The Best Phillip Broyles Quotes

[to Olivia]
Phillip: Your dissatisfaction is what makes you so damn good.

Phillip: [Phones ring suddenly, interrupting a complex conversation between Broyles, Dunham, Francis & Nina Sharp. Broyles picks up his phone] Broyles!
Agent: [Dunham picks up hers] Dunham!
Charlie: [Francis wasn't left out either] Francis!

Agent: Why don't we go straight to the source and bring William Bell in for questioning now?
Phillip: At this point, I don't think that...
Agent: [interrupts] We have solid intelligence that William Bell is funding these horrific events that we've seen, most of which have been carried out by Jones.
Phillip: I'm not...
Agent: [interrupts] ... at this point, I don't care how powerful William Bell is or how deep his political connections go, he is not above the law.
Phillip: Dunham...
Agent: [interrupts] Sir, with all due respect, I have too much in this, professionally and personally, that if you stand in the way now, I...
Phillip: [forcefully interrupts] Dunham! I came in here to begin making the calls I'm going to need to make in order to get the interview that we both agree is necessary.
Phillip: [exasperatedly] And I would also request that you stop cutting me off every time I'm about to tell you to stop drilling, you've struck oil, as I was going to do when we first came through that door.

Phillip: [BROYLES follows DUNHAM as he tries to recruit her for his team] You must not have heard me, I said stop. They're calling these events a pattern. As if someone out there is experimenting only the whole world is their lab. You've seen it now, you know.
Agent: I don't want to know. I have a job.
Phillip: This is a more important job. Anything, anybody you need you can have.
Agent: I like the job I've got. And the man I do it with which you've seemed to deduce on your own.
Phillip: Look around. You see all these people going about their lives, no idea what's happening around them, what they're in the middle of.
Agent: I just want to go back to before.
Phillip: Dunham, I don't think you can.

Phillip: I never understood why Walter was so drawn to licorice. But look at it. The swirl... it's Bernini's Spiral Altar at St. Peter's. It... doesn't end.
Astrid: Did you clean that up?
Phillip: Yeah. I thought I'd help you clear the table.
Astrid: You touched the tray with the sugar cube.
Phillip: Sure. Why?
Astrid: ...Have you ever taken LSD?

Phillip: I'm afraid that won't be possible.
Agent: Well, then make it possible.

Phillip: Why are shape-shifting soldiers from another universe stealing frozen heads?

Phillip: Listen up. One of our own has been abducted. The vehicle of Agent Olivia Dunham was found abandoned on Graniteville Road in Westford three miles northeast of Little Hill. I want everyone doing everything: surveillance cameras checked, local officers and agents questioned. Anyone who might have seen anything - PD, DWP, AAA - I don't care what acronym it is, you get 'em, you talk to 'em and you find Dunham.

Olivia: I guess by now you're heard.
Phillip: That you frog-marched a senior officer of a multi-billion dollar conglomerate out of his office? Yeah, I heard. Quite a few cameras there.
Olivia: [shrugs] The press. They always get their pound of flesh. I understand that you think I acted too emotionally. Putting aside the fact that men always say that about women they work with, I'll get straight to the point: I am emotional. I do bring it into my work. It's what motivates me. It's what helps me get into the headspace of our victims, see what they've seen, even if I don't want to, even if it horrifies me. And I think it makes me a better agent. If you have a problem with that, I'm sorry. You can fire me. But I hope you don't.
Phillip: You're not getting off that easy, Agent Dunham. I'll see you in the morning.

Olivia: Is there anything else you'd like me to run past you?
Phillip: Not anything, everything.

Captain: Before we arrived here, we sent a team of twelve. Their mission was to observe and report; however, a strange phenomenon occurred. To some degree or other, they succumbed to irrational emotions. Your kind infected them.
Phillip: But not you. You seem to be impervious to everything.
Captain: I will never speak of it again, but I will admit this to you, Phillip. I, too, feel something. I believe you call it... hate.
Phillip: The feeling is mutual.

Phillip: We have another monster on the loose?
Olivia: No, Walter says the bite marks are definitely human.
Phillip: I can just about remember when a suspect being human was a given, not an option.

Agent: She offered me a job.
Phillip: And what did you say to that?
Agent: I told her you were going to give me a raise.

Phillip: [enters examination room with the science team] His name is Thomas Avery. Runs a news stand downtown. His only prior physical conditions were high cholesterol and a weak bladder. According to witnesses, the whole thing happened in less than two minutes.
Dr. Walter Bishop: Ceramides. They act as a signaling molecule in the skin. They control how the cells grow and differentiate. Two thoughts come to mind. The first, that this affliction might have been caused by a mutation, changing these lipids to recognize and seal any and all orifices... did they check his anus and penis?
Peter: [repulsed] You think we could get the answer to that question without me in the room?

Phillip: There's only one Walter Bishop. And we'll be needing him before this is over.

Phillip: Forgive me, Dr. Bishop. I like to think I have an open mind. But, I have a hard time accepting that that man is hearing another person's thoughts.
Dr. Walter Bishop: Oh yes, so do I. Which is why I would like to prove it.
Phillip: And how would you do that?
Dr. Walter Bishop: Am I required to keep him alive?
Olivia: That would probably be best.

Phillip: [referring to Peter] We need to get him back to the lab. I want Dr. Bishop to run those tests immediately.
Olivia: Walter is refusing to do ANYTHING that involves him.
Phillip: Dr. Bishop doesn't get to choose which cases he works and which he doesn't. It's his job to investigate fringe events, and until something suggests otherwise, HE is a fringe event.

Phillip: I'm hoping you can help. The man lying in that room is not just a colleague. He's a friend.
Dr. Walter Bishop: I see. Do you have any mints?

Astrid: What you're feeling right now, it's just the effects of the LSD, but it's temporary.
Phillip: No, it's infinite.