100 Best Madeleine Stowe Quotes

Cora: [to Hawkeye] Say nothing to Alice.

Cora: You've complimented me with your persistence and patience, but the decision I've come to is this. I would rather make the gravest of mistakes than surrender my own judgment.

Cora: Yes! Go ahead!
Duncan: What the bloody hell plan is this?
Cora: I want you to go!
Hawkeye: If we go, there's a chance there won't be a fight. There's no powder. If we don't go in that, there's no chance. None! Do you understand?
Duncan: Coward!

Duncan: And who empowered these colonials to pass judgement on England's policies, and to come and go without so much as a "by your leave"?
Cora: They do not live their lives "by your leave"! They hack it out of the wilderness with their own two hands, bearing their children along the way!

Victoria: [to Conrad:] Well, it seems Declan is old enough to engage in a variety of adult activities.
[to the boy: ]
Victoria: Charlotte's gone for a walk to clear her head.
[takes him by the shoulder]
Victoria: Shall we?
[leads him off]
Victoria: I've always fancied us as having a... healthy respect for one another.
Declan: I'd say we had our ups and downs.
Victoria: A respect born of the fact that you've understood your rightful place in this family... in that you don't have one. So imagine my confusion when you have the audacity to show up here after everything you've done.
Declan: That's what I wanna talk to Charlotte about. This new friend of hers, Regina, I don't know how she got those bruises, but I would never do something like that, and... It's just that Charlotte believes everything she says, like she cast some kind of spell over her.
Victoria: It isn't a spell, Declan. She's pregnant.
Declan: She's what?
Victoria: Oh, I see she hasn't told you. And for good reason.
Declan: There's gotta... there's gotta be a mistake.
Victoria: Oh, there is. And I am done looking at it. Stay the hell away from my daughter, or your ability to procreate will be nothing but a distant memory.

Victoria: [on phone] Conrad, this is Victoria.
Conrad: [he had no idea she survived] Is this some kind of a joke?
Victoria: Oh, you wish. The next few moments are going to be the most important of your miserable life. You're going to do exactly as I say or I will haunt you all the way to your last pathetic day on earth.

Conrad: [seeing his daughter at the breakfast table] Good morning, kitten.
[kisses her on the top of her head]
Conrad: It's lovely to have you back in the litter.
Charlotte: Lovely to be here, Daddy.
Victoria: Won't your mistress be joining us, Conrad? I'm sure we could rustle up a Pop-Tart.
Conrad: She is not my mistress. Morgan is a real estate specialist.
Victoria: And what will you be purchasing? A place in hell?

Daniel: Like you've ever approved of any girl I've chosen myself.
Victoria: [as Ashley enters] With good reason.

Victoria: [as she enters the room] Charlotte, why isn't your hair done?
Charlotte: [handing Mom a little gift box] Here. This is for you, for today.
[Mom opens, it's sapphire earrings]
Charlotte: You gave it to me for my...
Victoria: ...sixteenth birthday. We had tea at Pierre, and saw Swan Lake.
Charlotte: I thought it could represent something borrowed and blue.
Victoria: Thank you.
[kisses her]
Victoria: Now you really have to get your hair done. The cars are coming in two hours.
Charlotte: I'm not going, Mom.
Victoria: What do you mean, you're not going? Of course you are.
Charlotte: I can't do it, Mom. Go out there in front of all those people and fake it for yet another PR stunt?

Victoria: [re-united] Are you all right? I've been worried half to death about you.
Charlotte: Dr. Thomas confiscated my phone. He was working for Dad. They took everything, Mom. My inheritance is gone.
Victoria: All of it?
Charlotte: Dad had a judge declare me mentally unfit.
Victoria: Oh, that pig is even more despicable than I ever imagined.
Charlotte: Gonna be okay, though, it's only money.
Victoria: Sunshine and happy thoughts aren't going to get us through this, Charlotte. We need that money to survive.

Conrad: I'm gone, like, two days, and Daniel's off the wagon. How'd you let that happen?
Victoria: I had my hands full. Perhaps you can tell me where your hands have been.

Cora: He saved us. We're alive only because of him.
Colonel: The man encouraged the colonials to desert in this very room and in my presence! Sir! He is guilty of sedition. He must be tried and hanged like any other criminal, regardless of what he did for my children.
Cora: But he knew the consequences, and he stayed. Are those the actions of a criminal?

