30 Best José Ramse Quotes

[first lines]
José: Please tell me you're not praying right now. Lady, you don't seem like the type, secondly, it scares me, the fact that you might need some divine intervention bringing our boy back home.
Katarina: I'll take whatever I can get.

James: I can feel your breath on my neck.
José: Do ya like that? No?

James: The Witness.
José: Olivia?
James: She killed your son... mine... and in a few hours, everyone and everything.
José: You said that I told you not to undo this.
James: Yeah, and I won't. Once this over, you have go back, die that night, or else we'll never end up here. And I have to climb in that machine and be erased from everything.
José: Jesus.
James: And if we're going out... we're taking that bitch with us. I need you for that.

Samuel: [shoots his Dad and Cole with rubber bands] Got you. You're both dead.
José: Nice job, buddy.
James: You're supposed to be watching my back, man. You're high-fiving the enemy?
Samuel: Dead means no talking.
José: Oh, man, I think I got a flesh wound.
James: Avenge me, brother.

James: I need to use the machine.
Alternate: If I fire this thing up, it's gonna drain us. We're not gonna have any power left.
James: I can undo all this - put things back the way they're supposed to be.
Alternate: These people, they depend on me. I gotta look out for their future.
James: There is no future. "Whatever the world is now, it doesn't have to be this." Remember? I can change it.
Whitley: You're not actually considering this. If you turn this thing on, we'll bleed the core out. We'll be done. We can't survive.
Alternate: Maybe we're not supposed to.

James: [uncovers a car] There it is.
José: She's a beaut, isn't she?
James: You think it'll still run?
José: Ain't about the age, brother. It's about the gas that's left in the tank. Everything else we can fix, you know?

Deacon: You know, I could kill all day every day for the rest of my life, and I still wouldn't touch your body count.
José: Wasn't murder, history as it was.
Deacon: True, you'd have to step up to be a murderer. No, you just whispered in the ear of the trigger man. You are Lady Macbeth, at best.
José: I never pegged you as a reader.
Deacon: Books didn't die in the apocalypse, boys.

James: You buried me?
Alternate: I watched you die. We stumbled upon this place together. Soldiers beat the hell out of us.
James: Yeah, that happened.
Alternate: You took a hit. You never woke up.
James: That didn't happen.

José: It took time travel to create time travel. That's how it works.

José: Coffee's not bad.
James: [drinking a Tab] I'll stick with this. This is good.
José: You ever had coffee?
James: Yeah, I used to make coffee all the time when we were scavs.
José: That wasn't coffee.
James: What do you mean "that wasn't coffee"? What was it? Seriously, what was it?

José: You know, we're always a step behind. For once, why don't we take the fight to them?
James: Look who's all leap and no look now.
José: You know what the difference is, brother? I earned it.

José: [before going back to the past] I promised my son I'd always protect him. I can't do it now. I'll do it then.

José: What the hell is wrong with you? Listen. I get that you're in a rush to delete yourself.
James: Easy, man.
José: That one's in a mad dash too. You guys are being reckless.
James: Look, we're getting close to the end of this thing, okay? If she's right about tomorrow...
José: All right. We'll never have happened. I get it.
James: Yeah. And you won't be around to hear me say 'I told you so'.

José: [in 1944] Almost time.
James: [to Agent Gale] You're gonna want to see this.
Dr. Julian Adler: [in 2044] Katarina! Katarina, it worked, he did it. Mr. Ramse placed the ad and gave us the encrypted coordinates.
Katarina: Lock into these. Let's bring them home!
[in 1944, Ramse, Cole and Cassie are waiting to splinter back to the future. Ramse disappears first]
Dr. Cassandra Railly: [to Agent Gale] Yeah, you won't forget it.
[disappears as well]
James: H. G. Wells.
[chuckles, and vanishes into thin air]
Agent: Holy shit.

Katrina: Mr. Ramse. Have you ever heard Mozart? Or Beethoven? Debussy, Bach? He was my favorite. You're too young to remember.
José: I remember enough.
Katrina: It wasn't just... the people. It was the ideas. The paintings. Rembrandt, Caravaggio. The books. Shakespeare. Tolstoy. And... and the music. Oh, the music. Go. Go call me a monster.
José: [referring to the experiments] This is wrong.
Katrina: This was necessary! You don't think I felt the pain of those men?
José: You kept going!
Katrina: Because in a thousand generations, we could not rebuild what was lost! What is the lives of a few people, compared to the whole of human history? Without it, there's nothing. Nothing, no future. Just... just drifting. In the ocean of time. No shore in sight.

José: What about numbers?
Jennifer: [She turns back to him] I love numbers, especially primaries.
José: [He takes a step towards her] What about the number Twelve?
Jennifer: Twelve's not a primary.
[She says shaking her head and turning walks away]

José: So this is my reward for all this shit? I get shot? You know, with my luck, you probably miss and screw this whole this thing up, man.
James: Listen, I just wanna say...
José: Don't, don't, don't, don't. Don't. I don't wanna waste my good-bye on this you. I wanna save it for the one that needs it.
James: We did the right thing, though, didn't we? In the end.
José: Yep. We did it the right way, brother.

