The Best Frank Stevens Quotes

Frank: [limousine pick-up for Lydia, security chief opening car door for her] Ms. Davis.
Lydia: Thanks for picking me up on the street corner like a prostitute.
Conrad: [on cellphone inside car] Yeah, all right. Don't send anyone through for the next half-hour, Sharon. I'll return calls when I'm back at the office.
Lydia: So you do still return calls.
Conrad: Lydia, I understand, you're upset.
Lydia: I'm not upset.
[hands him a large folder]
Lydia: I'm ruined.
Conrad: What is this?
Lydia: [telephoto lens pictures taken through the window of her secret liaison, shows illicit romance] Michael's attorney presented these to the judge. And they triggered the fidelity clause in our prenup.
[several damning photographs]
Lydia: I get nothing. The beach house, my jewelry, the damn dog... Everything is gone.
Conrad: I am sorry, Lydia, but, really, what can I do?
Lydia: [resolute] You can write me a cheque. A big one.

Nolan: [showing Emily the video of Frank's attempted murder of Lydia] That thud you hear... is the sound of Lydia hitting the roof of the taxi five stories down.
Emily: I can't believe she survived.
Nolan: I can't believe I survived.
Frank: [on the video] Victoria, it's Frank. I have some bad news to report. Lydia Davis just jumped off her balcony. Call me when you get this.
Nolan: You know, if I'd shown up one minute earlier, that psychopath would've caught me.
Emily: Yeah, but he didn't. And you made it out with the list and the video camera.
Nolan: [handing Emily the photograph Lydia was going to use to expose her] And this.
Emily: We got lucky.
Nolan: You might want to revisit your definition of "lucky" in the dictionary. Lydia might die because of us.
Emily: If Lydia dies, it's because she sold her soul to the Graysons. This wasn't supposed to happen. I didn't set any of this in motion, they did.
Nolan: Fine. Let's say she survives. Wakes up tomorrow remembering only one thing: this picture. Eventually, someone's gonna find you out.
Emily: Not if they believe it's all been Frank. As far as the Graysons know... Lydia attempted suicide. When they see this video, they'll know that Frank lied to them.
Nolan: Let's send a copy to the police.
Emily: No police. Frank dug his own grave. All we need is for Victoria and Conrad to bury him in it.