The Best Epzo Quotes

Epzo: How did you even make it this far, Angstrom, eh? You're nothing.

Graham: Excuse me, we are human beings! Show a bit of solidarity!
Epzo: I'm Muxteran, she's Albarian.
Angstrom: Never even heard of "Moomin-beans".

[the Doctor is trying to help Epzo land his spaceship]
The: I can get us into the atmosphere if we jettison the rear section.
Epzo: Listen to me. Nobody is jettisoning anything. This is the Cerebos, all right? She's the envy of millions.
The: Really?
Epzo: Yes. People have written songs about her.
The: They'll be writing operas about our pointless deaths if we don't take drastic action *right* *now*!
Yasmin: We're about to die?
The: Oh, sorry Yaz. I forgot you were there. All gonna be fine.