Emily: [opening voiceover] For those who believe in resurrection, death is inconsequential. It's not an ending, but rather a new beginning... a second chance. A reunion.
Kara: [driving, singing along with car radio, slapping steering wheel rhythmically, looking over to her earnest little daughter on passenger seat] Come on. My voice isn't that bad.
5: Daddy said you were sick.
Kara: [smiles] I'm all better now that I'm with you.
5: Where is Daddy?
Kara: Oh, don't worry, baby.
[reaching over to her]
Kara: We're on vacation!
[child laughs]
Emily: [voiceover continuing] But the very idea of resurrection is so seductive a concept, it's easy to forget before you can rise from the dead...
Victoria: [nightmare vision] ... you have to spend a few days in hell!

Victoria: [to Emily] I know what a woman in love looks like, and that's not you. Not one year ago, and not today.

Cora: Why were those people living in this defenseless place?
Hawkeye: After seven years indentured service in Virginia, they headed out here 'cause the frontier's the only land available to poor people. Out here, they're beholden to none. Not living by another's leave.

Victoria: I've come to invite you to the house. It's the end of summer, and it seems we've barely seen you. And tonight's our annual Labor Day party, and things would just not be the same without you there.
Charlotte: [to baby Carl, in baby voice] Oh, she needs me for another publicity stunt.
[handing Carl to Declan]
Charlotte: Take him.
Declan: Okay.
[to: ]
Declan: Hey!
[goes off]
Charlotte: You wasted your time coming here. Dad only needs the Grayson family by his side. And I'm a Clarke now, something to be ashamed of.
Victoria: Now if you'll recall, after our last publicity stunt, I embraced your paternity. And I can see you inherited far more than David's surname. I'm not ashamed of you, darling. I'm very proud of you.
Charlotte: Well, I appreciate the sentiment. But I'm sorry. I can't fake anymore Grayson smiles.

Lydia: I am so happy that we're friends again!
Victoria: [smiling broadly] Well it certainly appears that way, doesn't it? But then again, appearances can be deceiving, can't they? And you've practically made it an art form. Understand something, Lydia. Every time I smile at you across a room or we run into each other at a luncheon or I welcome you into my home? Let that smile be a reminder of just how much I despise you. And that every time I hug you? The warmth you feel is my hatred burning through.
[Hugs Lydia warmly]

[first lines]
Lillian: [voice-over] I want to tell you a story. About how the world ends, and the man who came back through time to stop it... and failed. For, you see, there is another traveler, one who's both the architect and witness to our destruction. And the man cannot see the other's design. The end of the beginning -... - and the beginning of the end.

Victoria: [arriving at wedding ceremony] Mm. I'm sure that smile would be genuine if Lydia was draped over your arm. I heard about your slumber party last night.
Conrad: Oh, that was a momentary lapse of reason, not unlike our last approach to the altar.

Victoria: I would love to stay and chat, but I have less boring people to talk to.

Malcolm: What do you want?
Victoria: My freedom, of course. You don't cage a majestic peacock with a howler monkey.

Victoria: I spoke to Dr. Hicks. You polished off an old prescription of my Xanax and then had it refilled. Why are you going down this ugly road again?
Charlotte: Are you seriously asking me that?
Victoria: We have all been to hell and back.
Charlotte: Yeah, mine was a one-way trip. I just found out Emily is Amanda and my father is alive.
Victoria: Exactly, he is alive. And your reaction is to hide behind a haze of pills.
Charlotte: No, my reaction was happiness. But you ruined that and made meeting my father all about hurting Emily. What do you really want from me, Mom?
Victoria: Nothing but to see you happy.
Charlotte: [sighs] The Grayson mantra. Lie and deny. I'm sick of it. I do want a relationship with my father, but not if you're gonna be controlling it.
Victoria: [gets up from chair] You are not a victim, so stop choosing to act like one. Now, if you want a relationship with your father, fight for it. And if you want my respect, then earn it. But do not give in to the darkness - that will destroy you.
[leaves, with those words hitting home with Charlotte]

Cora: Our father - Did you see my father?
Hawkeye: From a distance.

Victoria: Why on earth did you invite that girl back into our house?
Charlotte: Because I care about Daniel too much to see him marrying the wrong woman. And I don't think Emily's the one to make him happy.
Victoria: You know I concur in spades, but that doesn't explain the need to trot in somebody off the rack.
Charlotte: Wake up, Mother. I'm sure Daniel still has feelings for Sara, and she still has feelings for him. They just need help remembering that.
Victoria: So you think that Sara would be the one who would put a stop to this wedding?
Charlotte: [scoffs] Well, if you weren't so focused on hating Emily and were more focused on worrying about Daniel, you might see it, too.