José: Come on, I gotta die to a good song, brother! Good song!

Deacon: Who are you two? Why shouldn't I just drop you right here?
James: [shows his West 7 tattoo] 'Cause we're West 7. Always have been.
José: [also shows his West 7 tattoo] We ride or die.

[Jones has told Ramse about the experiments on people, which made time travel and the project to save humankind possible]
José: You better wake up, lady. In case you haven't noticed, it's not working! Nothing's changed! We're still here. And all you got is blood on your hands.

Katarina: I've loved very few in my life. My father, a husband, briefly, and my daughter. All three murdered, by a disease in which you had a part. Why? To save the life of your child whom your barely knew?
José: You created time travel. Save your daughter. You of all people should understand.
Katarina: Understanding does not lessen my contempt for you.

Dr. Julian Adler: What are you doing with those?
José: Jones needs it.
Dr. Julian Adler: She sent you?
José: Yeah.
Dr. Julian Adler: Are you lying to me, Mr. Ramse?
José: [punches him] Yeah.

José: You follow her to Slade, wait till the Messengers come, and we take him out.
James: We?
José: You're all leap, no look, little brother. You're going to get yourself killed.
James: My hero.
José: It's either that or Jonesey sends me back in time to save your ass again.
James: You're crazy about me. Just admit it.

James: I watched the world die, Ramse. Everyone. I watched her die.
José: It's meant to happen, brother. She's always gonna die.

Whitley: We need your help.
Col. Jonathan Foster: Is that so? What did she do now? Please tell me that she isn't still grinding scavengers into that machine.
José: Project Splinter. It worked.
Col. Jonathan Foster: Katarina sent someone back in time?
Whitley: She did.
Col. Jonathan Foster: Well, then, how are we still having this conversation? Now? Where is that utopian wunderland she promised us?
Whitley: It's not that simple.
Col. Jonathan Foster: That I believe.

José: [having brought Olivia to Jones] I saw her at Titan. Whole place went up in smoke, and there she was, like she was just waiting for it.
Katarina: Or you.
José: How would I know?
Katarina: You did work with her for a quarter century, helped her profit off history. Markridge, the plague, Project Splinter. I'd say you know her better than most.
José: She broke off from them in 2016, and her and the Witness have been in a dogfight ever since.
Katarina: Well, then she had thirty years to knock on our door.
José: Or maybe it's bullshit. But it's bullshit that I thought you should know.
Katarina: Mr. Ramse, this place is so steeped in bullshit. It's the truth that I find hardest to believe.
José: I gave you the enemy of your enemy giftwrapped in a bow. Could I see my friend now?
Katarina: After all you've done, huh? After all that we've done to each other. Come on, you and I know better. My friend's friend is no more trustworthy than my enemy's enemy.

José: That's got their attention.
James: [sets the detonator] Let's make sure. You're set to pop.
José: How does it work?
James: Gimme your hand, Louise.
José: Oh, God.
[Cole and Ramse splinter away and the car explodes]

James: Listen, man - you know I love...
José: Oh, what are you doing?
James: What?
José: You don't say that.
James: Say what?
José: You never say that.
James: No, I was gonna say, I love whisky, and we should go find some and drink it.
José: No you weren't, you were gonna declare your undying love for me, brother.
James: Don't flatter yourself, okay?
José: I heard you.
James: You're emotional right now. I heard that happens to new parents.
José: Listen, I'm not being emotional. You're being an asshole.
[both laugh]
José: [quietly] Me too.

James: [inspecting a case full of guns] Looks like for once Otero wasn't exaggerating.
Thug: You know Otero?
José: His kid.
Thug: Danny?
José: Yeah.
Thug: He's four.
James: Kids these days, huh?

[Deacon is questioning Ramse about why he has helped the 12 Monkeys create the plague]
José: My son. He lives here. I didn't want to erase this world, with him in it.
Deacon: Aww. Father - of - the - year.
José: You know a little someth'n about that, right? Fathers? You ever hear of a place called New Rochelle, New York? Wilmont Road? A little blue house, and it had white trim. I was parked out front, back in, uh... 2013. Heard a man and woman fighting inside, in the house. He chases her out, and, uh... grabs her hair. Starts beating her up. Two little boys run out.You know, chasing after her. And the oldest was crying, and he, he kept on crying, even when the cops came and... took his Daddy away. Theodore - William - Deacon. That was you. I came to see you. I wanted to see how you became what you are. You know, I think your Daddy, he would've gone all the way. He would've killed your Mom right there. If the cops hadn't come. You should thank me. For calling them. Are you mad, Deac, that I saw you that day? You cried. Sad little boy.