The Best Elliot Jones Quotes

Elliot: Well, turns out, my pallid friend, that I, much to my utter and "holy shit" surprise, am a father. Mm-hmm. And although that I'm what you might call processing it - you know, denial, acceptance, picking out colors for a room I never got to paint - I have learned something. There's this thing - every father - every good father - would do for their kid. Wanna know what it is?
Pallid: Tell me, Elliot. What would a father do for their children?
Elliot: Fight.

Elliot: The shakes. What's with the shakes?
Katarina: Splinter radiation. Lethal exposure trying to escape your masterpiece. Four weeks. Six at best.

Katarina: Elliot, what are you doing in the past?
Elliot: You don't understand. I spent the last ten years building. Building something monumental. A research vessel. An ark that can travel through time.
Katarina: Elliot, dear God, don't tell me you...
Elliot: It's called Titan.