Emily: [as they wait for Charlotte who is identifying the body] She's brave... like her sister.
Victoria: Well, there are moments in a person's life that change you forever. And I fear this is one of them for Charlotte.
Emily: Especially since she and her sister had grown so attached.
Victoria: You try to protect your child from all pain. But to not be able to stop what's going on behind those steel doors...
Emily: You must feel so helpless.
Charlotte: [door opens, tearful Charlotte comes running out] Mom...!
[into Mom's arms]
Victoria: Oh, sweetheart...! Baby, I've got you, it's okay.
[holds her sobbing daughter]
Victoria: I'm here. I'm here.

Hawkeye: My father's people say that at the birth of the sun and of his brother the moon, their mother died. So the sun gave to the earth her body, from which was to spring all life. And he drew forth from her breast the stars, and the stars he threw into the night sky to remind him of her soul. So there's the Cameron's monument. My folks' too, I guess.
Cora: You are right, Mr. Poe. We do not understand what is happening here. And it's not as I imagined it would be, thinking of it in Boston and in London...
Hawkeye: Sorry to disappoint you.
Cora: No, on the contrary. It is more deeply stirring to my blood than any imagining could possibly have been.

Charlotte: [to Mom, showing off her string bikini] Do you think I'm tan enough for my first day on the beach, or do I need another spray?
Victoria: What you need is another bathing suit.
Charlotte: Compared to what the rest of my friends are wearing, this is practically a burka.
Victoria: Unlike the rest of your friends, it is important to me that you don't end up on page six at one of Diddy's hot tub parties.

Victoria: [on beach] Sleep can wait, Daniel. I have vermin to stalk.

Victoria: Do you think I enjoy watching him suffer?
Charlotte: Then why not just tell him the truth? That's all Emily wants to do.

Hawkeye: Take me!
Duncan: [as he is being forced away] My compliments, sir! Take her and get out!
Cora: Duncan! What are they doing to Duncan?

Victoria: All men are born hardwired to betray. It's just a question of when.

Victoria: Who knew you to be such a Florence Nightingale?
Emily: Oh, there's so much you don't know about me, Victoria.
Victoria: [coos] Oh, I'm learning more and more each day.

Victoria: [at home after her encounter with Emily] Oh, I just love the opera. You never know what performance you're going to get.

Ashley: Good morning.
Conrad: Oh, good morning.
Victoria: Charlotte, would you excuse us for a minute? It seems that the cat has dragged itself back in.
Ashley: [handing file to Conrad] There's the report you requested.
Conrad: [taking it] Thank you.
Victoria: [smirking] So this is the new communications director? Don't you know that politicians tend to keep their concubines in the closet?
Ashley: [sarcastically:] Spoken like a woman that no one is sleeping with.
Conrad: You'll be happy to hear that Miss Davenport and I have put our past behind us, and we are now looking to the future.
Victoria: Well, I can only imagine what kind of horrifying footage that will yield.

Victoria: [entering into his office] Conrad, a word.
Ashley: Victoria, do you mind? We are actually in the middle of things.
Victoria: [sarcastic] And fully clothed. How refreshing.
Conrad: [to Ashley] Perhaps it will be best if you gave us a moment of privacy.
[she leaves unwillingly]

Lillian: Some happiness is better than a lifetime of anything else. Death can be undone, James. Love cannot.

Cora: Please take this as my final answer. It must be: no.

Emily: I wasn't expecting to see you here, Victoria.
Victoria: Well, I can only hope it comes as a terrible disappointment to you.

Victoria: You have no idea what you've done.
Charlotte: Since you're obviously much happier with your other children, I'm moving out.
Victoria: Fine.

Charlotte: Clearly, you hate this dress.
Victoria: Oh, I'm not terribly worried about it, as it will be the last time I ever see it. Your brother needs our protection. He might be smart and ambitious, but he's far too trusting of women.
Charlotte: You say that about anyone he gets serious with. Remember Sara?
Victoria: Well, your brother ensured that I would never forget her. But at least that cocktail waitress is preferable to Emily.
Charlotte: And what has Emily done that's so wrong?
Victoria: You don't know?
[Charlotte shakes her head]
Victoria: She broke their first engagement, and Daniel's heart, over a tryst with your current landlord.
Charlotte: [surprised] Jack?
Victoria: Mm-hmm.
Charlotte: Oh my God.
Victoria: Mm-hmm.
Charlotte: You're digging to see if she truly loves Daniel.
Victoria: Well, it's certainly not for her fashion sense.
[shows her disdain for the dress Emily is supplying]
Charlotte: You know, I did think it was weird that she was at The Stowaway last night, instead of trying to fix things with him.
Victoria: What was Jack's attitude towards her?
Charlotte: I'm pretty sure he's into Margaux.

