Top 300 Quotes From Olivia Dunham

Phillip: I'm afraid that won't be possible.
Agent: Well, then make it possible.

Agent: Why don't we go straight to the source and bring William Bell in for questioning now?
Phillip: At this point, I don't think that...
Agent: [interrupts] We have solid intelligence that William Bell is funding these horrific events that we've seen, most of which have been carried out by Jones.
Phillip: I'm not...
Agent: [interrupts] ... at this point, I don't care how powerful William Bell is or how deep his political connections go, he is not above the law.
Phillip: Dunham...
Agent: [interrupts] Sir, with all due respect, I have too much in this, professionally and personally, that if you stand in the way now, I...
Phillip: [forcefully interrupts] Dunham! I came in here to begin making the calls I'm going to need to make in order to get the interview that we both agree is necessary.
Phillip: [exasperatedly] And I would also request that you stop cutting me off every time I'm about to tell you to stop drilling, you've struck oil, as I was going to do when we first came through that door.

- There's a bar across the street.
- You think now's the time to be throwing back shots?
- Who said anything about shots?
- Maybe they got fries.
Olivia: Now you're talking.
Doorman: Evening, Mrs. Merchant.
- Hello, Jimmy.

Olivia: How long is this going to take?
Dr. Walter Bishop: Miss Dunham, what we're doing, what you have asked me to do, is pushing the boundaries of all that is real and possible. We're not roasting a turkey.

- Agent 2 [over radio]: Man down.
- Med team to greyshot bridge. Man down.
Olivia: Lincoln?
- Liv.
- Hey.
- Where's the ambulance?

- He strikes me as one of the sanest people I know.
- Is that so?
Olivia: I'm gonna make this really simple.
- Walter is assisting us in a criminal investigation...
- Which you are obstructing.
- So either you release him into our custody or I will get a court order.
- You go get your court order, then.

- Oh, I'm sorry.
- Well, if you notice something, call the hotline.
- Yeah.
Olivia: Okay.
- Thank you so much for your time.
- Cancel the quarantine protocol.
- If there was a rift here, it's closed now.

Lincoln: This is agent Lee. I need an ambulance at downey park right away.
Olivia: No, Emily. You told me what's in your drawings is inevitable...
- But you're wrong.
- Today we saved all those people because of you.
Jim: Emily.
- Emily.

Olivia: All teams, stand by and hold position.
- Bravo team, what's your status?
- Agent 2: We have somebody moving in on foot.
- Copy that.
- Possible suspect on route to Dr. Carson.
- All units, headphones on.
- Team leaders, move communications to microphones.

Olivia: In the meantime, I need two hours alone.
Sanford: Why? Where you going?
Olivia: To get a massage.

- No, I just broke up with someone and
- Lincoln's been my shoulder to cry on.
Olivia: [over radio] He just got up.
- What's he doing?
- I'm guessing that's not lunch.
- Units, be advised. Suspect removed some kind of thermos from the trash.
- Place Hazmat and e.O.D. Personnel on standby.

- Like he kept a small token from each person's life.
- He was watching them.
- Looks like you were right.
- He was trying to cure himself.
Olivia: This isn't about curing himself.
- This is about being seen.

- That's it. You found it, Peter.
Peter: Olivia, cross right here.
Peter: You okay?
Olivia: Yeah.

Olivia: [singing] I can see the moon blue moon sees me shining through the old oak tree please let the light shine down on me shine down on the one that I love that's you.

- You've got that look on your face.
Olivia: What look?
- Ha, ha. The look that says,
- "I'm worried about you."
- Should I be?
- Absolutely not.
- You go talk to Nina,
- I'll liberate myself a ride.

- We convince her that it's not her husband she's holding on to.
- And that will make this stop?
- Possibly. But before we resort to Amber, we have to try.
- If I give the order,
- I want you two out immediately.
- No hesitation. Understood?
Olivia: Yes, sir.
- Go.

- Don't you remember, mom? What the priest said about Alex at the funeral?
Olivia: Stand up slowly and put your hands behind your head.
- Angels don't belong on earth.
- Keep your hands where I can see them and turn around very slowly.
- I'll see you in heaven.
- Woman: No!

Olivia: Why haven't you taken him to safety?
- Ever tell a general to take a death threat seriously?
- I've already seen what these guys are capable of.
- And everyone here is at risk, so you keep him in the back.
- The tall one thinks you're hot.
- Making our way to the ground floor.
- Broyles [over radio]: Copy that.

- How long till he started working here?
- A month. He's a nurse in the coma unit.
- He never showed up for his shift tonight.
- Broyles: FBI. Tomas koslov?
Olivia: Clear.
- Broyles: Clear.
- He knew we were coming.
- He must've seen us at the hospital.

Agent: So who was she?
Peter: Walter thinks that she was a shape-changing soldier from another universe. He thinks that might be where you went. Hmm.
[a Beat]
Peter: Do you think it's a bad sign that I can say that out loud and neither one of us thinks I'm crazy.

Olivia: I guess by now you're heard.
Phillip: That you frog-marched a senior officer of a multi-billion dollar conglomerate out of his office? Yeah, I heard. Quite a few cameras there.
Olivia: [shrugs] The press. They always get their pound of flesh. I understand that you think I acted too emotionally. Putting aside the fact that men always say that about women they work with, I'll get straight to the point: I am emotional. I do bring it into my work. It's what motivates me. It's what helps me get into the headspace of our victims, see what they've seen, even if I don't want to, even if it horrifies me. And I think it makes me a better agent. If you have a problem with that, I'm sorry. You can fire me. But I hope you don't.
Phillip: You're not getting off that easy, Agent Dunham. I'll see you in the morning.

- Turn around and put your hands in the air now.
- What happened?
- He's been shot.
Charlie: Call in a medevac.
Olivia: The case. They've made the exchange.
- He's running.
- Stay with him.

Dr. Walter Bishop: The escalator is infested with nanites.
Olivia: Nanites?
Astrid: They are microscopic self-replicating robotics. There's a machine that's generating them.
Dr. Walter Bishop: Despite their itty-bitty size, each of them is capable of storing a tremendous amount of energy, and it would seem they can be overloaded by the bio-kinetic energy stored in the cells of anyone infected.
Peter: [bemused] You mean, these people's movement is what's activating the nanites?
Dr. Walter Bishop: [snippy] That's what I just said. And the longer they are in the bloodstream, the more sensitive they become, so that the slightest exertion can trigger the overload.

Olivia: I knew Nick when we were kids. We shared an emotional bond. I'm hoping that through you we may be able to reconnect and find him.
Nick: And this makes perfect sense to all of you?
Lincoln: I find it's best if you just go with it.

[Over phone] Agent Francis.
- Charlie, it's me.
- Dunham. What's up?
- I need a cross-check of recent unsolved homicides.
- See if any bodies have turned up with a missing pituitary gland.
- Oh, you say the sweetest things.
Olivia: [over phone] Only to you, Charlie.
- I'll get somebody on it.

- Aah!
- You never know when to give up.
- Etta.
Peter: No, no, no, no, no...
Olivia: Why would we get her back just to lose her again?
- Man: Their abilities are aided by tech.
- I would be ten times what you are if I had that tech in my head!

Phillip: Forgive me, Dr. Bishop. I like to think I have an open mind. But, I have a hard time accepting that that man is hearing another person's thoughts.
Dr. Walter Bishop: Oh yes, so do I. Which is why I would like to prove it.
Phillip: And how would you do that?
Dr. Walter Bishop: Am I required to keep him alive?
Olivia: That would probably be best.

Olivia: Walter, why did you remove your trunks?
Dr. Walter Bishop: They were too restrictive. My body needs to be as free and open as my mind so I can find September.
Olivia: Are you feeling sufficiently free and open now?
Dr. Walter Bishop: I am. Let's get started.

- So, what made you wanna be a detective?
Olivia: I don't know.
- I guess that I just always knew what it was I was meant to do.
Peter: And what's that?
- To care for people.
- Well, then who cares for you?

