20 Best Hawkeye Quotes

Cora: They're going to hang you. Why didn't you leave when you had the chance?
Hawkeye: Because what I'm interested in is right here.

Hawkeye: Take me!
Duncan: [as he is being forced away] My compliments, sir! Take her and get out!
Cora: Duncan! What are they doing to Duncan?

Duncan: Where are we going?
Hawkeye: Nowhere.

Duncan: [after Uncas spooks the horses to chase them off] Why is he loosing the horses?
Hawkeye: Why don't you ask him?
Uncas: Too easy to track; they'd be heard for miles. Find yourself a musket.

Duncan: There is a war on. How is it you are headed west?
Hawkeye: Well, we kinda face to the north and real sudden-like turn left.

Hawkeye: It was a war party. That means they're going to be attacking up and down the frontier.

Hawkeye: I am Le Longue Carabine! My death is a great honor to the Huron, take me!

Hawkeye: We just dropped in to see how you boys was doing.

Cora: Our father - Did you see my father?
Hawkeye: From a distance.

British: You call yourself a patriot, and loyal subject to the Crown?
Hawkeye: I do not call myself subject to much at all.

Hawkeye: Someday I think you and I are going to have a serious disagreement.

Hawkeye: No! You stay alive! If they don't kill you, they'll take you north up to the Huron lands. Submit, do you hear? You're strong! You survive! You stay alive, no matter what occurs! I will find you! No matter how long it takes, no matter how far. I will find you!

Cora: What are you looking at, sir?
Hawkeye: I'm looking at you, miss.

[last lines]
[Director's Expanded Edition]
Chingachgook: The frontier moves with the sun and pushes the Red Man of these wilderness forests in front of it until one day there will be nowhere left. Then our race will be no more, or be not us.
Hawkeye: That is my father's sadness talking.
Chingachgook: No, it is true. The frontier place is for people like my white son and his woman and their children. And one day there will be no more frontier. And men like you will go too, like the Mohicans. And new people will come, work, struggle. Some will make their life. But once, we were here.

Maj. Duncan Heyward: I thought all our colonial scouts were in the militia. The militia is fighting the French in the north.
Hawkeye: I ain't your scout. And we sure ain't no damn militia.

Hawkeye: [taking Duncan's gun away] In case your aim's any better than your judgment.

Hawkeye: My father warned me about you...
Cora: [interupting] Your Father?
Hawkeye: Chingachgook, he warned me about people like you.
Cora: Oh, he did?
Hawkeye: He said "Do not try to understand them".
Cora: What?
Hawkeye: Yes, and, "do not try to make them understand you. That is because they are a breed apart and make no sense".

Cora: Why were those people living in this defenseless place?
Hawkeye: After seven years indentured service in Virginia, they headed out here 'cause the frontier's the only land available to poor people. Out here, they're beholden to none. Not living by another's leave.

[Duncan aims a pistol at Hawkeye]
Hawkeye: Haven't you got anything better to do on the lake today, Major?
Duncan: [puts away his pistol] When you fall back into English hands I'll have you hanged!

Colonel: And how am I to know it wasn't a raid by thieves?
Hawkeye: The cabin was attacked by a war party fighting with the French. They're sweeping south along the frontier attacking farms and Mohawk villages, all the men are stuck here.
Colonel: I need proof more convincing than this man's opinion before I weaken the fort's defenses by releasing the militia.
Jack: Chingachgook had the same opinion about the raid; taken together that's gospel. Your fort will stand or fall depending on Webb's reinforcements, not the presence of the Colonials.
Colonel: I judge military matters here, not you.
Hawkeye: Your judgment is not more important than their right under agreement with Webb to defend their farms and families. Major Hayward was there, he was at John Cameron's, he saw what it was.
Colonel: What exactly did you see Major?
Duncan: [glancing at Cora] I saw nothing that would lead me to the conclusion that it was other than a raid by savages bent on thievery.
Hawkeye: You're a liar.
Colonel: [as Duncan lunges for Hawkeye] Major!
[to Hawkeye]
Colonel: Montcalm is a soldier and a gentleman, not a butcher.
Hawkeye: Easy for you to suppose, it's their women and children on the farms, not yours!
Colonel: You forget yourself, sir.
Jack: We're not forgetting Webb's promise.
Colonel: British promises are honored. And the militia will not be released, because I need more definite proof than this man's word.
Jack: Nathaniel's word's been good on the frontier a long time before you got here.
Colonel: This meeting is over, the militia stays.
Jack: Does the rule of English law no longer govern? Has it been replaced by absolutism?
Hawkeye: If English law cannot be trusted maybe these people would do better making their own peace with the French.
Duncan: That is sedition!
Hawkeye: That is the truth.
Duncan: I'll have you beaten from this fort!
Hawkeye: Someday, I think you and I are going to have a serious disagreement.
Colonel: Anyone fomenting or advocating the leaving of Fort William Henry will be hung for sedition. Anyone actually CAUGHT leaving will be shot for desertion. Now my decision is final. Get out!