The Best Annabelle Stephenson Quotes

Sara: Well, I don't want your money. I want you to leave me alone.
Daniel: Well, I can't, not after what...
Daniel: Not after you hurt yourself the way you did.
Sara: You... you think I tried to kill myself, because you married Emily? That is... is so typical Grayson, believing everything is about you.
Daniel: Your roommate called me...
Sara: I was drunk, Danny. I passed out and almost drowned. I was stupid, okay? But I won't be stupid again.

Sara: Listen, uh... I really appreciate everything you've done for me, but... things aren't working out.
[returns Stowaway work outfit]
Sara: Tell Jack I'm sorry.
Charlotte: Is this because of Daniel?
Sara: [scoffs] Am I that obvious?
[tearfully: ]
Sara: I still love him, Charlotte. I know he's getting married in two days. You're the maid of honor, and you probably think I'm awful. I... I don't even know what I'm saying. I was trying to quit.
Charlotte: And I'm not gonna let you. I've always thought you two belonged together. Maybe Daniel just needs a little push.
Sara: Oh, trust me.
[little laugh]
Sara: It's too late. He's already made up his mind.
Charlotte: Let me be the judge of that.
[smiles, goes off]

Sara: [relaxing by pool, in bikini, chatting on phone] I'd love to go to Aunt Gina's jewelry party. Just, the thing is, work has me slammed right now. Ma, please don't say I'm blowing you off.
[Emily appears]
Sara: Uh, look, I gotta hop. A customer's giving me the stink-eye. Yeah.
Emily: It's one thing to deliver a wake-up call to my husband and his mistress, but I have too much self-respect to watch you lounge by our pool. You have to go now.
Sara: Well, Daniel asked me to stay, and I'm sticking by him.
Emily: I won't let you destroy my marriage.
Sara: Don't you think this is sad, Emily? For you, I mean. He doesn't love you.
Emily: Oh, that's a cheap shot, Sara.
[smiles, sits down next to her]
Emily: I'm trying to handle this with dignity.
Sara: After pulling the most pathetic stunt ever? Faking a pregnancy to lock a guy down.
[looks away in disdain]
Emily: Daniel's pushing his boundaries with me.
Sara: Hmm.
Emily: And after the pain I caused him, it's understandable. Right now, your earthiness is what's catching his eye. But you don't fit in here.
Sara: Hmm. I'm actually proud of that.
Emily: Until people find out about you and start judging him.
Sara: Because I'm trash? Is that what you're saying?
[as: ]
Sara: Excuse me? A glass of Cristal please.