Olivia: Where is he?
- Liberty island.
- The machine has arrived there.
Walternate: I'll get my coat.
- And some dramamine.
- This is where you get off.
- Official personnel only.
- Sam, whatever's happening, it's not over.
- Good luck, Olivia.
- Thank you.

- Shh.
Olivia: No. What you just said.
- Porcupines are nocturnal.
- They sleep during the day.
- So do vampires.
Olivia: Astrid.
- That's why Hicks' windows were all blacked out.
Astrid: What is it?
- Can we get Lincoln on the radio?
- Lincoln, do you copy?

- It's a compound used in negative-matter rings.
- Oh! What'd I say?
- Gloating isn't attractive.
- Hold still, agent Francis.
- That looks pretty bad.
- Why don't you take this off?
- I'll get the doctor.
Olivia: Okay.

- Well, I didn't say I didn't get my bell rung, but I'm doing better now.
- Two eggs over easy, bacon and grapefruitjuice.
- That's what I made you for breakfast on Sunday.
Astrid: Hey, guys. Look.
Olivia: There's a stage three tear.
- We've initiated Amber protocol.

Olivia: Did you make that?
- Hey.
- Listen, I wanna take you away from here for a while.
- Is that okay?

Phillip: [BROYLES follows DUNHAM as he tries to recruit her for his team] You must not have heard me, I said stop. They're calling these events a pattern. As if someone out there is experimenting only the whole world is their lab. You've seen it now, you know.
Agent: I don't want to know. I have a job.
Phillip: This is a more important job. Anything, anybody you need you can have.
Agent: I like the job I've got. And the man I do it with which you've seemed to deduce on your own.
Phillip: Look around. You see all these people going about their lives, no idea what's happening around them, what they're in the middle of.
Agent: I just want to go back to before.
Phillip: Dunham, I don't think you can.

- I was wrong.
- The crystal.
- I think it's not geologic in origin after all.
- In fact, I'm certain it's organic.
Olivia: Is that an ear?
- Well, I think Walter might have just found officer gillespe.

Sam: It's hot-wired. It's tricked into thinking he's already inside. That's why it's repelling anyone or any thing trying to enter.
Olivia: So you're thinking that it's malfunctioning.
Sam: What I'm saying is... it's frustrated... in a manner of speaking.

Olivia: He's been shot. He's gonna bleed out if we don't get him help.
- Go. Check the warehouse.
- If he's still here, don't let him get away.
- I got this.
Olivia: Don't move.
- Drop it.
- Drop... unh.

Olivia: This is taking too long. Let's split up.
- Go. I'll take this floor.
- Spencer: We've got a scent.

Peter: It's really fast. There.
Olivia: Cover the doors.
Peter: It's going down. There.
- Get it!
- There! There!
- Get it. Get it, get it, get it.
- Things like this used to happen in the lab all the time.
- Makes me nostalgic.

Peter: Clear your head, Walter. Try to relax.
- Think about the cylinders.
- You have all the time in the world.
Olivia: Peter.
- The observers could be up there right now.
- Take a deep breath, Walter.
- Focus.

- Finish what you started.
- I won't ask again.
- Okay, we'll take front.
- You go on my signal.
- How much longer?
- Five minutes for the centrifugation process...
- And then we'll know if the serum's complete.
Olivia: Team one in position.
Man: Team two in position. On your go.

Olivia: See, [believe that your cooperation is an illusion.
- It never leads to something tangible.
- It only leads to more questions.
- And that's the point, isn't it?
- To keep us all asking questions, all just chasing our own tails?
- Are you sure you're feeling well,
- Ms. Dunham?
- I think perhaps you're perceiving things that are entirely in your mind's eye.

Sam: There it is.
Olivia: The key? I don't see it.
- That's the beauty. No one can.
- Sam. Do you hear that?
- Is it the lights?
- It's not the lights.
- Get down!
- You get the key.
- I'll disable the alarm.

- She stopped windmark from reading her.
- To protect us. To protect the plan.
- And to protect the boy.
- They left without him. He's still here.
Peter: Michael?
- Michael, you can come out now. It's safe.
Olivia: Michael!

Olivia: [to Peter] If you've lost your mind, now would be the time to tell me!

Agent: Cut open his hand.
Peter: What?
Agent: I want to see if there's a disc in it. Like Bowman's.
Dr. Walter Bishop: [gets on his feet] I like cutting.

Olivia: [after Peter questions her on being introduced as her "brother" in the bar scene] Yeah... it uh, kinda works better that way.
Peter: Does it now?

- I lost him. I lost him.
- There.
- Roach: He's running towards the warehouse...
- Through the rail line.
Olivia: Copy, we're almost there.
- What if he goes out the other side?
- You take the near side... unh. No!
- Roach: Frazier!
- Frazier's down!

Peter: It was an observer.
Olivia: Peter.
- There are two more over here.
- Another observer and a loyalist.
- Looks like they were killed during a firefight.
- Based on the decomp of their bodies,
- I'd say 10, 15 years ago, at least.

Olivia: Did you find bell?
- Not yet.
- Wonder what he has in store for me now.

Olivia: Tyler just took off with Peter.
- Let's go.
- Olivia, isn't that my car?
- That's them.
- If we can disrupt Tyler's brain waves, how close do we need to be?
- No farther than 20 feet. And the effect will only last a few seconds.
- Okay, do it. Do it now.

[In muffled voice] Agent Dunham!
Olivia: Walter, I'm as close as I'm gonna get.
- Now you spray the fingerprint powder towards the suspect area.

- Talk to her when she gets back.
- What is this?
Astrid: Oh, that's massive dynamic.
- They're rebuilding the image from the broken device.
- Dr. Bell showed you this?
Olivia: Yeah.
- Have you ever seen that before?
- That symbol?

Olivia: And what was the second thing? You said two things came to mind.
Dr. Walter Bishop: The second thing? Oh... Oh yes, the second thing! I need to tinkle. Could either of you direct me to the facilities?
Peter: The facilities? Walter, this is the sewer. You're standing knee-deep in the facilities.

- What is it?
- It was powering a new form of shapeshifters.
Olivia: Shapeshifters?
Olivia: Human shapeshifters.
- The ones we've encountered before answered to Walternate.
- And you were wondering why
- I don't trust you.

Olivia: He would rather go back to St. Claire's than work here without you. He said that more than once.
Peter: Was he wearing clothes at the time?

[to Sam, while holding him at gunpoint]
Olivia: Listen to me, you son of a bitch. I'm not here to bowl, try on shoes... or have you play games with my head. I am here because I was told that you could fix me.

- Anybody you need, you can have.
Olivia: His name's Walter bishop.
- My father.
- He worked out of Harvard.
- He was part of a classified
- U.S. army experimental program...
- In an area called fringe science.
- You're saying
- I can talk to John in a coma?
- You could access his memories.

Olivia: Look at these footprints. He was here.
- He must have gone into the pocket.
- Walter: Kick out 90 degrees to the right...
Peter: There's only one way to find out.
- Walter: Back two meters, and then to the left.
- And pivot 210 degrees to the left...
- And step out.

- Scan your ID, lady.
Olivia: Sorry.
- We're gonna have to walk.
- Central park is 59th street, three miles from here.
- Okay, then, we better get started.

Olivia: Damn it.
Olivia: [over radio] Suspect one's down, he's not wearing the vest.
- Other suspect must be carrying the toxin.
- Copy that.
- I'm going back out there with Simon.
- She'll be all right, Peter.
- Voice: I don't know. I think...

Olivia: Is there anyone else here?
- You have your phone?
- Yeah.
- Dial 17224, ask for Charlie Francis.
- Tell him we need field assist.
- Tell him to ping the GPS for the location.
- Safety's on the right.
- Do not let him move.
- Freeze!

- Well, all right then.
- Let's go get our ride.
- Got something on your mind?
Olivia: Yup.
- Sure you don't want me to come in?
- Yeah.
- Woman: Okay. I'll be right here if you need me.
- Man: Let go.

Agent: I need a cross check of recent unsolved homicides. See if any bodies have turned up with a missing pituitary gland.
Charlie: Oh, you say the sweetest things.
Agent: Only to you, Charlie.

