The Best Dan Lewis Quotes

Ji: Where did you learn to deal with your enemies like that?
Dan: You should meet my mum.

Dan: How d'you like my pirate moves?
Yasmin: Better than your outfit.

Yasmin: What's the matter with Sheffield?
Dan: Too near Leeds.
Yasmin: Pro tip, Dan Lewis; don't diss the designated rescuer.

Karvanista: You look ridiculous.
Dan: Says the bloke with the floppy ears.

Ying: You must be pretty good at fighting. If you survived to be...
Dan: What?
Ying: 70. 60?
Dan: Forty t--two.

Madame: I don't understand half the words you say.
Dan: You're not the first to say that.

Dan: It's life, innit? Nobody gets by without some bruises.

Yasmin: Assuming nothing goes wrong.
Dan: Why? Do things often go wrong?

The: Need a lift anywhere?
Dan: Why? Where are you going?
The: No idea. Wanna come?

Dan: Is that Mary Seacole? Hello Mary!
Mary: Hello dear. I don't understand any of this.

Dalek: Daleks do not have managers.
Dan: Well, maybe that's part of your problem.