50 Best Katarina Jones Quotes

Katarina: If I were being forced to bet my life on a mission, I'd prefer it would be one of hope, rather than revenge.

Katarina: The Primary code has given us the method to reset the timeline.
James: Yeah... we're running out of time, so let's get me in that thing, erase me, whatever you gotta do.
Dr. Julian Adler: We can't. It would take 3 1/2 years for our systems to compile and assemble the entire code.
Katarina: Time will collapse in a matter of hours, 12, maybe 13 at best.
James: So we go back, give ourselves the code in the past.
Dr. Julian Adler: Rendering our machine useless for all those years. We halt the mission before it even began.
Katarina: We'd never reach this point with the answer.
James: What about Titan? It's a time-traveling city. It must have a thousand times the processing power we need.
Dr. Julian Adler: Possibly, provided that one could stop Olivia's final sequence and somehow - impossibly, mind you - gain access to her systems.
Katarina: Even if we could, we have no idea where or when Titan even is. I'm sorry. If I hadn't endeavored to change history, to rewrite time, to manipulate for personal...
Dr. Cassandra Railly: James...
James: I'll listen to rest of the speech in 12 hours. Till then, we got work to do.

Katarina: Do you remember the first year underground? No windows, no sunshine. I lost all sense of time. I felt as... as though I was choking.
Col. Jonathan Foster: It was a coffin.
Katarina: Yes, exactly. And we would sneak upstairs and look at the stars. Cassiopeia. Andromeda. Whole constellations, untouched by disease, oblivious to our suffering. And I told Hannah, no matter what will happen to us... the stars will remain. And I promised her...
Col. Jonathan Foster: [quoting Shakespeare] "Yet, do thy worst, old Time, despite thy wrong."
Katarina: "My love shall in my verse ever live young."

Katarina: Do you know what caused these anomalies out there?
Jennifer: Caused? That's your problem. Cause or effect, chicken, egg, beginning, ends. Not so simple. No straight lines.
Katarina: Do you have more to offer than riddles?
Jennifer: The Monkeys made it. But the who is not important. It's the how, it's the why.
Katarina: I know how. They used my machine.
Jennifer: Says the ant.
Katarina: Excuse me?
Jennifer: [arranging several chestnut-like objects in a line] A colony of ants, all in a line. Hundreds, thousands. But one ant only knows of three. The one in front, the one behind, and itself. Until...
[she moves one of the objects out of the row and places it aside of it]
Jennifer: ...it steps out of line. Then it sees everything.

Katarina: Goodbye, Jonathan. For now.

[opening scene]
Katarina: [narration] Three years ago, I sent a travler back in time... To stop a plague that had killed 7 billion people... Change history, and save the future. However, the puzzle was fare more complex than we could have ever imagined. We discovered the Army of the 12 Monkeys, a conspiracy spanning centuries, a cult operating by fierce religious devotion to the word of its prophet, a woman from the future who called herself the Witness. The world's end, an infinite hell on earth, are by her design. And our mission to stop her has come at a tremendous cost. And the last remaining survivors of Project Splinter have lost everything. Our will... our hope... Our friends. The Witness has already begun her destruction of time, her Red Forest. And the puzzle, the one we set out to solver together, has finally given us an answer. But not the one we hoped. For, you see, the only way to save the world... To save the past... the present, the future is to erase James Cole... Delete him from every moment. The loops and tangles of time... This war... It's all a disease created by the cure. The end of the beginning, the serpent eating its tail. And now that beginning is finally here.

[the future timeline has been altered]
Katarina: Is there anything you wish to discuss, Dr. Eckland?
Dr. David Eckland: You really don't remember me?
Katarina: I read through some part of my journal, and it looks like your expertise in molecular biology was quite valuable. I apologize, Dr. Eckland, but you were not part of my original reality.
Dr. David Eckland: Well... Well, that's gonna make it awkward tonight - when you come to bed.

Dr. Lasky: Voila!
Deacon: "Voila" is usually proposed to express satisfaction or approval. I'm not getting either from that piece of shit.
Katarina: That piece of shit is how we are going to disable the Guardians' unique advantage.
Dr. Julian Adler: Think of it as a modified EMP device, which will dampen all electronics and generate a burst of interference, to which even these suits will be susceptible.
Whitley: So what does that get us?
Katarina: A window. A very narrow window. Hannah?
Hannah: We'll splinter to 1953, to the exact moment James and Casssandra located the Witness's safe house. We'll detonate, then we'll engage.

Katarina: You must be Mr. Cole.
James: Jones. But how... You knew. You've always known me.
Katarina: It appears so. But maybe your 'always' and my 'always' are not the same.