Peter: [as Miles Davis' Freddie the Freeloader plays...] Do you like jazz?
Olivia: Jazz?
Peter: Miles, Duke, Louie, John Coltrane. You can tell a lot about a person by the music they listen to. And whether or not they dance.
Olivia: Jazz- not so much, but dancing? Sure.
Peter: Well, I guess we're opposites. I hate to dance. I'd take you though.
Olivia: You would? Why's that?
Peter: I don't know. Seems like it'd be fun. You look like a good dancer.

Olivia: I got her.
- Oh, my god.
- She's headed for the roof.

Man: Hey!
- This is agent Dunham.
- I need to speak to Broyles.
- What happened to you?
Olivia: I'm in watertown.
- There's a building we need to raid.
- I need agents, maybe 20.
- Have them meet me in 30 minutes at talcott street.
- Are you okay?
- Not yet I'm not.

Olivia: Peter?
- Maybe Walter was wrong about the signature.
- Yeah. I'll go back to science division.
- See if something's wrong with the detection sensors.
- Okay, let me know if you find anything.
- Yup, will do.

Olivia: as Fauxlivia: I want you to know that this started out as an assignment, but it became...
Peter: Something more. That would be so much easier to believe if you weren't in handcuffs right now.

Agent: What are you doing here?
Dr. Walter Bishop: We're trying to plug a hole in the universe... What are *you* doing here?
Agent: Apparently the same thing.

Peter: Let's open the baby boy's.
Olivia: Oh, my god.
Peter: There's no body.
- Looks like something dug its way in.
- Or dug its way out.

Peter: Did I ever tell you about the time Walter did his rendition of Never, Never Going to Give You Up?
Olivia: No, but I actually love Barry White.
Peter: He was only wearing his socks at the time. Doing the Hustle, there was a lot going on.

- It's working. The tech must be rebuilding the image from the device.
- It looks like a department store mannequin.
Olivia: Okay, now let's just load it up on my phone.

Olivia: Anything?
- Nothing criminal.
- All right. Let's lock it up and get back.

Agent: I thought you were a genius. You must have had a system?
Peter: Of course there was a system. The house was cheating. But you try and tell them that.

- Hey, Beth. Come here.
- Take a look at this.
Olivia: Oh, god.
- What are you doing?
- We can't open that door.
- We need to lock down the area.
- We can't just leave them to die.
- They're already dead.

- We're good. Let's go.
Peter: Hey.
- The train's leaving in a few minutes.
- Where are you?
- Not far.
Olivia: They're searching cars.
- Don't worry. We'll meet you at the train.

Agent: Tell me where he is... or I assure you, I will turn this world over looking for him.
Nina: Well, that's just the problem, Agent Dunham. William Bell is not in this world.

Agent: So what are the odds of something like this occurring naturally?
Dr. Walter Bishop: Oh, it's possible. But if so, God has a far more disturbed sense of humor than even I could have imagined.

- Walter, it's 6:00.
- Peter's probably still sleeping.
- I have to go to the hospital. Are you going to drive me or shall I call a cab?
Olivia: Hey.

Agent: I was thinkin' "Hey, Saturday. Maybe a slow day for once". No rest for the wicked.
Bolivia: Oh, you're not wicked, Charlie. You just pretend really, really well.

- Man 3: Move, move, move!
- Man 4: Regroup!
Olivia: Michael. Stay down.
- Peter! Peter, look!
- What did I say? That is cool! Ha-ha-ha!
September: Now, Walter!
- Get the boy!

- I think I got it.
- We are united by a common...
- Where's the victim?
- Okay, FBI. Everybody, move.
- Move.
Olivia: Make room.
- I said move. Out of my way.
- I need a paramedic.

Olivia: I know they're radio-silent, but get someone down there now.
- You need to get the message to them they need to keep Joseph Smith alive.
- Goddamn it.

- The institution doesn't keep anything older than two years.
- How convenient.
Olivia: Walter.
- Dr. Benlo has been cooperating fully.
- Do you see anything in those that suggests the logs have been doctored?
- Matter of fact, they're perfect.
- Very thorough.
- Every single individual logged in and out.

- It's no mistake that I do what I do.
- I want to understand myself.
- I want to help people like me.
Olivia: Have you ever acted on it?

Olivia: Jessica?
- Jessica?
- Jessica.
- Her purse.
- Her phone and her wallet, they're still here.

[to Conrad]
Agent: John Scott says hi.

Olivia: What are they for?
- What you'd use to cast machine parts.
- These look handmade.
- This one is dated several months ago.
- This one, even earlier.
- He refers to them as prototypes.
- But prototypes for what?

Olivia: [over phone] Hello?
- Hey, what are you doing?
- What? You thought
- I didn't see you all day?

Olivia: You think he'd go back?
- He's gotta know that's the first place people are gonna look.
- I've been to oyster bay.
- I never saw an oyster.
- I can't wait to tell Lincoln he was right.
- That this guy is able to start a chain reaction to commit murder.
- I'm not watching the happy dance.

- Agent 1: Clear! Agent 2: Clear!
- Agent 3: Clear.
Olivia: Are we clear, agent doble?
- The area's safe. We're good.
- Agent 1: We got three, that'll be great.
- Agent 2: All clear.
Olivia: Tell tactical to stand down.

- God, please god. No, help me!
- Help me!
- Shh! Shh!
- I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry.
Olivia: Let her go.
- Move away from her.

- We were happy.
- She wouldn't kill herself.
- You gotta believe me.
- She would never kill herself.
- Agent, the surveillance you wanted is ready.
Olivia: Thank you.
- She wouldn't do it. She just wouldn't.

Edward: Who's this friend?
Olivia: Olivia Dunham.
Edward: Five dollars I could name at least one item on your nightstand, Olivia Dunham. Don't tell me. You're gonna like this, I'm never wrong. It's a gift. Okay. Toni Morrison novel, something by Obama and/or the current issue of Bon Appetit.
Olivia: I'm reading Advanced Forensic Science by Anaman. I keep it next to my gun.
Edward: I like this one.

Olivia: I feel like I'm losing my mind.
Dr. Walter Bishop: Oh, I don't think so. If you were actually going insane, you'd likely have no idea what's happening. Take it from me.

- You've implanted a Faraday mesh.
Peter: What are you talking about?
- A shield to create a temporal pocket around your body. Of course.
- Of course, what? Why would he need a temporal pocket?
- That's fantastic.
Olivia: Dr. Peck, what are you doing?
- Walter, what's happening?
Agent: Get down.
- I said get down on the ground.

- In fact, I'm sure of it.
- Are you?
- Hey.
Olivia: The corridor is opening...
- Near Lexington and 86th today.
- We have about 30 minutes.
- I see.
- Will you be ready?

- Peter always helps me.
- I don't know what to do.
- How do I do this without Peter?
- He always helps me.
Olivia: He helps me too.
- But you can do this.

- I don't understand.
- It should be working.
- There's something wrong with your frequency recognition program. I'll fix it.
- How are we doing?
- Get off this bridge.
- Off the bridge.
- Walter, nothing else you can do.
- Get him off this bridge.
Olivia: Come on, Walter!
- -Walter. Walter: No.

- Opening like a curtain.
- Allow the universe to pass right through you.
- Allow your imagination to take you to the other side.
- James. James. James.
- Help me!
Olivia: Walter, what do we do?
- Look.
- We made it.

- We've got nothing.
Olivia: The dogs have been through every floor twice.
- He's gone.
- Man: We'll let you know, folks. Please.
- Let's get these people into their homes.
- Let them in.

- Walter: I don't know about you, but I'm ready for another.
- Aaron, what's wrong?
- It's bright.
- It's too bright.
Olivia: What do you see?
- I need the hand-held flood over here.

Phillip: [Phones ring suddenly, interrupting a complex conversation between Broyles, Dunham, Francis & Nina Sharp. Broyles picks up his phone] Broyles!
Agent: [Dunham picks up hers] Dunham!
Charlie: [Francis wasn't left out either] Francis!

Agent: I have a freakishly good memory. I remember everything.
[about the lab in Jacksonville]
Agent: Not this. There's just nothing that's familiar.

