in progress, but so's life. It'll be fine.

The: What did the telepathic circuits lock onto?
Ryan: [to Graham] If they were hooked into your mind, no wonder we're somewhere dark and weird.
Graham: Oi!

The: My friends are never lost.

[Judy is watching the Doctor's scans]
Judy: Oh, two hearts!
The: Courtesy of the First Lady. Very good healthcare policy, I don't like to talk about it.

The: Come on, brains. Move it along!

Yasmin: Have you got family?
The: No. Lost them a long time ago.
Ryan: How do you cope with that?
The: I carry them with me. What they would have thought and said and done. Make them a part of who I am. So even though they're gone from the world, they're never gone from me.

The: I learned to think like a Dalek a long time ago.

Ryan: What you gonna do?
The: Me? Oh, you know. Very busy. Busy, busy. I've got maintenance. Correspondence. Correspondence about maintenance.

The: [angrily to herself, as Becka and King James accuse her of being a witch] Honestly! If I was still a bloke, I could get on with the job and not have to waste time DEFENDING MYSELF!

Kane: You can't build an ionic membrane from scratch.
The: If I had crayons and half a can of Spam, I could build YOU from scratch.

[holds up her new sonic]
The: Swiss Army sonic! Now with added Sheffield steel.

The: This planet, this time period. We're in the very far future. The immediate aftermath of the Cyberwars. The Cybermen have hunted down and wiped out the majority of the human race. Sorry. There was never a good time to break that news to you. If it's any consolation,, it almost wiped out the Cybermen, too.

The: I made iced tea. Possibly.

The: Zellin's a mythical name, way beyond this universe. Zellin was thought to be a god.
Zellin: I blush.

The: Don't want to talk to me? Fine. I don't need a second person for a conversation. A lot of the time they just get in the way.

The: So, with the understanding that was pretty alarming, don't be overly alarmed.

The: Nikola Tesla, you're going to change the world. But first, you're going to save it.

The: Pay attention, 'cause every word I'm about to say is true.

Tim: Who are you?
The: I'm glad you asked that again. Bit of adrenaline, dash of outrage, and a hint of panic knitted my brain back together. I know exactly who I am! I'm the Doctor, sorting out fair play throughout the universe.

The: I should say a reassuring thing now, shouldn't I?
Graham: Yeah, probably.
The: I'm still quite socially awkward. So, I'm just gonna subtly walk towards the console and look at something. And then in a minute I'll think of something that I should've said that might have been helpful.

The: Yes, I can save him just if I rematerialize around him in a millisecond before the ship breaks up.
Graham: Nice work, Doc.
The: What can I say? I'm a romantic.

The: You've redecorated... I really like it!

The: I approach everything with caution. Or abandon. One of the two.

The: I have to find out what he's looking for. Alone. You need backup. All of us against one. One Cyberman, but then thousands. Humans like all of you changed into empty, soulless shells. No feeling, no control, no way back. I will not lose anyone else to that. Do not follow me.

The: Yaz, stay calm, I will find you.
Yasmin: Promise?
The: I promise.

The: Are you a doctor, Ryan?
Ryan: No.
The: Shame, I'm looking for a doctor.

The: Am I right? 'Cause you look really cross.

The: You want the whole universe. Someone who has seen it all, and that's me. I've lived longer, seen more, loved more, and lost more. I can share it all with you, anything you want to know about what you never had. 'Cause he's an idiot with a daughter who needs him. So let him go, and I will give you everything.

The: Tell me you're impressed.
Yasmin: You're like a kid sometimes.
The: Thanks! What, only sometimes.

Claire: Mrs. Doctor?
The: Claire, just Doctor is fine.

The: What are you? Pathways? Signals? Synapses? I could be inside something. Oh, I hope it's not a liver. I hate being inside livers. People always get so offended. "What are you doing in my liver again?"

The: Synchronize watches. Forget that: I'm not wearing a watch.

Nikola: You're an inventor!
The: I have my moments.