Charlotte: [voice quivering] Mom?
Victoria: Charlotte? What's wrong?
Charlotte: Some freak just sent me this.
[hands over letter]
Victoria: [sits down, reads] "You're so much like your namesake, it's almost haunting. And I know I said this before, but the day you became a Clarke was one of my proudest moments."
Charlotte: There's no signature. And what does that mean, "I said this before"?
Victoria: I haven't the foggiest. Someone who's trying to scare you?
Charlotte: I don't know, Mom. Amanda once showed me some journals David wrote. And the handwriting is similar. Is there any chance that David is still alive?
Victoria: Charlotte.
[gets up]
Victoria: History has proved that there are always people out there who enjoy haunting this family with the specter of David Clarke.
Charlotte: [anguished] But that letter seemed so sincere...
[shakes her head]
Victoria: Now don't let your imagination run wild. Especially when there are far lovelier things to think about.
[smiles, takes her daughter's hand]
Charlotte: [sees ring] You're engaged!
Victoria: Mm-hmm.
Charlotte: That was fast!
[both laugh]
Victoria: I hope one day your heart knows such certainty.
[hugs Charlotte]
Victoria: Oh, sweetie.
Charlotte: Congratulations.
Victoria: So you see why we shouldn't let anything rattle us?
Charlotte: Give me that. I'll get rid of it.
[paper rustles]
Victoria: No.
[takes it]
Victoria: I don't want you to spend another second with such an evil prank.
[leaves with letter]

Sloane: I didn't mean to startle you, Mrs. Grayson.
Victoria: Sloane, it's so good to see a friendly face. I'm so glad you accepted my invitation.
Sloane: I was, too, until I saw Danny back on the arm of the Ice Queen.
Victoria: Well, I always thought the two of you were a much better fit. Give them a few days. They'll have parted ways again.
Sloane: Oh... then I guess you haven't seen it...
[shows Victoria the society tidbit of Daniel and Emily on her cellphone]

Victoria: [Mom has just met her love interest, poor boy Declan, and as he skateboards away:] The things you do to torture me.
Charlotte: It's not always about you, Mom.

Cora: Justice? If that's justice than the sooner French guns blow the English out of America the better it will be for the people here.
Colonel: You do not know what you're saying!
Cora: Yes I do, I know exactly what I'm saying! And if it is sedition, than I am guilty of sedition too.

Victoria: [finds Charlotte busy on her laptop] Animal shelters? My God, don't tell me you want a pet.
Charlotte: I'm looking for a place to volunteer so I don't have to spend my entire summer in this house of dysfunction. Everyone else knows what really happened to you, Mom. Why can't Daniel?
Victoria: The last time push came to shove, he chose to align himself with his father. He can't be trusted... Yet.
Victoria: You spent $5,000 at a baby store?
Charlotte: It's a gift for Amanda. She is my sister.
Victoria: Half sister, if that.
Charlotte: What is that supposed to mean?
Victoria: Never mind. Look, the fact that David Clarke is your father is a secret we have to guard closely for various reasons. For now, you have to stay away from that girl.
Charlotte: I'm staying away from everyone. We're sequestered, remember? No one comes in. No one goes out.
Victoria: [thinking about Emily] Well, with one notable exception.
[stroking Charlotte's hair, deep in thought]

Victoria: [gasps] Charlotte. Oh, my, I wasn't expecting you for a couple of weeks.
[hugs her daughter, kisses her]
Charlotte: Well, apparently we no longer own property in Paris, which I loved discovering at 3 a.m. after chartering a car from Brussels.
Victoria: Darling, I'm sorry nobody told you, but the European market is very strong right now.
Charlotte: As is your stable boy, it seems.

Mason: I've always been amazed at how you can make 20,000 square feet feel warm and inviting. Still, without Conrad, it feels somehow empty. Now, rumor has it, he's moved into the South Fork.
Victoria: And good riddance. This is one village that won't miss its idiot.

Lt. Colonel Hal Moore: I can hear you laughing you know.
Julie: I'm not laughing, I'm marveling.
Lt. Colonel Hal Moore: At what?
Julie: That you can find stubbornness in your children and think it comes from anywhere but you...