Olivia: Nancy Lewis? FBI.
- We need to ask you some questions.
- It's unlocked.

Olivia: Timothy Ober. Is his middle name Michael?
Astrid: Um... Yeah. Timothy Michael Ober. Why? You know him?
Peter: How?
Olivia: I don't know.

- It's Olivia.
- Hey. Roy's talking again.
- Are you at south station?
- Yeah, why?
- So are they.
Olivia: You get anything else?
- They're checking
- Davidson wasn't followed.
- I think that's it for now.
- Okay, thanks.

Olivia: Sir.
- Dunham.
- General manager of this dealership was found dead by an employee.
Olivia: We have the employee?
- Yeah.
- He's having a hard time being coherent.
- Well, what exactly happened?
- Bishop. Doctor.

- Then who does?
Olivia: Put it down, Dr. Bishop.
- How did you know it was me?
- The device, the one that came through the wall...
- I knew that I'd seen it some place before.
- You brought Nina sharp's watchers to your side, didn't you?

- Heh. What are you looking for?
- Officer: Lieutenant Broyles, the dogs got a scent.
Olivia: Where does that lead?
- The upper levels.
- Are there any exits on those floors?
- No.
- Sir, he could still be out there.
- Lock this place down.
- I need every available unit to the elmwood apartments.

- This is aramaic to me.
- Not the western dialect. I do speak a little.
Peter: Walter.
- I don't know what this is.
- I'm sorry.
Olivia: Okay.
- Well, we should get back to the lab.
- Etta: Not yet.
- Somebody wants to see you.

Phillip: [referring to Peter] We need to get him back to the lab. I want Dr. Bishop to run those tests immediately.
Olivia: Walter is refusing to do ANYTHING that involves him.
Phillip: Dr. Bishop doesn't get to choose which cases he works and which he doesn't. It's his job to investigate fringe events, and until something suggests otherwise, HE is a fringe event.

Sean: They feel threatened.
- They need to stop someone.
- Okay, stop who?
- They're gonna kill her.
- Sean, who?
Olivia: Someone got here before us.
- Dunham.
- Olivia, they know that you're there.

- Where's your mother?
- She's at home but I'm not.
- [Had to come here.
- I keep seeing this place.
- Okay, well, where are you?
Olivia: Lisa?
Peter: Lisa? Where are you?

Charlie: It's not a drawbridge, but it's close.
Olivia: This place looks like it hasn't been used for a while.
Charlie: It's Francis.
- Need you to pull up a property search on an address for me.
Olivia: Charlie?
- Yeah?
- I think I found something.

Peter: Where you been?
Olivia: Been working. Where have you been?
Peter: I've been buying rice for Walter's toys.

- I don't suppose you recall where I left my slippers?
- Excuse me.
- Astrid, could you do me a favor? Do you think you could log on to this site?
- Massive dynamic.
- This looks like their secure ftp.
Olivia: Mm-hm.
- Sure thing.

- No press conferences, no public appearances.
- It's like he just disappeared off the face of the earth.
Olivia: Okay. So, what's that got to do with Peter bishop?
- I don't know. But that's weird, right?
Olivia: Yeah, listen, I gotta go.
Esther: Hey, Dunham?
Olivia: Yeah?
- Be careful.
- Okay, mom.

Peter: Let me ask you something.
Peter: [sighs] My father- not my favorite- he is without a doubt the most self-absorbed, twisted, abusive, brilliant, myopic son of a bitch on the planet. So, he was a chemist. That much I already know. He worked out of a basement lab in Harvard, doing research for a toothpaste company. I also know that there was an accident at the lab one night, that my father was arrested, beginning the first truly peaceful period in our home. But here's the thing, Olivia; my gut tells me that your friend's life, the one hanging in the balance, not gonna be saved by a tube of toothpaste.
Agent: [takes a long pause] He worked out of Harvard, but not on toothpaste. He was part of a classified U.S. Army experimental program called "Kelvin Genetics". They gave him the resources to do whatever work he wanted, which was primarily in an area called "fringe science."
Peter: When you say "fringe science," you mean "pseudoscience."
Agent: Things like mind control, teleportation, astral projection, invisibility, genetic mutation, reanimation, fertility...
Peter: [chuckling] Woah. Excuse me for a sec. Reanimation? Really? So you're telling me, what, my father was Dr. Frankenstein?
[She doesn't answer]

- I wasn't gonna tell you this...
- But he said he loved me too.
- Agent Dunham.
- Agent Francis.
- I need you to come with me.
Olivia: Thank you.

Olivia: I love you.
- Do you love me?
Peter: I do.
Olivia: Then tell me. I want to hear you say it.
Peter: I love you.

Olivia: Is there any way you can zero in on Jones?
- I don't know which signal is his.
- I don't see him.
Olivia: Okay. I think I got him.
- There's a new cluster of trackers forming by the fountain. North of the Plaza.
- Damn it. He just disappeared.

- Excuse me. Out of my way. Move.
- FBI, coming through. Excuse me.
Peter: Yeah?
- I'm on state street. I've lost him.
- I got him. He's headed into a hostel at 2119 main street.
Olivia: Okay. I'm on my way.
- Hey.

- Oh, etta. Look at me, okay?
- You're going to be okay.
- Walter: Etta?
Olivia: But we have to move you, okay?
- No. There's no point.
- Oh, no. We're not gonna leave you here.
- You have to. You won't make it with me.
- I'll slow you down.

Olivia: Amanda from across the street gave it to us. That's you and me and the little baby that we're going to have, that she is planning on babysitting.
Peter: Ohh. Well, I think we should get started on that right away.
Olivia: You really going to use a drawing from a little girl to get lucky?
Peter: It sounds so dirty when you say it like that.

- He would have learned it during training.
- Any idea what "little star" is?
- Turlough: Uh...
- Moya zvyozdochka means "little star" in Russian.
- I dated a Russian girl. Most of what
- I picked up was curse words, but...
Olivia: Hey...
- Where's Walter?

Peter: And then, cake time, I think.
Olivia: Poor you, huh?
- Kiss mommy.
Peter: Good, your highness?
- Watch out, I'm coming for your cake.
- If you were gonna open a present, which one would you like to open first?
- Etta: Thatone.

- Well, those two, pharmaceutical companies.
- This one I've never heard of.
Peter: Shipping address is 3340 eastham rd.
- Newton, mass.
- That's a residential address.
Olivia: Sir, it's Dunham.
- I think we have a location.

- Look, I need more time to make the cure.
- Please.
- If you take her alive,
- I know I can save her.
- I'll see what I can do.
Olivia: Dunham. FBI.
- And him too. He's with me.

- Man had a way with words.
Olivia: So it is possible?
- In theory. I'd have to test it.
- And I'd have to figure out how to do that.
- Dunham.
- Olivia...
- I'm picking up all kinds of seismic activity in park slope.
- It's happening again.

Olivia: Walter, the last time you used that thing, you drilled it into the guy's head.
Dr. Walter Bishop: If you think he'll find it disagreeable... I suppose it could be modified.
Peter: Really? You didn't think to mention that to the last guy?

Dr. Walter Bishop: They
Dr. Walter Bishop: they have this horrible
Dr. Walter Bishop: pudding here. Butterscotch pudding on Mondays, it's dreadful.
Agent: It's Thursday
Dr. Walter Bishop: Oh
Dr. Walter Bishop: oh, that's fantastic news.

Olivia: He told me he loved me.
Charlie: I wasn't going to tell you this, but he said he loved me too.

Nina: Now as for your feelings about Peter, all wounds heal over time.
Olivia: Yeah. I just wish the time would move a little quicker.
Nina: Well, that's a coincidence, because we just filed a patent on that last week.