The: Jack, how do you feel about boarding an SAS Dalek ship?
Captain: Can I blow it up?
The: Yes, please.
Captain: My kind of plan. I have Dalek issues.
Ryan: No kidding.
Captain: You never forget your first death.

The: She's not your wife. She's furniture with a pulse.

The: [Hope] doesn't just offer itself up, you have to use your imagination. Imagine the solution and work to make it a reality.

Awsok: You won't be told, will you?
The: It's a defining trait.

The: I'll investigate. It's probably nothing. Usually nothing. I say "usually".

Lord: May I just say you are quite lovely in a crisis?
The: No, you may not.

The: Let's take a look outside.
Graham: Looking outside was actually quite low on my list... but when does she ever listen to me?

The: That's why you smell of dead bird! I thought you'd changed your shower gel.

The: Lost causes are my specialty.

The: The end of the universe. I always wondered what it would feel like.

The: You really like junk. Are you collecting it, like stamps?

The: I know you think I'm mad, but give me five minutes and you'll think I'm the sanest person alive. Okay, that was an overstatement.

Queen: Have you ever seen a dead planet?
The: I've seen more than you can possibly imagine.

The: Where there's risk, there's hope.

The: No humans on Gallifrey.
Ko: If it helps, we have explosives.

Krasko: Blue box in the alley, is it a TARDIS?
The: Might be. What's it to you?
Krasko: Well, could be worth a lot.
The: Nah, not that one. Second hand, huge mileage, one careless owner!

The: Proud of yourself?
The: Definitely?
The: All this death. Finally made you happy?
The: Ecstatic.
The: And has it calmed all the rage?

Yasmin: I thought we were friends.
The: We are friends!
Yasmin: Then why won't you let me in? What's going on with you?
The: Nothing is going on with me.
Yasmin: Don't lie!

Thirteenth: Nobody else got to be us. Nobody else got to live our days.

The: I've explained about the TARDIS and the fact that you're from 700 years in the future.
Tahira: I'm really not ready for today.

The: I've told you about the Solitract, right?
Yasmin: Literally never heard the word before.
The: Solitract. Sol-i-tract. It's a theory a myth, a... a bedtime story my gran used to tell me
Yasmin: You had a grandmother?
The: I had seven, but granny five, my favourite, used to tell me about the Solitract.

The: Because we're all capable of the most incredible change. We can evolve while still staying true to who we are. We can honor who we've been and choose who we want to be next. Now's your chance! How about it?

The: Right, let's get a shift on.

Yasmin: Two minutes and counting.
The: Good, love it when there's not enough time.

The: Do you have any idea where those planets might be?
Graham: You get me an A to Z of the universe, and I'll be able to stick my finger straight... Um, no. I've got no idea.

Thirteenth: [looking at the Eighth Doctor's clothes] Sorry, why are you not wearing...?
Eighth: I don't do robes.
Seventh: There's always one, has to be different.
Eighth: I am a manifestation of our consciousness, I can wear what I like!

The: I eat danger for breakfast.
The: I don't. I prefer cereal. Or croissants.

The: You know what they say, one person's arbitration is another person's interference. Very blurry line.

Najia: Are you two seeing each other?
The: I don't think so. Are we?
Yasmin: We're friends!

The: You really pimped his ride. Do people still say that?
Yasmin: It's 1807.
The: I'm ahead of the curve.

The: Suddenly I feel... really tired.
Grace: That was a big fall you had, love. You should get it checked out at A&E.
The: No, no, I never go anywhere that's just initials. Although...
[inhales sharply and sticks a finger up her nose]
The: Oh! Can one of you catch me?
Ryan: You gonna to fall over?
The: In two minutes nineteen seconds... wait! Forget the two minutes nineteen, oh, new nose is so reliable!
[she falls over]

Suki: You take a lot in very fast.
The: Yes, I do. It's one of my skills.

