The Best Voice of the Dalek Quotes

Lin,48447: [at the same time] You are my prisoner now. You are my puppet.

Dalek: Who are you? Identify!
The: I am the Doctor. Ring any bells?
Dalek: Sonic device override!
[her sonic starts to sputter]
The: I'll take that as a 'yes'.

Dalek: [a Dalek suddenly bursts through a sealed door within a large warehouse] I am rebuilt!
The: [examining the reconstructed Dalek front and back] What do you call this look - junkyard chic?
Dalek: Earth is now under control of the Daleks.
The: No it's not. You couldn't even control one person.
Dalek: Humanity will surrender.
The: They really won't, trust me. I've seen them in action. They've fought off so many things, including the worst of their own people. They're really stubborn. Have you not worked that out yet?

Dalek: Humanity will surrender. Dalek invasion fleet will be summoned. Total conquest of Earth predicted in 9376 rels.
[Dalek fires propulsion jets and blasts through the warehouse roof]
The: [runs outside the warehouse to track the Dalek's course] Now I must remember. How long's a rel?

Dalek: [trapped in the Cloisters] Exterminate me! Exterminate me!