Dr. Walter Bishop: I'm so sorry, that I can't offer you a less dangerous solution.
Agent: What to you mean?
Dr. Walter Bishop: Didn't I mention it?
Peter: What ever you think you said, you didn't say.
Dr. Walter Bishop: Synaptic Transfer System, shared dream state.
Agent: What do you mean shared dream state?
Dr. Walter Bishop: The human brain generates a quantifiable electric field. I possited in 1976, that it is possible to synchronize two distinct minds to allow the sharing of information across the unconcious state. Like a string between two tin cans.
Peter: [in the background] You know what's great about that is that it's completely insane.
Agent: You're saying that I can talk to John in a Coma, and he can tell me what the suspect looks like?
Dr. Walter Bishop: It's not an exact science
Peter: [in the background] It's not even science
Agent: Have you done this before?
Dr. Walter Bishop: I have used this technique to extract information from a corpse once. You can do that if they haven't been dead for longer than six hours.
Peter: [in the background] Right, 'cause after six hours, that's when they're really dead.
Dr. Walter Bishop: You could access his memories, assuming there's no brain damage. Of course you'd have to have an electro magnetic probe placed in the base of your skull whilst immersed without clothing in the old tank, and you'd be heavily drugged.

[about Peck]
Olivia: Guy kills a train full of people and then stops for a meal?

Peter: We're putting GPS chips on carrier pigeons to find a man who can control electricity. I have you to thank for that, don't I?
Agent: Yeah. That's me.

- Hi. I just turned right onto Broadway.
- I should be there in five minutes.
- Rachel's not picking up.
- Call the next-door neighbor.
- I don't know any of the neighbors.
- I haven't seen them for months.
- Well, then call Boston p.D.
Olivia: I already have.
- Ella: Rachel: One minute, Ella.

Olivia: Walter, have you seen anything like this before?
Dr. Walter Bishop: I think I may have. It's awfully familiar. Ah, yes. It reminds me of a beanbag chair I once owned... 1974.

Aaron: I don't... like doctors. They scare me.
Olivia: Oh, you'll like Walter. There's nothing scary about him.
[Walter enters wearing a blood-stained apron]
Dr. Walter Bishop: All right, young man, let's get started. Take off your shirt and hop on the table.

Peter: Seriously, if this works...
Agent: You're gonna have some more faith in your father?
Peter: No.

- Capabilities that are socialized out of us when we grow up...
- And they wanted to tap into those abilities.
- Things like, um, telekinesis, p yrokinesis...
- Even the ability to cross over to another universe without a bridge.
- And so they experimented on kids?
Olivia: Yeah.

Olivia: Will you help me?
- Okay.
- Okay.
- Stop. Stop.
- I was just getting my keys.
- Put it down.

John: We got a runner in the back.
- We need him alive.
Olivia: I can't see his face.

- I should have known better than to trust that scoundrel.
- It was all a lie to lure me to the observers.
- He never cared about saving the world.
- What is that?
Olivia: I don't know. But whatever it is, it must have been valuable enough to bell...
- For him to want to keep it in the safe.

Olivia: Maybe I should wait outside.
Peter: Then what would I do? You're the one with the gun.

Agent: The conspiracy nuts are going to have a field day.

Olivia: You want new legs?
- There's one more thing
- I need you to do for me.

- Hey.
Astrid: Hey, Olivia.
Olivia: Walter.
- I found Peter.
- Where?
Olivia: He's in Washington state.
- I'm heading to the airport now.
- Would you like to come with me,
- Walter?
- I'll need to pack a bag.

Olivia: What am I looking for?
Sam: Whatever it is you need to hear. You'll figure it out.

Olivia: Contact made.
- Can anyone see the hostage?
- Agent 1: This is Alpha leader.
- Negative. I've got nothing.
- Agent 2: Bravo. Negative on my end too.
Olivia: All units, move. Move.

Agent: Walter, you're not going to accidentally fry one of those pigeons?
Dr. Walter Bishop: Stranger things have happened.
Peter: That's his motto.

- Hey, Liv, it's me.
Olivia: Yeah, come in.
- What do you think?
- Blond looks good on you.
- Yeah, well, lucky frank likes the red, huh?
- I didn't say I didn't like the red.
- You look good in both.
- Thank you.
- They're pulling up.
- Okay.

Olivia: Wait five minutes, then release him.
Charlie: What about Harris?
Olivia: Screw him.
Charlie: My thoughts exactly.

- Charlie, I need two agents posted outside agent Scott's room now.
- Check on steig.
Charlie: [over phone] I'm on it.
Olivia: I'm five minutes away.
- We need this place locked down.

- Well, the guy she was with, he looked real pale and skinny.
- Dark circles under his eyes.
- You think he was sick?
- I'd say pretty bad. Looked like my uncle did when he was fighting cancer.
Olivia: Are you thinking what I'm thinking?
- Well, I'm thinking that cancer isn't contagious.
- It wouldn't be the strangest thing we've seen. But it would be close.

Agent: What do you mean?
Dr. Walter Bishop: Didn't I mention it?
Peter: Whatever you think you said, you didn't say it.

- Broyles: Anybody you need you can have.
Olivia: His name's Walter bishop.
- My father.
- He worked out of Harvard.
- He was part of a classified U.S. army experimental program...
- In an area called fringe science.
- You're telling me my father was Dr. Frankenstein?
- So much happened here, and so much is about to.

Peter: We have this opportunity NOW.
Olivia: Yeah, but what about Walter's plan? We... we have a mission. This could put that in jeopardy.
Peter: I'm not doubting Walter's plan, but what do we have? Pieces we don't know how to put together. A scroll with physics we can't decipher, a thought unifier that doesn't work, and a box of rocks from a mine. That's what our daughter died for so far.

Agent: So... what is this?
Dr. Walter Bishop: This is the sort of work I was born for.
Peter: You were hoping for something more specific, maybe?

- I'll have a car there in 10 minutes.
Luke: Ten minutes, right?
- Okay. All right, thanks.
Olivia: He just called a cab.
- One guess where it's taking him.
- Oh, come on.
- He cannot possibly be that stupid.
- Good point.

Olivia: What about the people inside?
- Emergency services secured the entrance...
- Scouring the place for survivors.
- How many did they find?
- Zero.
- -Hlooks"_ -reananged.
- Extraordinary.

Olivia: I think we have some questions...
- For Mr. Hughes.

Agent: [Olivia is feeling what Nick Lane is feeling] Oh...
Astrid: What's happening? Is he hurting her?
Agent: [moaning softly] Oh.
Astrid: Oh...
Dr. Walter Bishop: What?
Agent: [continues moaning] Oh.
Peter: Oh...
Peter: What?
Agent: [moaning with pleasure] Oh!
Dr. Walter Bishop: Oh! I see.

- I can't stay here.
- I'm crawling out of my skin.
- What are you doing?
- You and Astrid need to work on the tech so I'm gonna try and find this magnet.
- Walter: Alone?
Olivia: We have no other option.
- What about Peter?
- I mean, all I can do is just...
- Keep our promise to etta and stick with the plan.

Olivia: Charlie, a black SUV just came out of nowhere.
Charlie: Where are you?
- Give me your 20.
- Liv?
Man: Target captured.

Olivia: He just called a cab. One guess where it's taking him.
Peter: Oh, come on. He cannot possibly be that stupid.
Olivia: He's nineteen.
Peter: Good point.

- Man: All clear.
- The rest of the place is deserted.
- Except for this.
- Wait.
Olivia: Walter, have you seen...
- Anything like this before?
- Walter: I think I may have.
- It's awfully familiar.
- Ah, yes. It reminds me of a beanbag chair I once owned.

Dr. Walter Bishop: I was worried when you were taken, too.
Agent: Thank you, Walter.
Dr. Walter Bishop: Not as much as him, of course.
Peter: Walter.

- She was still behind the wheel...
- So maybe he was waiting for her in the backseat.
- He wanted to attack her when there was no one else around.
- She struggled for a bit and then hit the lamppost.
- They all said they didn't see anything?
Olivia: That's right.
- One of these things is not like the other.

- He has it...
- John?
- John?
- Liv, trust Hicks.
- He can help you.
Olivia: John? John?
- John?
- We have to pull her out.
Olivia: John?
- Prepare 3000's of dextroamphetamine.

Peter: What time is it?
Olivia: It's 6:30 in the morning.
Peter: Oh, God!
Olivia: And, uh, your father is walking around the house naked.
Peter: Oh, yeah. It's Tuesday.
Peter: He always cooks naked on Tuesdays.

