The Best Call Centre Polly Quotes

The: [on the mobile] Get me Kate Stewart at UNIT! This is a code zero emergency!
Call: I don't know what that is, I'm afraid. Which organization did you say?
The: *UNIT* Unified Intelligence Taskforce. This is incredibly urgent. The fate of the entire planet is at stake.
Call: I'm checking for you... Oh, I'm so sorry. UNIT operations have been suspended, pending review.
The: What? No, it can't have been! UNIT is a fundamentally vital protection for planet Earth against alien invasion.
Call: Yes, but when did that last happen?
The: Now! Right now! What happened to it?
Call: I'm just checking... All UNIT operations were put on hold following financial disputes, and subsequent funding withdrawal by the UK's major international partners.
The: You're kidding.
Call: Other armed forces are available if you can answer a couple of questions, to help me best direct your call.
[the Doctor hangs up]