The Best Noah Bean Quotes

[previously skeptical of Cole's story, Aaron witnesses him splintering back to 2043]
Aaron: Holy shit!

Aaron: I spent my entire career putting bullshit sound bites into other people's heads. Cassie's the only person who ever filled me with anything. I can't lose her again.
James: I got a buddy, back in 2043. Always says this thing: Everybody's got two wolves inside them. Both of them are starving. The one wolf is anger, envy, pride. The other one's truth, kindness. Every day they tear each other apart. But it's not the better wolf that wins. It's the one you feed. Cassie feeds the good one.

James: How long was I asleep?
Aaron: You've been in and out of it for the last few days. I wouldn't exactly call what you were doing 'sleeping'. I've seen boxing matches that looked more restful.

Dr. Cassandra Railly: [referring to Peters] It's too late to stop him from making the virus. That damage is done. I think that's enough.
Aaron: Okay. But he's not innocent.
Dr. Cassandra Railly: He thought he was saving his husband. But he still made a choice.
Aaron: And I get it.
Dr. Cassandra Railly: You do? Helping to destroy the world to save just one person?
Aaron: One person that you love. In the end, isn't that all that matters?
Dr. Cassandra Railly: No.

James: Look, I know this is hard for you to understand...
Aaron: No, I get it. The world is ending. You're a time traveler who doesn't know what he's doing.
James: Back off.
Aaron: You got her killed!
James: And then I got her back!
Aaron: Yeah, how many times're you gonna be able to do that? How many times does she have to die before you figure your shit out?
[Cole stands up]
Dr. Cassandra Railly: Cole.
Aaron: You don't know. Do you?
Dr. Cassandra Railly: Stop it!
Aaron: You're right about one thing. The future's pretty bleak, if you're all they got.

James: You still don't believe me, do you?
Aaron: I believe that this cult is real, but, no, I don't think you're Marty McFly.
James: Who?

Striking: Mr. Marker. You're a lion protecting your pride. A Roman centurion keeping the savage horde at bay, ensuring your seed continues. Why would you feel shame over what you were built to do? To endure. To thrive.
Aaron: Because it's wrong.
Striking: No, this is not a moral compromise. It's primal. Elemental. Magnificent. Darwin himself would be proud.
Aaron: Darwin. I missed his treatise on genocide.
Striking: Evolution, Mr. Marker, takes many forms.

Aaron: So how do you know each other?
James: She bought me a cheeseburger.

Aaron: I called 9-1-1.
James: What's 9-1-1?

Aaron: You're no savior, Cole. You're just a savage.
James: You want to know what makes a savage? Seeing shit no kid should ever see and then doing the same thing to survive. I was just a boy, watching the world die, alone. Now I know who I have to thank for that.
[he punches Aaron in the face]

James: Something's different with the plague, I don't know what - Chechnya, Operation Troy...
Aaron: What?
James: ...Cassie plays a role somehow.
Aaron: Operation Troy? How do you know about that? That's classified.
James: Where I come from, it's history.