Top 20 Quotes From Charlotte Grayson

Charlotte: [making waffles] You love breakfast for dinner. What's wrong?
Declan: Nothing. It's just gonna suck if you burn this boat down.
Charlotte: You need to relax.
[she hugs him, they kiss]
Montauk: [door bursts open] Freeze!
Montauk: [sniffer dog barks] Montauk police!
Charlotte: Declan, what's going on?
Montauk: Don't move!
[more barking]

Victoria: [to the reporter] The thought of never seeing my children again was far worse than anything my captor could have ever done to me. You can call it a mother's will to survive.
Charlotte: [interrupting interview] More like a monster's! I just found out the real reason why you don't want me having a relationship with Amanda. Because she knows the truth about what you did to my father.
Victoria: Charlotte, this is not the time.
Charlotte: [to the reporter] Who, for the record, was David Clarke.
Victoria: [to the reporter] If you run that, I will sue you for libel.
Charlotte: It's only libel if it isn't true. Go ahead, Mom. Deny it.
[Victoria inhales sharply, cannot lie her way out of this]
Charlotte: That's what I thought!
[rushes off]
Victoria: [to the reporter] This interview's over!
[rises, marches off]

Victoria: [finds Charlotte busy on her laptop] Animal shelters? My God, don't tell me you want a pet.
Charlotte: I'm looking for a place to volunteer so I don't have to spend my entire summer in this house of dysfunction. Everyone else knows what really happened to you, Mom. Why can't Daniel?
Victoria: The last time push came to shove, he chose to align himself with his father. He can't be trusted... Yet.
Victoria: You spent $5,000 at a baby store?
Charlotte: It's a gift for Amanda. She is my sister.
Victoria: Half sister, if that.
Charlotte: What is that supposed to mean?
Victoria: Never mind. Look, the fact that David Clarke is your father is a secret we have to guard closely for various reasons. For now, you have to stay away from that girl.
Charlotte: I'm staying away from everyone. We're sequestered, remember? No one comes in. No one goes out.
Victoria: [thinking about Emily] Well, with one notable exception.
[stroking Charlotte's hair, deep in thought]

Conrad: Charlotte always was an over-achiever.
Charlotte: Just like my mother.
Conrad: May she rest in peace.

Charlotte: [to Mom, showing off her string bikini] Do you think I'm tan enough for my first day on the beach, or do I need another spray?
Victoria: What you need is another bathing suit.
Charlotte: Compared to what the rest of my friends are wearing, this is practically a burka.
Victoria: Unlike the rest of your friends, it is important to me that you don't end up on page six at one of Diddy's hot tub parties.

Charlotte: I'm rich. You're not. Who cares?

Victoria: [as Charlotte comes home] Daniel, is that you?
Charlotte: [marching up the stairs, determined to avoid mother] No, the other child. The disposable one.
Victoria: Charlotte, don't talk like that.
Charlotte: [without looking back] Here are the keys to your new car. Ground me, restrict me, do whatever you want. I could honestly care less.
Victoria: You keep it.
Charlotte: [Mom now has her attention] You're giving me a $200,000 car?
Victoria: If it means that you'll stop this torture, then, yes.
Charlotte: [ironically] Wow, Mom. I guess you really do love me after all.
[shakes her head at mother, and walks off, leaving her at a loss]

Charlotte: [in her room] My mother will freak if she knows you're up here. Not a big fan of surprises.
Amanda: I'm not afraid of her. You shouldn't be either.
Charlotte: I'm not.
Amanda: Good, 'cause if we're gonna get closer, I... I can't protect her anymore.
[hands her the diary]
Charlotte: What is this?
Amanda: A journal our father kept in prison. I marked the entries that I thought you should read first. But I have to warn you, what it says about your mother isn't pretty.

Victoria: [as she enters the room] Charlotte, why isn't your hair done?
Charlotte: [handing Mom a little gift box] Here. This is for you, for today.
[Mom opens, it's sapphire earrings]
Charlotte: You gave it to me for my...
Victoria: ...sixteenth birthday. We had tea at Pierre, and saw Swan Lake.
Charlotte: I thought it could represent something borrowed and blue.
Victoria: Thank you.
[kisses her]
Victoria: Now you really have to get your hair done. The cars are coming in two hours.
Charlotte: I'm not going, Mom.
Victoria: What do you mean, you're not going? Of course you are.
Charlotte: I can't do it, Mom. Go out there in front of all those people and fake it for yet another PR stunt?

Victoria: Mason Treadwell's blog is front page news, and the damage is already done, but I want to hear it from you. Did you take pills the night of the party?
Charlotte: Declan lied about everything. He saw someone on the beach, same as me.
Victoria: Did you or didn't you?
Charlotte: No, I told you.
Victoria: Charlotte, look at me. You're high right now, aren't you?
Charlotte: So what if I am on drugs? My father's a mass murderer. My half sister is an arsonist. Guess the fruit doesn't fall far from the tree, does it?

