The Best Lillian Quotes

Lillian: Who are you?
James: Cole.
Lillian: Are you real, Cole?
James: Yes.
Lillian: [turns to look at Cole] Hm. No, you're not him. I'm insane, and you're my insanity.

[last lines]
Lillian: [voice-over] I told you, this is a story about how the world ends. One that begins at the end, and ends... at the beginning.

Lillian: Some happiness is better than a lifetime of anything else. Death can be undone, James. Love cannot.

[first lines]
Lillian: [voice-over] I want to tell you a story. About how the world ends, and the man who came back through time to stop it... and failed. For, you see, there is another traveler, one who's both the architect and witness to our destruction. And the man cannot see the other's design. The end of the beginning -... - and the beginning of the end.