- Yeah, why?
- Because I think I just found her.
Olivia: That's the fine arts museum.
- Okay, so what does the museum have to do with congressman Thorn?
- He's holding a fundraiser.
- It's an event for 300 of his top donors.
- It started half an hour ago.
- I'm not going home, am I?

- Now, if anyone can hope to undo what they have done...
- I lived my life in a lab.
- I am not going back.
- If you treat yourself again, even once, it could kill you.
- Olivia, where are you?
Lincoln: Olivia. She's in here.
Olivia: He's got my gun.

- This way, Walter.
- Go into the first car, on your right. Now.
- We're on board. We'll make our way to you.
Olivia: They're coming to my car.
- I think they're gonna search it.
- Man [over pa]: Ladies and gentlemen, please have your papers ready for inspection.
Olivia: Michael. Michael?

- Hello.
Olivia: Peter, it's me.
- Good news. We identified the last two shapeshifters.
- We 're heading to Zach Alpert's apartment. It's in revere.
- I'll let you know if we find him.

- No one.
- I'm starting to think that that's weird.
- That's just not normal, is it?
- We can rule out ghosts.
Olivia: What makes you say that?
- Ghosts don't bleed.

Olivia: You remember what you told Newton?
Dr. Walter Bishop: No, but as they say in Finland...
Dr. Walter Bishop: [Along with Peter and Astrid] ... there's more than one way to roast a reindeer.

- I'll see you at 5.
- Thank you so much.
- Hello?
Olivia: Peter, it's me.
- Olivia. Thank god. Are you okay?
- How are you? Where are you?
- I'm on my way to you.
- Meet me outside in 10 minutes.
- Bring your father, we need him.
- Do I have to?

- Considering you would do the same thing for me.
- I'll be back soon. Promise.
- You will call me if his condition changes.
Olivia: We ready?
- Ready as I'll ever be.
- Walter, let's go.
- Be right there, son.

Olivia: Damn it.
- We're in the wrong place.
- Male agent 1: You all go down to the sheds.
- We're not quite clear. Hold on.
- What are you thinking?
- Over there.

- It's happened again.
- When are you gonna start calling them murders?
- When you find us a murderer.
Olivia: Send me everything you can on the victim.
- Will do.
- Okay.
- I'll meet you inside, okay?

- Don't waste all that emotion on me, miss Dunham.
- Turn on the light.
Olivia: I... I can't.
- Damn you.
- Can you just leave her alone?
- Gladly. You know what you have to do.
- Just one light.
- Then we won't have to hurt her anymore.

Olivia: You know what? He's not even my type.
Astrid: Do you ever think that maybe your type just doesn't exist?

Olivia: All I want is some who'll warm me when I'm cold, feed me when I'm hungry and maybe take me dancing.

Olivia: Astrid, we're here.
- Peter: According to the cops, the cab went over the bridge at exactly 6:37.
- Same time the victim died on the other side.

- Yeah?
- Aah! Aah! Peter! Aah!
- Olivia!
- Oh, no!
- Olivia.
Olivia: God!
Olivia: Peter!

Olivia: Your credentials have been approved. Civilian consultant to the Department of Homeland Security.
Peter: Does this mean I don't need an escort to come into the Federal Building anymore?
Olivia: Yeah.
Peter: Will it get me out of speeding tickets?
Olivia: Maybe.

- Lincoln, do you copy?
Peter: Hello.
Olivia: [over phone] Peter, it's me.
Peter: Yeah, yeah.
- Turn on the lights.
- The creature is nocturnal.
- If it's there, the lights might scare it out of hiding.

- Okay, can you send me the address?
- Sending it now.
- I'/I meet you there.
- On my way.
- Nice cross.
Olivia: Excuse me, FBI. I'm agent Dunham.
- This is agent Francis.
- We're looking for Jake selleg.
- Hey! Stop!

Peter: So what made you wanna be a detective?
Olivia: I don't know. Uh, I, Uh... I guess that I just always knew what it was I was meant to do.
Peter: And what's that?
Olivia: To care for people.
Peter: Then who cares for you?
Olivia: [scoffs]

- So, what makes you think that it was a suicide?
- Security cameras got it all.
Olivia: I'd like to take a look at that tape myself.
- All right, we'll set you up, agent.
- What exactly are we looking for here?
- Humor me.
- There's gonna be a balloon floating on the ceiling, a red one.

- You could see what you could do.
Olivia: Thank you for seeing me at such short notice.
- As I said, I am always available to you, Olivia.
- What can I do?
- I need information on a drug called cortexiphan.
- Doesn't ring a bell. Let me check.

- They realized as soon as she regained consciousness, she'd tell us.
- Still, maybe we can find something.
- B.p.d.'s got all the information on Jessica holt.
- I'll let you know if we find anything.
Olivia: Okay.
Astrid: Hey.
- Be careful.

Peter: You know, until this year, I'd never been to a mental hospital.
Agent: Learn to like new things!

- If you hear anything...
- And all this time I thought my brother was a pain in the ass.
Olivia: Oh.
- Gotta go to the dod.
- They're ready for me.
- Are you sure you're up for this?
- I mean, you just started back to work.
- Yeah. I can handle it.
- But thank you, mom.

- Sir, we need to check the back of your vehicle.
Olivia: Charlie, check the back of the Van.
- Liv, it's him.
- We found a victim. She's alive.

- What the hell is this?
Olivia: Don't.
- Put your hands on your head.
- Where's Briggs?

Peter: Olivia, I need to ask you something.
Agent: Sure.
Peter: 'Einai Kalytero Anthropo Apo Ton Patera Toy' - you said that to me, just after you woke up. Do you remember?
Agent: No. Latin?
Peter: Mmm-mm. Greek. My mother used to say that to me every night before I went to bed.
Agent: [laughs] There really isn't a point where things just can't get weirder, is there? What does it mean?
Peter: It means, be a better man than your father. Walter was already gone. It was like a code between my mother and me. It meant keep your people close. Take care of the people you care about.
Agent: Well, you're good at that.

Olivia: Hello?
- Sheriff golightly?

- All right. Let's send a team of agents to retrieve her.
Olivia: No. She must have had a reason.
- Astrid doesn't do anything without a reason.
- And after the day she's had...
- I got a hunch where she's headed.
- I'll go get her.

[last lines]
William: [in darkness] I've been waiting quite a long time for this.
Agent: Where am I? Who are you?
William: The answer to your first question... It's very complicated. The answer to your second...
William: [steps into the light] I'm William Bell.

Anil: [over phone] Olivia.
Olivia: I got a truck and a magnet.
- I need some place big enough to store them.
- I've got a warehouse outside the city.
- When you're close,
- I'll have someone meet you there.
- Hey, listen, I'm gonna call you back.

Dr. Walter Bishop: A wedding is the perfect laboratory. You have your target group, the Stallers. And you have your control group, everyone else.
Olivia: You're saying you think this was a science experiment?
Dr. Walter Bishop: It's a theory. And one that I think I can prove.
Olivia: How?
Dr. Walter Bishop: A scientist always tries to recreate his results. If I'm right, this will happen again.

Dr. Walter Bishop: Don't want to be recommitted. I can't go back there. Please don't send me back.
Olivia: What are you talking about?
Dr. Walter Bishop: I'm going insane. I've been having hallucinations, and no matter what I do, they won't stop.
Olivia: What kind of hallucinations, Walter?
Dr. Walter Bishop: For weeks now. I was afraid to tell anybody.
Olivia: What are you seeing?
Dr. Walter Bishop: It doesn't matter.
Olivia: Just tell me.
Dr. Walter Bishop: A person. A young man. His... his voice is in my head, saying peculiar things.
Olivia: [unfolding a drawing] Does he look like this?

- It must be nearly 6:00.
- I suppose we could wait for him to get home.
- Perhaps some of the neighbors know where he works.
- Can we do that?
Olivia: Do what?
- We got here and the door was unlocked.
- Splendid.
Olivia: Hello?