Victoria: [as Charlotte comes home] Daniel, is that you?
Charlotte: [marching up the stairs, determined to avoid mother] No, the other child. The disposable one.
Victoria: Charlotte, don't talk like that.
Charlotte: [without looking back] Here are the keys to your new car. Ground me, restrict me, do whatever you want. I could honestly care less.
Victoria: You keep it.
Charlotte: [Mom now has her attention] You're giving me a $200,000 car?
Victoria: If it means that you'll stop this torture, then, yes.
Charlotte: [ironically] Wow, Mom. I guess you really do love me after all.
[shakes her head at mother, and walks off, leaving her at a loss]

Victoria: Did you honestly think I wouldn't notice the gaping hole where ten million dollars used to be? I've seen the bank receipt.
Conrad: I was trying to protect you.
Victoria: The only thing you were trying to protect is your weakness for her.
Conrad: She has the power to expose us, Victoria. I didn't have a choice.
Victoria: You could have called her bluff. After fifteen years of complicity, I don't think Lydia has it in her.
Conrad: Maybe not before you exiled her. But thanks to your handiwork, she no longer has anything to lose. I'd say we got away with a bargain.
[Victoria slaps Conrad]
Victoria: It's because your handiwork we're in this situation in the first place.

Victoria: [to Ashley] You're right. This is just a seasonal trifle. Not unlike yourself.

Victoria: [looking up from playing the piano] Emily. It's a shame you still feel the need to drop by unannounced.

Hawkeye: My father warned me about you...
Cora: [interupting] Your Father?
Hawkeye: Chingachgook, he warned me about people like you.
Cora: Oh, he did?
Hawkeye: He said "Do not try to understand them".
Cora: What?
Hawkeye: Yes, and, "do not try to make them understand you. That is because they are a breed apart and make no sense".

Victoria: Emily, dear, that extravagant ring on your finger does not give you permission to flit in and out of my house without good reason.
Emily: [chuckles] I was here to ask Charlotte to be my maid of honor.
[far away, front doorbell rings]
Emily: She's really so excited to see Paris.
Victoria: She's already seen it. Multiple times.
Emily: I would assume that you of all people would appreciate the City of Lights, Victoria.
[door opens]
Emily: After all, isn't that where you attended art school all those years ago?
[door closes]

Victoria: [to David, as they come down the stairs to investigate] I thought I heard something. It's probably just the wind. Let's go back to bed.
[Emily hides]

Victoria: [her response to hearing from Daniel that his engagement to Emily is back on] How... repetitious.

Victoria: Don't hurt my son, Emily. You'll live to regret it if you do.
Emily: The last thing I want is for Daniel to get injured in any of this. Assuming that you feel the same way, I think it's time that we work out our differences.
Victoria: Yeah, I think we can both do that for Daniel's sake.
Emily: Victoria. I'm glad we had this talk. I really want to make things right between us. Especially because there's a chance that we could be family some day.
[Victoria just smiles coldly, and leaves]
Emily: Bye.
[smiling to herself]

[last lines]
Lillian: [voice-over] I told you, this is a story about how the world ends. One that begins at the end, and ends... at the beginning.

Victoria: [as FBI takes her ex-husband away] Goodbye, Conrad. Do rot in hell.

Victoria: You're trying to bait me. You'd like nothing more than for me to grab you by the throat so that you can say I'm crazy.
Emily: [raising her glass in mock toast] You know, for once, you're not completely mad, Victoria. Daniel needed a little... last-minute incentive, so I stole from the master manipulator. After all, isn't a fake pregnancy how you landed Conrad?
Victoria: Well, the difference is that I believed I loved him. But you're nothing but a predator. An empty shell who seeks to wreak havoc. That's it.

Victoria: Mason Treadwell's blog is front page news, and the damage is already done, but I want to hear it from you. Did you take pills the night of the party?
Charlotte: Declan lied about everything. He saw someone on the beach, same as me.
Victoria: Did you or didn't you?
Charlotte: No, I told you.
Victoria: Charlotte, look at me. You're high right now, aren't you?
Charlotte: So what if I am on drugs? My father's a mass murderer. My half sister is an arsonist. Guess the fruit doesn't fall far from the tree, does it?

Cora: A breed apart, we make no sense?
Hawkeye: In your particular case, Miss, I'd make an allowance.
Cora: Thank you so much.

Pascal: [sees Victoria wearing the designer dress he brought her] I knew you couldn't resist.
Victoria: Well, fine art's meant to be displayed.
Pascal: And appreciated.
Victoria: Keep your distance, Pascal. This dress might touch my body, but you'll never be so lucky.
[slinks off with a grin]

Victoria: [to David] Emily's unsupportable claims are that of a nine-year-old child.

