The Best Charlie Francis Quotes

Charlie: Do you ever wonder how we survived as a species without drugs?

- Turn around and put your hands in the air now.
- What happened?
- He's been shot.
Charlie: Call in a medevac.
Olivia: The case. They've made the exchange.
- He's running.
- Stay with him.

Charlie: Clear.
- Clear.
- Come over here.
- I think you should take a look at this.

- Put the case on the ground.
Charlie: Drop the gun now!
Olivia: Put your hands where I can see them.

Charlie: The prints aren't coming back on the driver. The truck isn't registered in New York, or anywhere else. The VIN number, the serial part numbers... they don't exist.
Agent: What does that mean?
Charlie: This truck was never made.

- I got b.P.D. Picking him up from there right now.
- Doesn't seem like the profile of a mass murderer.
- I didn't think so either.
- What?
Charlie: You're looking at depictions of dozens of attacks...
- Accidents, disasters we've seen over the last year.

Olivia: Wait five minutes, then release him.
Charlie: What about Harris?
Olivia: Screw him.
Charlie: My thoughts exactly.

Charlie: Witness sightings?
- NYPD's passing the composite around young's building as we speak.
- Yeah, I need you to cross-reference all of John Scott's case files...
- With Mark young. Yeah.
- From Nina sharp.
- Mark young's projects.
- Yeah, can you call me back if you find something? Thank you.

Olivia: He told me something.
Charlie: Who?
Olivia: I don't know. I can't remember.
- There's something I have to do.
Peter: Walter thinks it was a shape-changing soldier...
- From another universe.
- Charlie, what if I don't wanna remember?

- Charlie, I need two agents posted outside agent Scott's room now.
- Check on steig.
Charlie: [over phone] I'm on it.
Olivia: I'm five minutes away.
- We need this place locked down.

Olivia: Charlie, a black SUV just came out of nowhere.
Charlie: Where are you?
- Give me your 20.
- Liv?
Man: Target captured.

- Man [over pa]: Attention, all citizens.
- Evacuate the area now.
- This is not a test.
Charlie: Hey. Liv.
- You okay?

- Hold them off as long as you can.
Charlie: Olivia, I'll cover you.
- Walter. Hey, Walter. Stay here.
- They need this to close the portal, to prevent him from going over.
- Give it to me. I'll do it. Give it to me!
- Okay. All right.
- It's simple, a child could do it.
- You just twist this.

Charlie: How do you know?
- I recognize his voice.
- You recognize his voice?
- It's him, Charlie, I swear.
- Come on.
Agent: Almost there.
- It's a landline, but it was fonnarded to his cell.
Olivia: Where?
- He's in transit, on route 3.
- Heading to Lincoln tunnel.

- They're undergoing renovations, so not all the floors are occupied.
- So the device?
- This one's a real mess.
- Bomb squad says they can't move it...
- Or defuse it. -why?
Charlie: They've never seen wiring like this.
- Oh, my god.

- Whoa! Whoa, whoa.
- Charlie! Hey, you okay? You hit?
Charlie: I'm good.

Charlie: It's not a drawbridge, but it's close.
Olivia: This place looks like it hasn't been used for a while.
Charlie: It's Francis.
- Need you to pull up a property search on an address for me.
Olivia: Charlie?
- Yeah?
- I think I found something.

Olivia: He told me he loved me.
Charlie: I wasn't going to tell you this, but he said he loved me too.

Olivia: [over radio] Charlie, he's approaching a warehouse...
- Off Moore and Adams.
Charlie: Roger that.
- We 're turning on to Adams right now.
- Hey.
- He used a remote to get in.
- I guess we'll go the old-fashioned way.

- Or is it something that someone did to her?
- That is the real question now, isn't it?
- I'm not cleaning that up, by the way.
- Dunham.
Charlie: We got a hit from that check you found in Susan Pratt's apartment.
- It was cut from a law firm, signed by Isaac winters.
- He has an office in charlestown.

Dr. Walter Bishop: [turning to see Charlie behind him] Agent Francis, hello. You alright? You look pale.
Agent: Yeah. Haven't got much sleep last night.
Dr. Walter Bishop: Oh. I may be able to help you... a little cannabis before bedtime does wonders, huh?

- Such majestic creatures.
- They're rats with wings.
- You'll get over it.
- All right. GPS is active.
- Excellent. Then we're ready.
- Ladies and gentlemen, start your engines.
Charlie: Start it up, Adam.

Charlie: Olivia may have a lead on who abducted her. Only she can't pursue it without some help. I can't help her.
Peter: Why not?
Charlie: Suffice it to say, that sometimes the problem with being in law-enforcement is that you got to obey the law yourself.
Peter: And you think I'm the guy to break the law for you.
Charlie: I'm sorry, I didn't...
Peter: [interrupting him] No, look, you're right. I am the guy to break the law for you.

Store: I'll be with you in just a minute.
Charlie: I need the back room.

- Agent Dunham.
- How did you know where we were?
- What are you doing here?
- Trying to plug a hole in the universe.
- What are you doing here?
- Apparently, the same thing.
- But how did you...?
- Walter: Oh, no.
Charlie: What is that?

Agent: I need a cross check of recent unsolved homicides. See if any bodies have turned up with a missing pituitary gland.
Charlie: Oh, you say the sweetest things.
Agent: Only to you, Charlie.

Agent: Suspect's name is Nick Lane... uhhh... former address is St Jude's Mental Hospital
Dr. Walter Bishop: Well, I'm not going there.

- Alpha team clear.
- Bravo clear.
- Agent 1: Delta clear.
- Agent 2: Echo clear.
- Agent 3: We're clear.
Charlie: What is it?
- It's me. He was here.
- I want everything bagged and tagged.
- Move fast.

- Stop!
- Put your hands in the air!
Charlie: You okay?
- She was just there.

- The agents are surveilling the area, right? No sign of loeb?
- Not yet.
- So he doesn't know about his wife.
- No, he doesn't.
- Meaning she could still contact him.
- I'm ahead of you. I'll get a team.
- What happened? I missed it.
- Okay, we need Samantha's cell phone. Inventory has it.
Charlie: I'm on it.
- Nice work.

Phillip: [Phones ring suddenly, interrupting a complex conversation between Broyles, Dunham, Francis & Nina Sharp. Broyles picks up his phone] Broyles!
Agent: [Dunham picks up hers] Dunham!
Charlie: [Francis wasn't left out either] Francis!