30 Best Alisen Down Quotes

Katarina: [lightening a cigarette] Imagine for a moment, you were me. What would you do?
Olivia: Quit smoking.

Olivia: I've always wondered... Why the mask?
Athan: If you're gonna promise death, best look the part. Now, I suppose... that's your job. Surely you've realized by now. Took me so long to see it. The thing I believed I was meant to become. A sad, lonely demon at the end of time... was never me. Ensuring my own creation meant ensuring yours. The promise of a timeless realm. The deceiver. It was always you, Olivia.
Olivia: What?
[flashbacks of the masked "Witness"]
Olivia: But I haven't done those things.
Athan: Not yet. But you will.
Olivia: No. I haven't given orders through time, I... I prayed to you. I worshipped... *you*!
Athan: Yes.
Olivia: You are the Witness.
Athan: No, that's where you're wrong. But I witnessed. It just took her for me to see. Life isn't measured by clocks. And though you have an army at your back... you are alone. And *that* is why you will lose.

Emma: We must be patient, Mother.
Olivia: Mother? I have no daughter, only a piece of myself to be where I cannot. I built you to achieve great heights, not fall from them. Finish Titan.

Striking: We should talk about James Cole.
José: He's not a concern.
Striking: How can you be so sure?
José: I killed him. In '87. That was his last jump. You have a working virus now. It's over. What's next?
Striking: The plague. And the coming of the 12.

Striking: Mr. Marker. You're a lion protecting your pride. A Roman centurion keeping the savage horde at bay, ensuring your seed continues. Why would you feel shame over what you were built to do? To endure. To thrive.
Aaron: Because it's wrong.
Striking: No, this is not a moral compromise. It's primal. Elemental. Magnificent. Darwin himself would be proud.
Aaron: Darwin. I missed his treatise on genocide.
Striking: Evolution, Mr. Marker, takes many forms.

Olivia: It was foolish of you to come. Why are you here?
Jennifer: To say adios, amigo. You may have destroyed the Primary weapon, but what it was meant to do, the code, was in here the whole time. But before we fire up the machine and wipe you from time and existence, there's something I thought you should know. You know your brand logo thing, "Copyright, The Witness, TM"? Well, I get it. It's Aramaic for the number 12 mirrored to represent the beginning, the end, blah-blah-blah, yada yada yada, such and such. But with a few little tweaks... Looks like a little penis man. Is that because you're such a dick?

James: I hear you're out of a job.
Olivia: I was wondering who would come to me first. You, Katarina, Cassie. How is Dr. Railly these days?
James: Did you notice the sky when you came in here? Clear blue. Leaves are green, no Red Forest. Looks like the Witness didn't come through for ya after all.
Olivia: The upper hand doesn't suit you.

Jennifer: You know what the one difference between you and my mother is?
Olivia: What?
[Jennifer stabs Olivia]
Jennifer: I get to say goodbye to you.

James: Where's Titan?
Olivia: You're not an adversary. You're an annoyance, like a drum that won't stop drumming. You keep asking, "Where is Titan?", but what you really mean is, "Where is she?"

Dr. Cassandra Railly: Why're you doing this?
Striking: Because you're important. He has plans for you.
Dr. Cassandra Railly: The Witness.
Striking: He wants to meet you.

Olivia: Father made his golem out of DNA. You made yours out of metal.
Katarina: Is that what you think I'm doing here? Playing God?
Olivia: Playing God lacks ambition. Why play at something when you can simply become it?
Katarina: You were made to be humble, I see.

Olivia: Thank you for confirming what I always knew. He's far too soft to turn on you all. I just needed a bloodhound. And we finds them, I will kill him... And everyone you love. I will hurt them, break them, twist them around, and bleed them dry. And no weapon will stop me. And I will do this... because I have seen, Katarina. I know, because I am the Witness.

James: So, he pushed you out, left you for dead, and now you want the Witness. So maybe for the first time, we both want the same thing.
Olivia: It's been decades since I've seen you, but your eyes... they're much older.
James: Why don't we talk about Titan?
Olivia: You've been chasing it, haven't you? To the very edge of time? Only now, you're an inch from falling over.
James: How long are we gonna keep doing this, huh? Me and you, back and forth?
Olivia: That's your problem, James. You imagine that we're equals.