Conrad: [as Victoria idly plays on piano] The authorities will be arriving any minute.
Victoria: Well, I won't waste my energy throwing you out.
[ceases playing, causing one false note]
Victoria: Though I am surprised that you haven't gassed up a Gulf Stream and gone on the lam.
Conrad: Oh, running would be undignified.
Victoria: Particularly after suffering the humiliation of being sold out by your very own daughter.

Victoria: [institutionalized under duress] You won't get away with this!
Emily: [whispers] Watch me.

Daniel: [arriving home to find girlfriend there] Emily?
Emily: Hi!
Daniel: Hi! What's going on?
Emily: Honey, your mother invited me over for tea.
Victoria: [at the sight of her son's drenched after-sport physique] Daniel, for God's sake, pull yourself together! You're a sweaty brute!
Daniel: [to Emily] My apologies. Had I known my mother had summoned you, I'd have looked at least 50% less brutish.
Emily: No, it's fine. I should get going, really. I have to work out some issues with my realtor. Things got a little aggressive in our bidding war today.
[picks up cellphone, checks e-mail]
Victoria: [false] Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. Will you be on the hunt for a fallback rental, or are you headed back to the city?
Emily: Actually, as of this e-mail, I have just become the new owner of the beach house.
[causing Victoria obvious disappointment]
Daniel: That's great news. Congratulations.
Emily: Thank you.
Daniel: Now how about I make good on that date and take you out to celebrate?
Emily: That sounds great. How about tomorrow?
Daniel: Yeah, tomorrow's perfect. I know just the place. Come on, I'll walk you out.
Emily: Thank you so much for the tea, Mrs. Grayson. I can't tell you how much I enjoyed this.
[Victoria looks at her, contemplating her next move]

Margaux: What is she doing here?
Victoria: I invited her.
Margaux: [as the other two kiss] Victoria, I beg you, do not let this woman into your life.
Louise: Well, somebody has to lighten the mood around here. You're about as depressing as a Yankee groom at a Southern wedding.

Cora: What are you looking at, sir?
Hawkeye: I'm looking at you, miss.

Victoria: Trust is the one luxury I cannot afford.

Conrad: Victoria, may I say, you are positively radiant in your natural element.
Victoria: [elegant red dress] You mean, in the midst of a crisis, or with blood on my hands?
Conrad: No, in that dress, at one of your wickedly expensive soirees.
Victoria: Conrad, your gall never ceases to repulse me.

Victoria: They said it would take an act of Congress to get you out on bail tonight.
Conrad: No, no. No, all it really took was the Initiative.
Victoria: What did you promise them?
Conrad: I don't think I'll know until it's too late.

Charlotte: Once this wedding madness is over, I'm moving out of the Stowaway. It's time I lead my own life, Mom, just like it's time for Daniel to lead his. What we did with Sara hurt them both, and Daniel was better off without us interfering.
Victoria: We don't know that.
Charlotte: I do. I saw the pain he was in because of what we did. I'm done meddling, and it's time you stopped too.

Victoria: [to Emily, in the cage with her] Your words hold no meaning to me any more. It's funny, isn't it? Who would have thought that after all was said and done, you and I would die together?

Charlotte: It's so much more than that.
Victoria: It's okay. I'm here now. Charlotte, tell me everything.
[Charlotte sits down, and Victoria closes door]
Victoria: Charlotte...?
Charlotte: Emily Thorne is Amanda Clarke. And she's been lying about it this whole time.
Victoria: How did you learn of this?
Charlotte: She told me. Either out of guilt, or shame, or... just to torture me. Did you know?
Victoria: I suspected for some time. I wanted to get confirmation and find the right time before I told you, but when I confronted her, she denied it. But don't you worry. That pathological creature is going to get what she deserves.
Charlotte: And what about me? Will I?
Victoria: What do you mean? What did you do?
Charlotte: [very upset] I tried to kill her. Last night. I went out of my mind... and started a fire. But she survived. And she knows it was me. I have never been more afraid. You don't know what she's capable of.
Victoria: Oh, I do.
Charlotte: She's the one who kidnapped me. And she'll come after me again.
Victoria: I won't let her. You're safe now. You're going to come live with us. And we'll protect you.
Charlotte: We?
Victoria: [proudly] Mm-hmm.
Charlotte: Who else?
Victoria: Your father, Charlotte. Your real father. David Clarke is alive.
[Charlotte looks at her incredulously]

Conrad: Am I disturbing you?
Victoria: Is that a rhetorical question?