Katarina: They haven't jumped since we lost them in London. So they're either still there, or...
Olivia: They've found a way to conceal their movements. Jennifer have anything useful?
Katarina: [showing her one of Jennifer's drawings] Yeah, she calls it "the end."
Olivia: The Witness's return to Titan.
Katarina: What do you make of it? Prophecy or bullshit?
Olivia: You're a scientist. Your mind marches in a logical direction. Jennifer's thought process is more random. Past, present, future, all at once. Primaries are driven to insanity by it. They don't see the gift.
Katarina: Do I detect envy?
Olivia: Wouldn't you like to see the puzzle from above?

Dr. Julian Adler: This is a simulation of the current time stream as we know it. When we initiate the Primary code sequence...
Jennifer: The serpent's free! Only traveling in one direction again.
Dr. Julian Adler: The loops are broken, erased.
Katarina: Julian, show me those splinter coordinates again.
Dr. Julian Adler: You were right, Katarina. These dates do not represent all our splinters.
Katarina: No, only Mr. Cole's. This is every time he has traveled, every moment he has affected the time stream. It's his entire life. This was never about splintering. This was designed to destroy a Djinn, and a Djinn cannot be deleted from just one moment. It has to be removed from every moment. The Primaries built a machine to erase James Cole.
Jennifer: No. Cole can't be a Djinn. You said yourself, this is something that can only be born of time travel. Cole's father wasn't a traveler.
Dr. Julian Adler: His mother, Marion.
Katarina: Hannah...

Katarina: I don't know who of you believes in a god. And if so, what kind? A god of absolutes. Or a god of compromise. My god of late has been time. Time doesn't concern itself with morality or good or evil, but with if and when. A god who understands that I've already done that which I will one day do. Our sins precede us. They define us. One hopes, in the name of order and necessity, wrong for the sake of right.

[last lines]
Katarina: James. Mr. Ramse survives the jump, he's going to try and stop you.
James: And when he does, I'm gonna kill him.

James: Okay. So how do we do it? We take their code, we put it in our machine...
Dr. Cassandra Railly: No. No. No, this can't be it. There has to be another way. Jones? This is not how it was suppose to end.
Katarina: How was it suppose to end? The mission hasn't changed... Only our feelings.
Dr. Cassandra Railly: But if you can erase him, you can erase Olivia. There has to be another way.
Katarina: Maybe... but this what we have. We have run simulation after simul...
Dr. Cassandra Railly: But I just murdered 7 billion people. I will not murder 7 billion and 1, not when the one is worth all the rest.
Katarina: Time will be reset. They will live again.
Dr. Cassandra Railly: But he won't. He can't. He can't exist at all.
James: It's okay. Cassie...
Dr. Cassandra Railly: No, it's not okay. No, it's not okay. You've given everything to time. You are owed. I am owed. Time owes all of us.

Katarina: Mr. Cole and Dr. Railly are lost in time. This anomaly is threatening to kill us all. I don't have the time to break on through to the other side with you.
Jennifer: Jim Morrison. Primary.

Col. Jonathan Foster: Those days we spent trapped underground, surrounded by all those books, human beings, gone. But their voices were still with us, thriving. We had hope. They were better times.
Katarina: Yes, they were.
Col. Jonathan Foster: You and I were better too.
Katarina: We were.
Col. Jonathan Foster: You were the most brilliant woman I had ever known.
Katarina: But I was also something else.
Col. Jonathan Foster: Yes? And what's that?
Katarina: A mother.
[she shoots him]

[first lines]
José: Please tell me you're not praying right now. Lady, you don't seem like the type, secondly, it scares me, the fact that you might need some divine intervention bringing our boy back home.
Katarina: I'll take whatever I can get.

Katrina: Do you believe in fate?
James: Sure. Fate, karma, Santa Claus. I'm very spiritual.
Katrina: Spirituality is just science we don't understand... yet.

Katarina: Did you ever have children?
Dr. Julian Adler: A son. He succumbed, in 2017.
Katarina: The greatest lie is believing that we are shaping them. That we have any control. No. They make us. They can destroy us.

Katarina: Jonathan. Let me show you the machine, and then you will see...
Col. Jonathan Foster: Seeing a machine is not gonna make me believe in blasphemy.

José: [having brought Olivia to Jones] I saw her at Titan. Whole place went up in smoke, and there she was, like she was just waiting for it.
Katarina: Or you.
José: How would I know?
Katarina: You did work with her for a quarter century, helped her profit off history. Markridge, the plague, Project Splinter. I'd say you know her better than most.
José: She broke off from them in 2016, and her and the Witness have been in a dogfight ever since.
Katarina: Well, then she had thirty years to knock on our door.
José: Or maybe it's bullshit. But it's bullshit that I thought you should know.
Katarina: Mr. Ramse, this place is so steeped in bullshit. It's the truth that I find hardest to believe.
José: I gave you the enemy of your enemy giftwrapped in a bow. Could I see my friend now?
Katarina: After all you've done, huh? After all that we've done to each other. Come on, you and I know better. My friend's friend is no more trustworthy than my enemy's enemy.