Olivia: Athan Cole is dead. His cycle begets our own, and together, we will begin another. We will have our forest. Our peace. Our eternal Now. I will make for you what he could not. But first, we shall destroy our enemies where they live. You wanted the Witness to return. She has!

Olivia: You're too late. It's drawn all it needs. Now all we have to do is wait till the end of time. Soon you and him will be in that house forever. I know it's your perfect moment.
Dr. Cassandra Railly: No, this is.
[she knocks Olivia into the path of the tether beam killing her]

Olivia: There's an expression I'm fond of - one I teach those who follow me. We honor time...
Mallick: [in flashback] ... with patience.
Deacon: That's what this was? Just a long con.

Striking: Did you ever know your mother, Jennifer? They took her away, didn't they? Long time ago. Your father abandoned her too. Locked her away, till she went to sleep. No one was left to protect you. I can protect you now. You can be a daughter again.
Jennifer: I want to be a daughter again.

Olivia: James, I wouldn't worry about Cassandra. Nothing stays in a box forever.

Olivia: Jennifer, it's good to see you again. The reports of your recent wellness were quite pleasing to me.
Jennifer: My wellness? Who told you that, your spy?
Olivia: Stacy was there to watch over you, ensure your safety.
Jennifer: I'm tied to a chair. Epic fail.

Jennifer: This mission is a trap.
Olivia: Life is a trap. What we decide moment to moment determines our survival.
Jennifer: Huh. How's that working for you?
Olivia: I'd call it misfortune.

Striking: Aaron Marker. Dr. Railly is very important, to us, and to you. So tell me, what're you willing to do to keep her alive?

Striking: [from a letter to Ramse] We've known of you for a long time, Traveler. You were born José Ramse. You had a child. You are now separated from him by a great distance. Join me, Traveler, and forever he will be safe from those who seek to erase him. You are not alone, Traveler. You are important, valued, loved. I know you want to fight back against your tormenter. But there is a better way, and I can show it to you. Peace awaits you, Traveler. With love, Olivia.

Katarina: They haven't jumped since we lost them in London. So they're either still there, or...
Olivia: They've found a way to conceal their movements. Jennifer have anything useful?
Katarina: [showing her one of Jennifer's drawings] Yeah, she calls it "the end."
Olivia: The Witness's return to Titan.
Katarina: What do you make of it? Prophecy or bullshit?
Olivia: You're a scientist. Your mind marches in a logical direction. Jennifer's thought process is more random. Past, present, future, all at once. Primaries are driven to insanity by it. They don't see the gift.
Katarina: Do I detect envy?
Olivia: Wouldn't you like to see the puzzle from above?

Lydia: Look at you, big city policeman. An important man.
Constable: [Smiles shyly] *Important*, I don't-...
Detective: [Enters] George, I need you to get me six melons!

Katarina: Is there anything I can get for you? Blanket, perhaps?
Olivia: Thank you, no. I'm strangely never more uncomfortable than when I'm comfortable.

Olivia: James and Dr. Railly are tracking their son, which means they're learning to think like him. There are no straight lines. The Witness knows this. So stop thinking linearly.

Olivia: You'll upend the tables of history to save the ones you love. But me, you left behind. You really don't remember?
James: Remember what?
Olivia: How I was made. I was raised in a box. I was bled, I was tested. Then one day, I was set free and fooled into another. They called it a cycle. All it really was? Just another box.

Striking: You're walking through a red forest, and the grass is tall.

Adviser to the Witness: The central spire is capable of splintering by itself. We can run. All we have to do is stop the sequence and release...
Olivia: Do not stop the sequence! It must finish, or else the process will reverse entirely. They don't have the numbers. Take as many faithfuls you can get. Destroy their machine. It's the only weapon they have.

Striking: At last, the next cycle has begun.
Man: [about the 12] In 28 years, they'll be ready. This is quite the undertaking.
Striking: It has to be. Nothing is more important.
Man: You're certain of all this?
Striking: The Witness has spoken.
Man: But what of Jose Ramse?
Striking: On this day, November 11th of 2015, history will show that Ethan Seki will be found dead beside the accelerator he helped finance. His circle will come to an end.
Man: And James Cole?
Striking: James Cole will flee into obscurity, his future unknown to us. All of this is preordained, scripted by time, unmovable, because there is nothing more powerful than fate.