Lillian: Who are you?
James: Cole.
Lillian: Are you real, Cole?
James: Yes.
Lillian: [turns to look at Cole] Hm. No, you're not him. I'm insane, and you're my insanity.

Marion: I thought at least you might enjoy having pity on me.
Victoria: Pity is not a quality you taught me.

Cora: The whole world's on fire isn't it.

Victoria: Emily. What an unpleasant surprise.

Cora: They're going to hang you. Why didn't you leave when you had the chance?
Hawkeye: Because what I'm interested in is right here.

Victoria: And here I thought you were offering me a way out of this.
Conrad: Never.

Victoria: Don't let them see your weakness. That's the first thing they'll use against you.

Duncan: You are defending him because you've become infatuated with him!
Cora: Duncan, you are a man with a few admirable qualities, but taken as a whole, I was wrong to have thought so highly of you.

Victoria: [as Charlotte gives laundry to house servant] I see you're still taking advantage of our amenities?
Charlotte: Who was on the phone?
Victoria: Oh, just a little surprise I'm planning for the shower.
Charlotte: Well, since you've suddenly gotten into the spirit of things, maybe you wanna make the welcome toast?
Charlotte: I lost my phone.
Victoria: Which relates how?
Charlotte: Well, I had the speech for Emily saved on there, and I don't have time to re-compose it.
Victoria: Mm.
Charlotte: [playfully taunting] Probably for the best, since I didn't inherit your talent for faking sincerity.
Victoria: It's called being polite. And perhaps we wouldn't have to be if Sara had responded to my appeal. I haven't heard from her all week.
Charlotte: Maybe because she's too busy sneaking around with Daniel. I noticed her texting with him this morning, so whatever carrot you dangled, it seems to be working.
[her mother grins]

Victoria: Daniel, must we continue this endless display of animosity? I don't know how much longer I can weather this.
Daniel: Emily came clean about how you manipulated her into spying on me. It's pathetic.
Victoria: The fact that she agreed to my proposition should call her own motives into question.
Daniel: Oh, say what you will about Emily, but at least she had the courage to tell me the truth. Which is more than I can say about you.

Kurt: Mrs. Grayson, what are you planning to do?
Victoria: Something Amanda Clarke never had the courage to do herself. End this.

Victoria: Stop!
Charlotte: I need to get out of this house!
Victoria: You're not going to see Emily Thorne. I heard about her visit.
Charlotte: If you must know, I despise her almost as much as I despise you.
Victoria: Oh, I assure you that she will far surpass me on that list once certain truths come to light.
Charlotte: [sighs] God, Mom, you sound just as crazy as she did.
[heads for door]
Victoria: [pushes door shut in front of Charlotte] What did she say, exactly?

Emily: You know that Daniel would have wanted me at his funeral.
Victoria: Maybe. But we'll never know, will we?
[turns to leave, and Emily shakes her head]

Victoria: [to her visitor] You here for your sour grapes?
Conrad: No, I heard the news. You know, I thought that your imminent departure would bring me solace, but oddly, there's another sensation kicking around inside of me.
Victoria: A burst appendix, I hope.

Cora: You've done everything you can do. Save yourself! If the worst happens, and only one of us survives, something of the other does, too.

Victoria: Your message sounded urgent. Is something wrong?
Charlotte: I just wanted to say goodbye.
Victoria: I don't understand. Where are you going?
Charlotte: I'm taking control of my own life. I'm checking myself into rehab.
Victoria: [chuckling] Charlotte. Oh, that's wonderful. I know some excellent facilities.
[strokes the girl's hair]
Victoria: Where do you think you'll be going? Hmm?
Charlotte: I'd rather not say, since a large part of me doing this has to do with me getting away from you and your lies.
[Victoria looks dismayed and stops stroking her hair]
Charlotte: David deserves to know the truth about Emily, but don't worry, I'm not gonna say anything. It's your lie. I'm just not gonna stick around to watch you tell it.

Charlotte: [after David leaves] Everything you told him wasn't true.
Victoria: I told him no lies.
Charlotte: But isn't the real me good enough?
Victoria: Oh, Charlotte. I wish you could see what I see. That the real you is better than even you know. Oh, you're running on fumes, darling. Lie down. Get some rest. Come here.
[cradles Charlotte's head on her lap]

Victoria: Sweetheart, are you all right? How's baby Carl?
Charlotte: Perfect. I keep checking to see if something's changed, if somehow he knows his mother's... gone, but...
Victoria: He's too little. He couldn't possibly understand.
Charlotte: [tearfully] He will one day.