Olivia: Father made his golem out of DNA. You made yours out of metal.
Katarina: Is that what you think I'm doing here? Playing God?
Olivia: Playing God lacks ambition. Why play at something when you can simply become it?
Katarina: You were made to be humble, I see.

Katarina: Where's Ramse?
James: Tell me he won't get hurt.
Katarina: Why would that matter if you are successful?
James: Because getting Ramse killed can't be the last thing I do here.

Elliot: The shakes. What's with the shakes?
Katarina: Splinter radiation. Lethal exposure trying to escape your masterpiece. Four weeks. Six at best.

[Cassie and Jones are threatening each other]
Katarina: It's time for you to go.
Dr. Cassandra Railly: I have a gun.
Katarina: Yes. But I have a knife, and unlike your gun, my knife is real.

James: Deacon has a plan. We can get the bell.
Dr. Cassandra Railly: Where is it?
James: It's below, in the tunnels.
Dr. Cassandra Railly: Then we need to move. We only have fifteen minutes.
James: What happens in fifteen minutes?
[Jennifer pantomimes an explosion]
James: What?

Katarina: It took months, but I watched time repair itself. The Red Forest is gone, for now. A memory of tomorrow.

James: All right, you prep for me and Cassie. Once we're gone, you delete the files, preserve some bit of causality, and then you head back to the Emerson.
Katarina: And then what? Wait for the world to change, as it once did with you tomorrow? James, we are echoes here... following ourselves, hoping that the figure in front of us is smarter than we are. First Leland, then Athan, then each other, now Olivia. How high a wall of bodies must we build to see the curve of history? Same loops, same mistakes, over and over and over. The snake.
James: Eating its own tail. Jennifer's drawings... visions, voices in her head. She was on to something.
Katarina: We are stuck here. We are blind. Ms. Goines is the only one of us who can see.
James: We need to get back in the game. But we can't do anything without a machine.
Katarina: Mr. Ramse is right. At this moment in time, I hadn't perfected it. I was then lost as I am now, trusting only... Wait here for Dr. Railly. Stay out of sight until I find you. There's something I need to do.

Katrina: Mr. Cole, you are welcome to spend the rest of your life right here on the floor of this cell. That's one option.
James: What's the other one?
Katrina: Depends. Do you believe in fate?
James: Sure... Fate, karma, Santa Claus. I'm very spiritual.
Katrina: Spirituality is just science we don't understand yet. Call it what you will, but something led you and me to this moment.
James: For what?
Katrina: A mission... one for which I believe you were destined.
James: Who are you?
Katrina: Jones is my name. You're going to help me change the world, Mr. Cole.

Katarina: Ms. Goines? The Daughters - My daughter will be exceptionally lucky. Hannah was - will be an amazing woman because of you.
Jennifer: The actor does not say good-bye to her audience, only good night, and then wakes up and does it all over again.

Whitley: I ever tell you what I wanted to be when I grew up? Architect. Told my father I wanted to grow up and design my mother her dream house. Then the plague hit.
Katarina: And you became a soldier.
Whitley: Spearhead, this place... they were never home. But I figured if I couldn't build something, at least I could protect something. So I thought.
Katarina: Knowing the fate of our facility and staying here makes me insane by definition.
Whitley: Time travel sounded pretty insane, too, when you first told me about it. It also sounded like hope. You're already working on another batshit-crazy plan to get us out of this mess, aren't you?
Katarina: The craziest.

Katarina: There once was a serpent who only traveled in one direction; always forward, never backward, until one day, he encountered a demon.
Hannah: It's a story about time. The serpent is time. The demon, Olivia. Devouring its tail, the endless loops. It's insanity.
Dr. Cassandra Railly: The Red Forest.
James: The Seers are Primaries. So that means if the story's true, they have a weapon to fix all this, break the cycles. We need to go back to 1852 to get it.
Jennifer: Uh, pioneer town? Death by dysentery? That's a wagon train of nopes.

Katarina: [sees the Fuhrer] Is that...
Jennifer: It ain't Chaplin.

Dr. Julian Adler: What's left for us now, Katarina? What options do we have?
Katarina: I'm incapable of abandoning this place. There are no other options for me.
Dr. Julian Adler: Even if there's no hope? Even if it means knowing you will die here?
Katarina: Hope?
[she chuckles]
Katarina: Hope is the luxury of those who are unburdened by fate.

Dr. David Eckland: Do you think you would've married again? If the world hadn't gone to shit?
Katarina: I prefer to correct my mistakes, not repeat them.
Dr. David Eckland: Hey, where's the fun in that? Where would we be, if we were scared away by a little failure?
Katarina: Not in my bed, that's for certain.