- Peter: I found one. Olivia: Good, because I found something too.
Olivia: We'll get you out of here.
Peter: You don't know how lucky you are this room has no ventilation.
- Trust me.

- Maybe we can make one.
- It's impossible.
- Nothing strong enough available in this time period.
Olivia: Michael, I need your help.
- When I crossed over to rescue you, you looked at me like you expected me.
- You smiled.
- Like you knew I'd come for you.
- Can you tell me what I should do next?

Olivia: He told me something.
Charlie: Who?
Olivia: I don't know. I can't remember.
- There's something I have to do.
Peter: Walter thinks it was a shape-changing soldier...
- From another universe.
- Charlie, what if I don't wanna remember?

Agent: Stay there.
Peter: That's just not gonna happen.

- This is gonna start getting annoying.
Olivia: Agent Olivia Dunham. I'm with the FBI.
- Could I ask you a couple questions?
- Dylan: What do you wanna know?
- So you were with another two people?
- Who were they?
- Dylan: A girl in the front and a girl in the back.
- When you say the train disappeared, what did you mean exactly?

- He was 27 years old.
- He was due to get married next month.
- Yes, I tried to prevent that.
- Your agent Harris needed some convincing.
Olivia: Here I am.
- Have you brought the items / requested?
- This will only take a moment.
- Move in on this, and the hands.

- Swallow!
- Agent 1: FBI!
- Agent 2: Hands where I can see them.
Olivia: Gun!
- On your knees.
- Hands behind your head.
- Are you okay?
- Yeah. Yeah.
- I am now.

- Drop the weapon, now!
- Don't shoot!
Olivia: Drop it.

Olivia: We're looking for the restroom.
- He's had a bit too much to drink.
Dillon: Who is she? A cop?
- I have to get out, I have to get out.
Dillon: The restroom's downstairs.
Olivia: Thank you.
- That's him. That's him.
- What?
- Are you sure?
- Yeah.
- Okay, you wait here.

Dr. Walter Bishop: What color are his eyes?
Olivia: Brown.
Dr. Walter Bishop: Then I was right after all. It is a targeted toxin. They all have brown eyes. That's the common genetic trait. Check the survivors, but I'm sure I'm right.
[to Broyles]
Dr. Walter Bishop: It's a good thing you weren't here at the time, or you'd be dead too.

Agent: They... They gave me a spinal tap. They put electrodes with sensors on my head. Why would they do that? What would they want? What were they doing? Who could they be?
Dr. Walter Bishop: You're like a question machine.

Dr. Walter Bishop: Sella turcica, diaphragma sellae - the dural folds of the pituitary fossa, in which the pituitary gland sits, situated in the sphenoid bone.
Agent: Did you just say pituitary gland?
Dr. Walter Bishop: Did I?

Olivia: I'm in a forest.
- I can see very tall trees.
- That's good. That's good, Olivia.
- Theta rhythms are now stable.
- Neocortex active.
- It's working.
- There's someone else here.

Olivia: He has a map.
- He's looking for something.

- Unless you have a better idea.
- She's 104 degrees.
- We need 60 seconds more.
- We don't have 60 seconds.
- Oh, my god, get away from me.
Olivia: Jessica, just focus on your breathing.
Astrid: Walter.
- Forty seconds more.
Olivia: It's okay.

Charlie: How do you know?
- I recognize his voice.
- You recognize his voice?
- It's him, Charlie, I swear.
- Come on.
Agent: Almost there.
- It's a landline, but it was fonnarded to his cell.
Olivia: Where?
- He's in transit, on route 3.
- Heading to Lincoln tunnel.

- You all right?
- Yeah.
- Oh, god.
- This is Francis.
- We need ems at the cemetery...
- Behind the 1600 block of York.
- Broyles.
Olivia: It's Olivia.
- I need you to help me with something.

- Man 1: Freeze! Federal agents!
- Stay where you are!
Olivia: FBI.
- Man 2: Get your ass on the floor!
- -Clear? Man 3: Clear.
Olivia: Valerie Boone.

- We could really use you on this one.
- I'd be happy to join you...
- As soon as my lab is available to me again.
- My copy of carroll's cosmology.
- I was just looking for that.
Olivia: Walter.
- It's okay.
- Just let him go.

- Is when somebody dies.
Olivia: What about when people move?
- No, that's just it. They don't.
- Nobody ever leaves this town.
- Are you saying that you think they're...?
- That everyone in edina is one of them?
- Get down!

Olivia: Walter, can you walk?
Dr. Walter Bishop: I can dance if you like. They have absolutely fabulous drugs here, Olivia.

Olivia: Thank you.
- This is the digital backup.
- The primary drive is in evidence.
- Can you slow this down?
- Just start at the top.

Olivia: Calm down.
- No, it's too late.
- They must have gotten this out of my mind.
- He must have found the boy.
- Everything we've done is for nothing!
- Nothing.
Peter: Walter.

- Excuse me.
- The dive team, they just found a body.
Olivia: That's not our shapeshifter.
- That's agent warrick.
- Get dispatch on the line.
- We need all available units on that ambulance now.

- You're in over your head.
- Your emotions betray you.
- You question your ability to pull this off.
- And that will lead to your undoing.
Olivia: [over phone] I 'd like to talk to you.
- -I lied to you. -about what?
- I don't wanna talk.

- Nice shot.
Olivia: Okay, is everyone all right?
- I think we'd better get moving.
Olivia: Okay.

- I'd say two or three different ones, actually.
- Right. A motley crew of lab animals got together and decided...
- To exact their revenge on mankind.
- Astrid, let's look up labs in the area that do research with animals and...
- See if any of them reported break-ins?
- Yep, I'm on it.
Olivia: Thank you.
- You're welcome.

Olivia: Okay, Sam, I'm gonna make this really easy for you: I am armed and I want you to take me to the key, now.

Agent: [to Peter] One phone call. That's all it takes, you want me to make it cause I've got my phone in my pocket.
[pause and takes phone out of pocket]
Agent: Now it's out of my pocket.

- It's good to see you again,
- Olivia Dunham.
- It's good to see you too.
Nurse: It's time to check your vitals.
- You should get some rest.
Olivia: Peter.
- Is it true that they're shutting us down?

Olivia: Nick, [know what I'm saying is upsetting you...
- But just consider for a moment that I'm right.
- That means that in less than six hours, everything you know...
- And everyone you may love will cease to exist.
- Right now, you're the only one that can stop that from happening.
- Everyone I love?

Dr. Walter Bishop: All I do know is that this tech isn't from here.
Lincoln: Not from here? You mean like, China?
Olivia: No. Not China.

- Well, what sort of stuff does he draw?
- Some kind of math, I think.
- To be honest, my higher math ends at calculating my tip. So...
- Does he ever pay with a credit card?
- Sometimes he does.
- Here. This is him.
Olivia: "Alistair peck."
- Thank you, this'll really help.

Phillip: We have another monster on the loose?
Olivia: No, Walter says the bite marks are definitely human.
Phillip: I can just about remember when a suspect being human was a given, not an option.

- I think it would be best if I had one of those.
- Pepper spray?
- Just remember, it shoots that way.
Olivia: You ever use a gun?
- I'm a teacher.
- Okay, red button, safety.
- Come on.
- Okay, let's go.

- He wasn't planning on killing himself three days ago. He booked a plane ticket.
- To where?
Olivia: Omaha. On the 22nd of December.
- Christmas in Nebraska.
- Sounds depressing.
- Yeah, well, maybe he's got family there.

Olivia: He's not a shape-shifter.
- We'll run his blood anyway.
- Test it for Mercury.
- Maybe we got to him before they could.
- Why him? I mean, why Daniel verona?
- What could they want with him?
- Broyles: Medical examiner.
- Works out of Boston general.
- It's anybody's guess.

Olivia: Stop!
- Turn around.
Vince: Help me! It's slipping! I can't hold on!

Agent: She offered me a job.
Phillip: And what did you say to that?
Agent: I told her you were going to give me a raise.

Olivia: We just lost radio contact.
- We need to find Gordon.
- Copy that.
- The trigger's been activated.
- We don't have much time.
- I don't know who you are.
- Diane: Oh, my god.
Peter: I've spotted Gordon. I'm taking him out.

