The Best Ashildr Quotes

[last lines]
Clara: Why does everybody think I am so scared. We all face the raven in the end; that is the deal. If I go back to Gallifrey they can put back, right? On Trap street, the moment they took me out.
Ashildr: Of course.
Clara: Mind you... seeing as I'm not actually aging,, there's still a tiny little bit of wiggle room, isn't there?
Ashildr: Wiggle room?
Clara: Wiggle room. Yeah, you know. Wiggle room. We could, um, you know, stop off. On the way.
Ashildr: Where are we going?
Clara: Gallifrey. Like I said: Gallifrey.
[She starts the TARDIS]
Clara: The long way round.

Me: Infinite lifespan, finite memory - it makes for an awkward social life.

Ashildr: Don't worry, we're perfectly safe.
The: Yes, a phrase I find is usually followed by a lot of screaming and running and bleeding.

The: You've already endangered one of my friends. I want your personal guarantee that you will not endanger another.
Clara: Shut up, I can handle myself.
Ashildr: I guarantee the safety of Clara Oswald. She will be under my personal protection. That is absolute.

The: But you can. Fix this. Fix it now.
Me: It... It's not possible. I... I can't.
The: Yes it is, you can, and you will, or this street will be over. I'll show you and all your funny little friends to the whole laughing world. I'll bring UNIT, I'll bring the Zygons. Give me a minute, I'll bring the Daleks and the Cybermen. *You* will save Clara, and you will do it *now*, or I will rain hell on you for the rest of time.
Clara: Doctor, stop talking like that.
Me: You can't.
The: I can do whatever the hell I like. You've read the stories, you know who I am. And in all of that time, did you ever hear anything about anyone who stopped me?
Me: I know the Doctor. The Doctor would never...
The: *The Doctor is no longer here! You are stuck with me.* And I will end you, and everything you love.
Clara: Doctor, for God's sake, will you stop!
The: *No!*
Clara: I did this. Do you hear me? I did this. This is my fault!
The: I don't care!
Clara: Liar. You always care. Always have. Your reign of terror will end with the sight of the first crying child and you know it.
The: No, I don't.
Clara: I do.

Ashildr: I had a dream you'd all died. It was so real I thought I'd made it happen.
Hasten: Well, if it ever does, I'm sure you'll find some way to blame yourself.

Ashildr: You must be Clara Oswald - you're as beautiful as your photos.
Clara: We met.
Ashildr: Yes, I know. It's in my diaries. Oh, don't look like that. I enjoyed our conversations. I've read them many times.
Clara: Okay, that's slightly odd but nice.

The: At least give him a merciful death.
Me: Do you think a Cyberman fears a merciful death?

[last lines]
The: What Clara said... about not taking revenge, do you know why she said that?
Ashildr: She was saving you.
The: I was lost a long time ago; she was saving you. I'll do my best, but I strongly advise you to keep out of my way. You'll find that it's a very small universe when I'm angry with you.

The: Still saving the world from me, then?
Me: It's still here, isn't it?

Ashildr: I'm afraid no intruder leaves this place without a memory wipe, with respect, that will include you.
Clara: Oh, the hell it will!

Ashildr: I've always been different. All my life I've known that. The girls all thought I was a boy. The boys all said I was just a girl. My head is always full of stories. I know I'm strange. Everyone knows I'm strange. But here I'm loved. You tell me to run, to save my life. I tell you that leaving this place would be death itself.