Hannah: He built Titan. They didn't take his work. He gave it to them. How can you be so calm? Why aren't you ready to kill him right here and now?
Katarina: There are few people whose death you consider more than the one you marry, I assure you.
Hannah: But, mother...
Katarina: If you think I'm being merciful, there are worse weapons. Knives that cut deeper, slower, more painfully.

Dr. Julian Adler: I did my damnedest to enter every coordinate, every date, but it's little more than a jumble of data.
Jennifer: Okay... the weapon to destroy the demon... But how would you do that exactly?
Katarina: The loops and tangles of time. To stop something that never started, to end something that never began, you must break them. Untangle...

José: [in 1944] Almost time.
James: [to Agent Gale] You're gonna want to see this.
Dr. Julian Adler: [in 2044] Katarina! Katarina, it worked, he did it. Mr. Ramse placed the ad and gave us the encrypted coordinates.
Katarina: Lock into these. Let's bring them home!
[in 1944, Ramse, Cole and Cassie are waiting to splinter back to the future. Ramse disappears first]
Dr. Cassandra Railly: [to Agent Gale] Yeah, you won't forget it.
[disappears as well]
James: H. G. Wells.
[chuckles, and vanishes into thin air]
Agent: Holy shit.

Katarina: The worst thing about betrayal is that it never comes from one's enemies.

Katarina: This is what happens when you play God and you don't know your lines.

Katarina: Sometimes the only way to know what's left in us is to see what's at the bottom.

Katarina: You killed Elliot.
Deacon: I kept you in the game, Jones. Look, Elliot is dead now, but double down, reset time, and you and him and your daughter will be arguing about dishes in the sink, while me and my brother open a bar, and we raise a glass to the people we didn't have to kill to get here.

[Speaking in German]
Friedrich: You were part of this?
Katarina: Yes.
Friedrich: I knew it.
Katarina: Just one last think I need to tell you...
Friedrich: Yeah?
Katarina: Go to Hell you little piece of Nazi shit!

Katarina: Ms. Goines... remember, your plan... your mission... your responsibility. If it goes awry, please have the good sense to pull back.
Jennifer: Any other words, Jonesy?
Katarina: Don't fuck up.
Jennifer: A real Tony Robbins, this one.

[Katarina turns on a radio]
James: What is that?
Katarina: Music, James. And more to the point: it's a broadcast. Shortwave. From somewhere out there! What you and Dr. Railly did in 2016, changed things. Here: our records show that some of the quarantine zones didn't fall as quickly as before. So there were more survivors. Human lives spared, because we dared to challenge fate! Do you know what that is? It's hope, Mr. Cole.

Katarina: Elliot, what are you doing in the past?
Elliot: You don't understand. I spent the last ten years building. Building something monumental. A research vessel. An ark that can travel through time.
Katarina: Elliot, dear God, don't tell me you...
Elliot: It's called Titan.

Katarina: [in 2041] You. Your name is Cole? I've been waiting for you.

Katarina: It's definitely M5-10.
Dr. Cassandra Railly: We never knew how it was released.
James: We do now.
Katarina: If they only had one remaining sample.
Dr. Cassandra Railly: Well, this this is how you maximize its impact: turn a building of innocent people into traveling time bombs.

James: I know this.
Katarina: It's an ouroboros. Many cultures have it.
Hannah: Jennifer often drew that. Sometimes waking from a nightmare.
James: Why? Why did she draw it?
Katarina: She called it "the end of the beginning."
James: The secret to the universe is chock full of nuts.
Dr. Cassandra Railly: What are you talking about?
James: The future me said that there was an end to all this, that Jennifer was the key, that she had the answer to everything.
Dr. Cassandra Railly: She did. Guardians. Athan.
James: No, there's more than that.
Katarina: Ms. Goines wanted to return to her time. 2017.
James: Well, we need to find her. Get the machine back up and running again.
Dr. Cassandra Railly: We can't.
James: God damn it.
Katarina: Dr. Railly's right, it's impossible.
James: We're not giving up!
Katarina: Mr. Cole.
James: We need the core to get the machine to work. We had two. The broken one, and the one we slaughtered Spearhead for. We use the old to fix the new one.
Dr. Julian Adler: The old core was in storage. Outside the splinter perimeter.
James: Which means we know it'll be there.
Katarina: Crushed under the rest of the facility we left behind.
James: Well, there's only one way to know.
Dr. Cassandra Railly: Go back to Raritan? It's way too dangerous. We lost enough...
James: Deacon. Whitley, Lasky... Athan. They died for us. For this mission!
Dr. Cassandra Railly: Cole. There is no mission. It's over.

Katarina: I need to see this to the end. I have to.
Jennifer: You will. I'm here. I'll push you until the clocks stop and the road runs out.