Victoria: [her daughter back from police inquiry] Charlotte, dear, were they able to help you?
Charlotte: Don't worry, Mom. I didn't tell them anything I learned about you.
Victoria: That's not what I...
Charlotte: Save it. I'm sure this is already a pretty sad day for you since my father's case has been reopened. Undoing all that hard work you did years ago.
Victoria: [takes Charlotte by the shoulders] Do not confuse Conrad's actions with mine. After everything that's transpired, I am still putting my children first.
[wipes the hair away from Charlotte's eyes]
Victoria: I hope you know how much I love you.
Charlotte: [eyes narrowing] Oh. Like you loved David Clarke?

Emily: I'm surprised to see you're not voting alongside your husband.
Victoria: And I wish I could say we're equally surprised to see you here unannounced in my home.
Emily: I just wanted to see if Conrad was planning to go through with his party, seeing as... Jack is still missing.
Victoria: [looks worn] Well, the party will go on, and Conrad will be there, front and center.
Emily: But not you.
Victoria: You'll soon learn
Victoria: that there are limits to what a woman is willing to endure for appearances.
Emily: Meaning?
Victoria: You and Daniel. Whatever your reasons for marrying him, you'll never convince me it is for love. And by and by, you will grow tired of perpetuating this charade. Until one morning you will wake up hollow, with nothing but regret and misery to fill your days.
[takes a sip of wine]

Victoria: [to the reporter] The thought of never seeing my children again was far worse than anything my captor could have ever done to me. You can call it a mother's will to survive.
Charlotte: [interrupting interview] More like a monster's! I just found out the real reason why you don't want me having a relationship with Amanda. Because she knows the truth about what you did to my father.
Victoria: Charlotte, this is not the time.
Charlotte: [to the reporter] Who, for the record, was David Clarke.
Victoria: [to the reporter] If you run that, I will sue you for libel.
Charlotte: It's only libel if it isn't true. Go ahead, Mom. Deny it.
[Victoria inhales sharply, cannot lie her way out of this]
Charlotte: That's what I thought!
[rushes off]
Victoria: [to the reporter] This interview's over!
[rises, marches off]

Victoria: [coming out to where her daughter is sun-lounging by the pool] Missed you at breakfast.
Charlotte: Not hungry.
[reading message from Declan on cellphone]
Victoria: Charlotte. We're going to have to discuss our communication problems at some point. And rather than dwelling on the past, I think the remedy for us would be to find some common ground. Start spending some quality time together.
Charlotte: [takes off her sunglasses] What'd you have in mind?
Victoria: Well, for starters, I thought it might be fun if you joined me and the ladies for my weekly luncheon.
Charlotte: You're unbelievable, you know that? The only reason you want to parade me in front of your lady puppets is to prove I've forgiven you.
Victoria: Exactly how many more times do I have to apologize before you do?
Charlotte: You wished I'd never been born. Do me a favor and pretend I wasn't.
[rises from her chair and walks away, leaving regretful Victoria behind]

Victoria: [to Ashley] I can handle anyone who operates in subterfuge, present company included.

Victoria: [coming up behind Ashley as she looks at herself in Victoria's mirror] Envisioning your future?
Ashley: No, I didn't know you were there.
Victoria: [sarcastically] Undoubtedly.
Victoria: I used to do the very same thing. Plan out my path, identify the obstacles, visualize the next six months, one year, five years...
Victoria: And as a result all those thoughts became
[gesturing around at wealth]
Victoria: this.
[darkly: ]
Victoria: You've made yourself quite at home at Grayson Manor as of late.
Ashley: I do my best to keep out of your way.
Victoria: That's debatable. Still, I was hoping that you could assist me with a matter that has come to my attention.
[hands her the cellphone, and she plays the caught-in-the-act with Conrad video]
Victoria: Yes.
[regarding: ]
Victoria: I had that reaction too.
Ashley: Please, you must understand...
Victoria: Which part? That you seduced my husband, or that you hid it from my all-too-trusting son?
Ashley: It happened one time. You had just... fired me. It was a terrible mistake.
Victoria: On that, we are in violent agreement.
Ashley: He offered to help me. Money, a job. Put yourself in the same position. Can you honestly say that you wouldn't have done the exact same thing?
Victoria: Oh, well, my judgment's not in question here, nor my future. And we both know it would be a simple pleasure to annihilate you.
Ashley: Please, Victoria. Don't destroy what I have with Daniel. I love him. That's why I would do anything to put this right.
Victoria: I'm counting on it.