Top 30 Quotes From Camille Coduri

Jackie: [after the TARDIS materializes] How'd you do that, then?

Jackie: Arianna got two thousand quid off the council just 'cause the old man behind the desk said she looked Greek. I know she is Greek but that's besides the point - it was still a valid claim.

The: Oh, well there goes the advantage of surprise. Still! Cuts to the chase. Stay in here, look after Jackie.
Rose: I'm not looking after my mum!
The: Well you brought her!
Jackie: I was kidnapped!
Rose: Doctor, they've got guns.
The: And I haven't. Which makes me the better person, don't you think? They can shoot me dead, but the moral high-ground is mine.

The: [talking about firing a missile at 10 Downing street] That's the thing. If I don't dare, everyone dies.
Rose: Do it.
The: You don't even know what it is. You'd just let me?
Rose: Yeah.
Jackie: Please, Doctor, please, she's my daughter, she's just a kid.
The: Do you think I don't know that? 'Cause this is my life, Jackie - it's not fun, it's not smart, it's just standing up and making a decision because nobody else will.
Rose: Then what are you waiting for?
The: I could save the world but lose you.

Jackie: [lashing out at Rose] The hours I've sat here, days and weeks and months, all on my own! I thought you were dead! And where were you *travelling*? What the hell does that mean, "travelling"? That's no sort of answer!
[to the Policeman]
Jackie: You ask her. She won't tell me. That's all she says: "travelling."
Rose: That's what I was doing.
Jackie: But your passport's still in the drawer! It's just one lie after another!
Rose: I meant to phone. I really did, I just... I forgot.
Jackie: What, for a year? You forgot for *a year*? And I am left sitting here. I just don't believe you! Why won't you tell me where you've been?
The: Actually, it's my fault. I sort of, uh, employed Rose as my companion.
Policeman: When you say "companion," is this a sexual relationship?
Rose: [they look at each other, and then they simultaneously say] No!
Jackie: [getting in the Doctor's face, rather threateningly] Then what is it? Because *you*, you waltz in here all charm and smiles, and the next thing I know she vanishes off the face of the earth! How old are you then? 40? 45? What, did you find her on the Internet? Did you go online and pretend you're *a doctor*?
The: I *am* a doctor!
Jackie: Prove it! Stitch this, mate!
[slaps him hard across the face. The Doctor groans loudly, and Rose merely rolls her eyes]
Jackie: Did you think about me at all?
Rose: I did! All the time! But...
Jackie: One phone call. Just to know that you were alive!
Rose: I'm sorry. I really am.
Jackie: Do you know what terrifies me, is that you still can't say. What happened to you, Rose? What could be so bad that you can't tell me, sweetheart? Where were you?

Jackie: There's Finch's. You could try them. They've always got jobs.
Rose: Oh, great. The butchers.
Jackie: Well, it might do you good. That shop was giving you airs and graces. And I'm not joking about compensation. You've had genuine shock and trauma.

The: We haven't got much time. If there's pilot fish then... why is there an apple in my dressing gown?
Jackie: Oh, that's Howard's, sorry.
The: He keeps apples in his dressing gown?
Jackie: He gets hungry...
The: What, he gets hungry in his sleep?
Jackie: Sometimes.

Jackie: I said there were ghosts, but that's not fair. Why him?
Pete: I'm not a ghost.
Jackie: But you're dead. You died 20 years ago Pete.
The: It's Pete from a different universe. There are parallel worlds, Jackie. Every single decision you make creates a parallel existence, a different dimension where...
Jackie: Oh you can shut up.
[to Pete]
Jackie: You look old.
Pete: You don't.
Jackie: How could you be standing there?
Pete: I just got lucky. I lived my life. You were left on your own. You didn't marry again, or...?
Jackie: There was never anyone else. Twenty years though, look at me, I never left that flat. Did nothing with myself.
Pete: You brought her up. Rose Tyler. It's not bad.
Jackie: Yeah.
Pete: In my world it worked. All those daft little plans of mine, it worked. Made me rich.
Jackie: I don't care about that.
Jackie: How rich?
Pete: Very.
Jackie: I don't care about that.
Jackie: How very?
Pete: Thing is though, Jacks, you're not my wife, I'm sorry but you're not. I mean, we both, it's just sort of... oh come here!
[They run toward each other and embrace]

The: [Over the phone] Jackie! Where are you?
Jackie: I don't know! Staircase!
The: Can you see anything that can tell us where you are? Anything at all?
The: [Sarcastically] Yeah, that helps!

Jackie: Oh, guess who asked me out? Billy Crew?

