The Best Robertson Quotes

Jo: I want to expedite our project.
Jack: Six of the sweetest words in the English language.

Yasmin: [to the Doctor] So what do we do?
Robertson: Why are you asking her?
Ryan: Cause she's in charge, bro.
Robertson: Says who?
Yasmin: [at the same time] SAYS US!

Robertson: You are not authorized to go in here!
[the Doctor holds up her sonic]
The: Dude, I've all the authorization I ever need.
[the Doctor uses her sonic to open the door with the "keep out" signs]

Jack: We live in uncertain times. Do you want to win? Embrace the uncertainty. Live in the worry.

Robertson: Not my fault, I didn't know anything about spider carcasses!
Najia: Of course you didn't. You don't know anything. You just avoid taking any responsibility.

Jack: This is a terrible rescue!

Jack: [finds out that Daleks have taken over a factory and eaten the human workers] This is a PR disaster.