The: To billions of people, "Dalek" means hate. Daleks are creatures of hate and aggression. Daleks are insidious, relentless, and clever. And like hate, they will spread if they're not stopped. Never underestimate a Dalek.

The: There's this moment, when you're sure you're about to die, and then... you're born. It's terrifying. Right now, I'm a stranger to myself. There's echos of who I was and a sort of call towards who I am. And I have to hold my nerve and trust all these new instincts, shape myself towards them.

Thirteenth: The blossomiest blossom. That's the only sad thing, I wanna know what happens next. Right then, Doctor Whoever-I'm-About-To-Be... Tag, you're it.

The: What you said before.
Lord: About being lovely?
The: Back a bit!
Lord: Uh... demon?

[her first lines in the episode]
The: What?
[turns around, sees the creature, then stuns it with a live wire]
The: Should buy us a few seconds.
[looks up to the hole in the ceiling]
The: Oh, yeah. Long story. Tell you later. Doors?
Grace: Locked shut.
The: We'll see about that.
[searches in her pockets for her sonic]
The: No sonic. Empty pockets. Ohh! I hate empty pockets!

The: Why is it always the big lads that need rescuing?

Thirteenth: Where am I, exactly? Because the last thing I remember is being forced to regenerate.
Eighth: That's why we're here, to stop you moving any further through. You are not finished.
First: *We* are not finished.
Thirteenth: We being?
Fifth: Vestiges of your consciousness.
Sixth: Fragments of yourself.
Seventh: From the past.
Eighth: Guardians of the Edge.

The: [At the same time] Geronimo
Yasmin: [At the same time] Geronimo

The: I'm stupid. Really stupid. Can you believe how stupid I am?
Graham: Is that a rhetorical question?
The: I can't believe I didn't think of it sooner. There's too many things going on, too many variables. My brain is too crowded!
Judy: [softly, to Graham] What is she talking about?
Graham: No idea, you get used to it, she normally explains in the end.

Robertson: You are not authorized to go in here!
[the Doctor holds up her sonic]
The: Dude, I've all the authorization I ever need.
[the Doctor uses her sonic to open the door with the "keep out" signs]

The: These are the dark times. But they don't sustain. Darkness never sustains even though sometimes it feels like it might.

The: Professor, I am many things but I am not ridiculous.

The: Look at you and your platoon of Judoon near the... that lagoon.
Yasmin: More of a canal.
Ryan: Yeah.

Ashad: I was chosen. To revive the glory of the Cyber race.
The: There's no glory in being a Cyberman. And there's definitely no glory in you.

The: Oh!
O: That's my name and that is why I chose it. So satisfying.

The: Dalek! You'll answer for that.
Dalek: Daleks answer to no one.
The: You'll answer to me.

Computer: Item Seven Alpha Cubed: Pting.
The: Pting?
Computer: Pting. Threat level: Chalice.
Ryan: Is that bad?
Mabli: Worst one. One up from Beetroot.

Ashad: You appear courageous. But your vital signs betray a heightened state of anxiety.
The: Or, as I like to call it, Tuesday.

The: You can't eat the cage. Believe me, I've tried.

The: I want to tell you everything.
Yasmin: I'd like that.

Zellin: I presume that's your doing, Doctor. Always interfering. I've watched you blunder into this.
The: "Blundering" top of my CV, alongside "Plays well with others" and "Excellent tap-dancer in a crisis".

The: Something I believe in my faith, love - in all its forms - is the most powerful weapon we have. Because love is a form of hope. And like hope, love abides.

Yasmin: What are they, these Cybermen?
The: They're one of the most dangerous species I've ever encountered, up there with the Daleks.
Ryan: Oh, I can't wait to meet then, then.
Graham: And they're in our future?
The: They're always somewhere. Waiting.

The: I need oil, water, tree bark, a saucepan, nine containers, an old newspaper, a touch of ox spit, a chicken poo, and a biscuit.
Ryan: Bagsy, not chicken poo!
Graham: And why a biscuit?
The: I love biscuits!