Jackie: But these Cybermen, what do they have to do with the ghosts?
The: Don't you ever listen? A footprint doesn't look like a boot.
[the ghosts begin to turn into Cybermen]
The: It's the Cybermen. All the ghosts are Cybermen. Millions of them. All over the earth.

Jackie: What does he eat?
Rose: How do you mean?
Jackie: I was going to do Shepherd's Pie. All of us. Proper sit-down. 'Cause...
[clears throat]
Jackie: I'm ready to listen. I want to learn about you and him and that life you lead. Only, I don't know, he's an alien! For all I know, he eats grass and safety pins and things.
Rose: He'll have Shepherd's Pie.
Rose: You're going to cook for him?
Jackie: What's wrong with that?
Rose: He's finally met his match.

Pete: Can't we take this stuff back home, just for now?
Jackie: What, with the rest of the rubbish? You bring home cut-price detergents, tonic water, Betamax tapes and none of it works.

Jackie: [gossiping on the phone] Beth, she's alive! I told her: sue for compensation.

The: My head!
[groans in pain]
The: I'm having a neuron implosion... I need...
Jackie: What do you need?
The: I need...
Jackie: Just say it!
The: I need...
Jackie: Tell me, tell me, tell me!
The: I need...
Jackie: Painkillers!
The: I need...
Jackie: D'you need aspirin?
The: I need...
Jackie: Codeine? Paracetamol? Oh, I dunno, Pepto-Bismol?
The: I need...
Jackie: Liquid paraffin? Vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin E?
The: I need...
Jackie: Is it food? Something simple? Bowl of soup? Nice bowl of soup? Soup and a sandwich? Bowl of soup and a nice ham sandwich?
The: I *need* you to *shut up*!
Jackie: Oooh, he hasn't changed that much, has he?

The: There you go.
[gives Rose her mobile phone]
The: [the LCD moniter displays 'Mum'; Rose presses 'Call', and dials her mum. Jackie Tyler answers the phone]
Jackie: Hello?
Rose: Mum?
Jackie: [cuts to Jackie taking clothes out of the dryer] Oh, what is it? What's wrong? What have I done, now? Oh, this red top's falling to bits. You should get your money back. Go on! It must be something. You never phone in the middle of the day.
[Rose laughs]
Jackie: What's so funny?
Rose: Nothing. You're alright though?
Jackie: Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?
Rose: What day is it?
Jackie: Wednsday, all day. You got a hangover? Oh, I tell you what. Put a quid in that Lottery syndicate. I'll pay you back later.
Rose: Yeah, um. I was just calling 'cause I might be late home.
Jackie: Is there something wrong?
Rose: No, I'm-I'm fine.
[mildly laughing]
Rose: Top of the world.
Jackie: [Jackie hangs up]
The: Think that's amazing, you want to see the bill?

Jackie: Just think of it though: our families coming back home, all the people we've lost. Don't you think it's beautiful?
The: I think it's horrific.

[to Mickey]
Jackie: You saved my life. God, that's embarrassing.
Mickey: You're telling me!

Pete: Now it's my fault all this has happened
Rose: This is my fault.
Pete: No, love. I'm your dad. It's my job for it to be my fault.
Jackie: Her dad? How are you her dad? How old were you? 12? Oh, that's disgusting.

Yvonne: [pointing to Rose's image on the laptop] So this is?
The: That's Rose Tyler.
Yvonne: [looking confusedly at Jackie] Then she is?
Jackie: I'm her mother.
Yvonne: [laughing] You travel with her mother?
Jackie: I was kidnapped!
The: Please, when you come to write my official biography, please don't say I travelled with her mother.
[Jackie looks at him accusingly]
The: Well I have a reputation to uphold.

Jackie: The hours I've sat here, days and weeks and months, all on my own! I thought you were dead! And where were you travelling? What the hell does that mean, "travelling"? That's no sort of answer!
[to the police inspector in the apartment]
Jackie: You ask her. She won't tell me. That's all she says: "traveling".
Rose: That's what I was doing.
Jackie: But your passport's still in the drawer! It's just one lie after another!
Rose: I meant to phone. I really did, I just... I forgot.
Jackie: What, for a *year*? You forgot for a year? And I am left sitting here? I just don't believe you! Why won't you tell me where you've *been*?
The: Actually, it's my fault. I sort of, uh, employed Rose as my companion.
Policeman: When you say companion, is this a sexual relationship?
The: [look at each other, and then say] No!
Jackie: [getting in the Doctor's face] Then what is it? Because *you*, you waltz in here all charm and smiles, and the next thing I know she vanishes off the face of the earth! How old are you then? 40? 45? What, did you find her on the Internet? Did you go online and pretend you're a doctor?
The: I am a doctor!
Jackie: Prove it! Stitch this, mate!
[slaps him very hard across the face]
Jackie: [Later, as Jackie embraces Rose]
Jackie: Did you think about me at all?
Rose: I did! All the time! But...
Jackie: One phone call. Just to know that you were alive!
Rose: I'm sorry. I really am.
Jackie: Do you know what terrifies me, is that you still can't say. What happened to you, Rose? What could be so bad that you can't tell me, sweetheart? Where were you?