Charlotte: Why is there a man installing a camera outside my bedroom?
Conrad: Ah, a necessary evil, my dear. I mean, there are worse places to be imprisoned.
Charlotte: Oh, you mean like the rehab you locked me up in?

Victoria: [re-united] Are you all right? I've been worried half to death about you.
Charlotte: Dr. Thomas confiscated my phone. He was working for Dad. They took everything, Mom. My inheritance is gone.
Victoria: All of it?
Charlotte: Dad had a judge declare me mentally unfit.
Victoria: Oh, that pig is even more despicable than I ever imagined.
Charlotte: Gonna be okay, though, it's only money.
Victoria: Sunshine and happy thoughts aren't going to get us through this, Charlotte. We need that money to survive.

Charlotte: [knocks] Permission to come aboard?
[he waves her in, and she comes down]
Declan: Charlotte, I'm sorry. I should've called you back, I just...
Charlotte: [puts her arms around him] It's okay. I know you were just trying to keep me out of danger. Now it's my turn to return the favor.
Declan: Amanda told you about the Ryans?
Charlotte: Listen, my Dad said you can come stay at our house until this whole mess is resolved.
Declan: I got to stay put. I got to. No one is coming in here and just ripping away everything my Dad worked so hard to give us. Hey, if Jack and I are going down, it's not going to be without one hell of a fight.

Charlotte: [as Ashley, not Conrad, gives the speech] She's giving the eulogy?
Conrad: Uh, tribute, sweetheart, tribute. Eulogies are for funerals.

Charlotte: My parents aren't exactly the best role models in the world, which shouldn't surprise anyone who reads the internet, watches TV, is alive.
[everybody laughs]
Charlotte: On the plus side, it makes it really easy for me to spot good parents. And that's exactly why my nephew is the luckiest little guy in the world.
[crowd cheers]

Dr. Jeffrey Thomas: [at Cliffside recovery center] Just three more questions, Charlotte.
[reading: ]
Dr. Jeffrey Thomas: Do your thoughts often feel clouded or confused?
Charlotte: Not since I stopped using, and I have stopped using. The blood test was wrong.
Dr. Jeffrey Thomas: [unhindered] Do you believe that you can see or hear things others cannot?
Charlotte: [thinly-veiled impatience] No one else seems to see that my father is holding me here against my will.
[sharply: ]
Charlotte: Does that count?
Dr. Jeffrey Thomas: I'm more concerned with the fictitious person that gave you the disposable phone I found hidden in your bedroom.
Charlotte: Just read the last question.
Dr. Jeffrey Thomas: [forcing a fake smile] Do you believe others are plotting against you?
[she is at a loss to answer that, as her obvious answer would keep her locked up]

Charlotte: Don't you think my parents should pay for Jack and Amanda's wedding, considering Amanda never even called a lawyer after cart-wheeling off the second-floor balcony?
[he is occupied spying on the Ryan brothers]
Charlotte: They'd be stupid not to offer.
[no response]
Charlotte: Earth to Declan!
[she pelts him with a peanut on the back of his head]
Charlotte: Come in, Declan!
Declan: Okay. When Nate and Kenny come back in here, I need you to help me do something, okay?
Charlotte: Sure. What?

Charlotte: What does it mean when your Mom cancels your birthday?
Amanda: I'd say it's her gift to you.
Charlotte: [giggles at that, then...] I guess being a Grayson just means learning to live with disappointment.
Amanda: You're not a Grayson. Not really.
[causing Charlotte to ponder]

Emily: [driving] If you want, I could wait for you while you talk to your mother, drive you home after. Assuming you're going back to the Hamptons.
[Charlotte's mulling events over]
Emily: Or you're welcome to stay with me.
Charlotte: That's really nice, Emily. But the truth is my mother and I are supposed to leave the country. She wants to start a new life, change our names, just disappear. Only now that my father has drained my bank accounts, I don't know what we're going to do.
Emily: I don't think that Victoria will care about the money as long as she has you.

Charlotte: [he offers her a portfolio] What's that?
Daniel: I went to the bank and opened up a new trust account for you, one that Dad can't touch. I transferred everything I own into it, including my half of the inheritance. You can even have my car if you want it.
Charlotte: What? Why are you doing this?
Daniel: 'Cause when you were born, Mom made me promise to be nice to you, and I don't want to let her down. I'm gonna move out to the pool house. You can, uh, have this place to yourself.
Charlotte: Daniel, I-...
Ashley: What's this about the pool house?
[been eavesdropping]