Top 30 Quotes From Tosin Cole

Ryan: Did you hear the noises in the valley in the night?
Prem: The violence is getting closer.
Ryan: Who's doing this stuff?
Prem: Ordinary people who've lived here all their lives, whipped into a frenzy to be part of a mob. There's nothing worse than when ordinary people lose their minds. We've lived together for decades, Hindu, Muslim and Sikh, and now we're being told that our differences are more important than what unites us. Like we learned nothing in the war. I don't know how we protect people when hatred's coming from all sides.

Ryan: You come for humans, you come for me! Ryan Sinclair!

The: Ryan Sinclair picked up a dead bird in Peru and might just have saved the world.
Ryan: Well, I am here for you guys, you know.

Captain: [to Ryan] Just tell her this. I'm gonna see her again. Maybe not soon. But when she needs me, I'll be there. In the meantime, tell her beware the lone Cyberman.
[the Doctor's friends look puzzled]
Captain: You don't know what a Cyberman is yet, do you?
Ryan: No. What are they?
Captain: An empire of evil. In ruins right now. Brought down to... to nothing. Finally. But that could all change if she doesn't listen to this message. To defeat them the alliance sent this thing back through time, across space.

Yasmin: Have you got family?
The: No. Lost them a long time ago.
Ryan: How do you cope with that?
The: I carry them with me. What they would have thought and said and done. Make them a part of who I am. So even though they're gone from the world, they're never gone from me.

Graham: Ryan's right. We carry on doing what the Doc would want us to do.
Ryan: I'm sorry, did you just say, "Ryan's right"?
Graham: Yes, I did! Enjoy the moment, son. You won't hear it often.

Ryan: Your boss thinks we're stupid. She made the call knowing that you'd come for us. And now we're taking your phones and we're going to raid your GPS. How's that for smart?
Yasmin: Ryan! Don't tell them the plan!
Ryan: Oh, yeah. Sorry, I got a bit carried away.

Tibo: Ryan, where am I?
Ryan: Alright, mate, try not to freak out, yeah? But you're on a floating space platform in a gravitational pull between two colliding planets halfway across the universe 'cause of the guy who was stealing your nightmares through creepy detachable fingers.
Tibo: Prank?
Ryan: No.
Tibo: Take me through that again.

Ryan: [outside bar after waitress accuses Yasmin of being Mexican] What do you reckon Mexican lady?
Yasmin: Keep that up and I'll use you as a piñata.

Graham: So you've had dealings with Daleks as well, then?
Captain: Yeah, they killed me once, long time ago. No big deal.
Ryan: You look pretty healthy for a corpse.
Captain: I know, right?

The: I need oil, water, tree bark, a saucepan, nine containers, an old newspaper, a touch of ox spit, a chicken poo, and a biscuit.
Ryan: Bagsy, not chicken poo!
Graham: And why a biscuit?
The: I love biscuits!

Waitress: We don't serve Negroes.
Ryan: Good. 'Cause I don't eat them.
Waitress: [looks at Yasmin] Or Mexicans.
Yasmin: Is she talking to me?

Graham: Don't worry. This ain't our first rodeo.
Ryan: We've never been to a rodeo.
Graham: You're not helping, Ryan.

Yasmin: [to the Doctor] So what do we do?
Robertson: Why are you asking her?
Ryan: Cause she's in charge, bro.
Robertson: Says who?
Yasmin: [at the same time] SAYS US!

The: Are you a doctor, Ryan?
Ryan: No.
The: Shame, I'm looking for a doctor.

Ryan: Oh, it touched me! Ghost. Ghost, it definitely touched me.
Yasmin: Uh... Ryan. That was my elbow.
Ryan: I knew that. I totally knew that.

The: It's shutting down the WiFi. The phone signals. Whoa! That Dalek just shut down the whole of Britain's Internet.
Graham: What? On New Year's day? When everything is shut and everyone's hung over?
Ryan: What a monster.

Yasmin: What are they, these Cybermen?
The: They're one of the most dangerous species I've ever encountered, up there with the Daleks.
Ryan: Oh, I can't wait to meet then, then.
Graham: And they're in our future?
The: They're always somewhere. Waiting.

Ryan: I like that whole "Whatever you're doing, we're going to stop you" vibe. Very Doctor-y.
Yasmin: Didn't work when I do it.

Ryan: [describing the Dalek] Short version -- alien psychopath in its own tank trying to bring loads more to Earth.

Ryan: What you gonna do?
The: Me? Oh, you know. Very busy. Busy, busy. I've got maintenance. Correspondence. Correspondence about maintenance.

Ryan: Did you just make that?
The: Sonic screwdriver, well, I say 'screwdriver', but it's a bit more multi-purpose that that. Scanner, diagnostics, tin opener. More of a sonic Swiss Army knife. Only without the knife, only idiots carry knives.

[first lines]
Ryan: So today I want to talk about the greatest woman I've ever met. Smart, funny, caring, special, proper special... Where do I start? Okay, I've mentioned this on here before, I'm pretty much not an idiot. I'm actually a capable guy, considering. But I'm 19, and 'cause of the thing I told you about before, I can't yet ride a bike.

Ryan: Look at me. I'm not laughing. Mate, I've seen some weird things while I've been away. Things you wouldn't believe were possible.

The: What did the telepathic circuits lock onto?
Ryan: [to Graham] If they were hooked into your mind, no wonder we're somewhere dark and weird.
Graham: Oi!

The: Jack, how do you feel about boarding an SAS Dalek ship?
Captain: Can I blow it up?
The: Yes, please.
Captain: My kind of plan. I have Dalek issues.
Ryan: No kidding.
Captain: You never forget your first death.

Graham: We're not doing anything unless you turn this thing around and go and look for our friends.
Angstrom: There'd be no point. If they were still there, they'd be dead.
Ryan: They can't be dead!
Graham: Don't panic! We'll figure this out.

Durkas: Will you incant for her?
Ronan: It would be my honour.
The: Can we join you?
Durkas: Please.
Ronan: May the saints of all the stars and constellations...
Ronan,48451: ...bring you hope as they guide you out of the dark and into the light on this voyage and the next and on all the journeys still to come.
The: For now and evermore.

Ryan: [looking down the long shaft] Why is it always ladders?

Graham: Excuse me. I'm not full of plastic.
Ryan: Full of something.