Jackie: [introducing herself to Sarah Jane Smith] Jackie Tyler, Rose's mum... now, where the hell is my daughter?

Registrar: "I, Peter Alan Tyler, take you, Jacqueline Andrea Suzette Prentice..."
Pete: I, Peter Alan Tyler, take you, Jacqueline Suzanne - Suzette - Anita...
[Pete looks to the Registrar for help, who tries to subtly prompt him]
Jackie: [to Registrar] Oh, just carry on. It's good enough for Lady Di.
[the Doctor grins, looks to Rose]
Rose: [to the Doctor] I thought he'd be taller.
Registrar: "... to be my lawful wedded wife, to love and behold 'til death us do part."

Jackie: [on the phone] Yes. I've seen one. I really have... An alien... And she's with him. My daughter, she's with him. And she's not safe. Oh my God, she's not safe.
[information is typed into a computer]
Jackie: [pauses]
Jackie: I've seen an alien and I know his name. He's called The Doctor... It's a box. A blue box... She called it a TARDIS.
[At 10 Downing Street, Indra Ganesh receives an automated alert]

Rose: [after checking the Doctor's heart-rate with a stethoscope] Both working...
Jackie: What d'you mean, both?
Rose: Well, he's got two hearts.
Jackie: Oh, don't be stupid.
Rose: He has!
Jackie: [pause] Anything else he's got two of?

Peggy: [on TV] Listen to me, Den Watts - I don't care if you HAVE come back from the dead, get out of my pub! The only spirits in here are gin, whisky and vodka, so go on - GET OUT!
[the Doctor switches the TV off and turns to Jackie]
The: When did this start?
Jackie: Well, first of all, Peggy heard this noise in the cellar, so she goes downstairs...
The: No, I mean worldwide.

Mickey: Have you tried that new pizza place on Minto Road?
Jackie: What's it selling?
Mickey: Pizza.

Jackie: [onboard the TARDIS] If we end up on Mars, I'm gonna kill you.

Jackie: Well, I reckon you're mad, the pair of you. It's like you go looking for trouble.
The: Trouble's just the bits in-between! It's all waiting out there, Jackie. And it's brand new to me - all those planets and creatures and horizons! I haven't seen them yet, not with these eyes. And it is gonna be... fantastic!

[first lines]
[the TARDIS materializes on the Powell Estate, and the Doctor and Rose step out]
Rose: How long have I been gone?
The: Twelve hours.
[They both laugh]
Rose: Oooh! Right, I won't be long, I'm just gonna see my mum.
The: What're you going to tell her?
Rose: I don't know! I've been to the year 5 billion... and only been gone, what, 12 hours?
[the Doctor gives something between a laugh and a snort]
Rose: No, I'll just tell her I've spent the night at Shareen's. See you later!
[walks off, and then turns back]
Rose: Oh - don't you disappear.
[She runs inside]
Rose: [the Doctor catches a glimpse of a poster on a telephone pole. He looks closer, and notices that it is a Missing Persons notice - for Rose. It says that "Rose Tyler has been missing from her home on the Powell Estate since 6 March 2005. Rose is described as 5'4", slim build, with shoulder-length blonde hair." Upstairs, Rose enters her flat]
Rose: I'm back! It was Shareen. She was all upset again. Are you in?
[Jackie walks out of the kitchen with a cup of tea]
Rose: So, what's been going on? How've you been?
[Jackie looks like she's just seen a ghost]
Rose: What? What's that face for? It's not the first time I've stayed out all night.
[Outside, the Doctor gets the gist of the poster, that they have landed one year ahead of when they intended to land, and runs inside]
Jackie: It's you.
Rose: Of course it's me!
Jackie: [shaken, and teary] Oh, my God. It's you. Oh my God.
[She throws her arms around Rose, who is rather alarmed. Rose looks over her mother's shoulder and sees more variants of the Missing Persons notice that the Doctor has just seen, including, for instance, "It has been more than six months since Rose Tyler went missing from her home."]
The: [suddenly bursts into the apartment] It's not 12 hours, it's er... 12 months. You've been gone a whole year.
[He laughs apologetically while Rose and Jackie both look at him, stunned]
The: Sorry.