Charlie: The prints aren't coming back on the driver. The truck isn't registered in New York, or anywhere else. The VIN number, the serial part numbers... they don't exist.
Agent: What does that mean?
Charlie: This truck was never made.

Rachel: Hard day?
Agent: I honestly wouldn't know what to tell you. And if I did, it would be a felony.
Rachel: You have a crazy job.

- Agent 1: Move, move!
- Agent 2: Watch your step.
Olivia: Clear.
- Agent 3: Upstairs, negative.
Olivia: It's still warm. He was just here.
- Olivia.

- Raymond, what have you done?
Olivia: Peter?
- Peter, can you hear me?
- Agent Lee.
- We've still got over 50 cars stuck here.
- We're clearing out the civilians, but...
- You have to see this.

Olivia: Does he look like this?
- Broyles: A father and son pulled a man from the middle of reiden lake.
- Whoever he is knows a lot of classified information.
- Things no one outside this division could possibly know.
- Olivia. Thank god you're here.
- Who are you?

- You okay?
Olivia: I'm okay.
- Luke, Luke...
- What did you do to him?!
- No, I didn't. He went into a trance and shot himself.
- Man: Freeze!
- Harris: Get on your knees, son.
- Get on your knees.

- Maybe.
Olivia: What do you mean, "maybe"?
John: You'll see.
- So real.
- I need you to adjust the drugs.
- What did you give her this time?
- Drugs I'd rather be taking myself.
- Set the iv to 10 drips per.
- Peter, please.

Henry: What about you? You got someone?
Olivia: Sort of.
Henry: That's an odd name--"sort of."

Olivia: He swapped her for his brother.
- She's been sedated.

Olivia: Is there anything else you'd like me to run past you?
Phillip: Not anything, everything.

- Davidson: How will I recognize the person I'm meeting?
- He'll recognize you.
Olivia: Yeah?
- It's happening now.
- He's headed to the Dewey square exit.
- Got it.
- Francis.
Olivia: [over phone] Got him.
- He's at the south end of the terminal.

Olivia: I'm sure if I was a child today, I would be diagnosed with something.

Olivia: We need to have Andre Hughes' body taken back to Walter bishop's lab...
- As soon as possible.
- Already on its way.
- Man [in distance]: Hey, Jim, it's Alex. Yeah, I know I'm late.
- Yeah, I'm leaving right now, all right?
- I understand. I'll take care of it.
- I'll call him right now.
- Agent Dunham?

- Can I please borrow some change for the bus fare?
Olivia: Ms. Lin, do you recognize these?

- That's so cool.
- So my mom says you wanna talk about the man who took me.
- Yeah. Would that be okay?
- Sure.
Olivia: Maybe we could talk somewhere else.
- Like, where is your favorite place to go?

Olivia: [over radio] Colonel Broyles, we lost him.
- Roger that.
- All personnel return to fringe division.

[to Peter]
Olivia: From what I know of your father... going crazy made him a better person. It certainly made him a better father.

- Peter's still not picking up.
- Man: Agent Dunham.
- Spotted a vehicle near the perimeter breach.
Olivia: What kind of vehicle?
- A bus.
- Okay. I want all tactical teams to enter the restricted area...

- Soldier: Suspect's going through this tunnel.
- Hold your position!
- Show us your hands or we will fire on you.
Olivia: Son of a bitch.

Olivia: [after Peter has just interpreted the patients question] I didn't know you spoke Cantonese.
Peter: Get to know me better.
[He says with a Friendly Grin]

- Meet Mr. Silver blood.
- Walter thinks it's actually Mercury.
Olivia: Mercury?
- Agent Francis. Hello.
- Hey.
- Are you all right? You look pale.
- Yeah. I didn't get much sleep last night.
- Oh. I may be able to help you with that.
- A little cannabis before bedtime does wonders, huh?

Olivia: It's me.
- I was in Amber for 21 years.

- Little hill. -little hill.
- Three parts mebendazole, two parts thermophilic hydrolase.
- A syringe directly into the parasite.
Olivia: Astrid, write this down.
- Three parts mebendazole, two parts thermophilic hydrolase.
- A syringe directly into the parasite.

- Put the case on the ground.
Charlie: Drop the gun now!
Olivia: Put your hands where I can see them.

Olivia: You're not real.
Peter: Real is just a matter of perception.

- Did we find anything that could lead us to John hsu?
- What we found is that there is no John hsu.
- He's an alias, used as a front for all of ming che's financial dealings.
- Good work, you two.
Olivia: There's something
- I need to take care of.
- Excuse me.

- That's the estimated time of death of our last victim.
- If you get anything more specific, call me.
Astrid: You got it.
- It worked, Peter. Hear that? Worked.
Olivia: So Lessing, borrow, belmont...
Peter: Hold on.
- Did you say borrow?
- Did we pass borrow already?

Olivia: Walter, what's the Bible for?
Dr. Walter Bishop: Well, you're taking untested psychedelics, lying in saline with an electric charge in the base of your cranium. Among other things, I thought it appropriate to pray you don't get electrocuted.
Olivia: Praise the Lord.
Dr. Walter Bishop: Amen.

Peter: Yeah, I read that deja vu is Fate's way of telling you that you're exactly where you're supposed to be. That's why you feel like you've been there before. You are right in line with your own destiny.
Olivia: Well, do you believe that?
Peter: Mm... no. It's a bit mystical for my taste. I never get them, myself. Maybe that's because I'm not on track with my own destiny.

Olivia: We can't stay here.
Peter: The far end. Down there.

- What's happening?
Astrid: Olivia!
- What's going on in there?
- Walter, what are you talking about?
Olivia: Astrid?
- What's wrong?
- Olivia!
- What's happening?

- In an area called fringe science.
- Broyles: Certain individuals...
- Have been granted clearance regarding the pattern, including Nina sharp.
- Massive dynamic is one of the ten largest economic entities in the world.
Olivia: No matter where my investigations take me...
- They always come back here.
- You should know what you're getting into, agent Dunham.

- There. That's where it's going.
- Oh, my god.
- Dunham.
- Olivia, listen to me.
- The victims downloaded the same transmission.
- It's happening again right now.
Olivia: Where?
- Your apartment.

- "Both feet in." That's what we said.
- And what if I lose you too?
- What then?
Olivia: I can do this.
- And without him...
- We lose everything.

- I didn't know that.
Olivia: Yeah, as our world started to repair itself...
- I began to imagine that people from my side would start to see them again.
- You know, something so beautiful.
- So perfect.
- I still find myself looking up after it rains.
Astrid: We're ready for you.

- Broyles: I'll send agent Jessup...
- To the Hughes' house.
Doctor: Dizziness?
Olivia: No.
- How's your short-term memory?
- What's your name?
- Good. You seem to be doing well.
- You can go ahead and get dressed.

Maureen: Okay.
- Take care.
- Thank you again, agent Dunham.
Olivia: It's Olivia.
- And you're welcome.
- Thank you.
Olivia: Bye.
- I'll be 18 in a year.
- Don't wait too long to make your move.

- Well, are you ready?
- When you get out, we'll be right here.
Olivia: Good luck, Walter.
- Sumner: Come with me.

- I need satellite data and 3-d imagery to calculate cubic feet.
- I'll need a comprehensive list of building materials used during construction.
- For every free-standing structure in New York City?
- Oh, I think we can rule out the empire state building.
Olivia: Hey, Peter. Anything?
- Good news. We have a plan.

- We're going to make an example out of you.
Olivia: My thoughts exactly.
- Dr. Hastings, can you hear me?
- It's okay.
- He knows.
- What? What does windmark know?
- Nina. They tracked her.
- They know where she is.

Olivia: Peter, I can't find her.
- She was right there, but she's gone now.
- Okay. All right, keep looking.
- I'm gonna check in with Charlie.
- Hey, Charlie?
- We had her but we lost her.
- You got the exit?
- Nobody's leaving yet.
- She's still in there with you, Liv.

Olivia: Oh, my god.
- We need a medic on the second floor!
Peter: Hey, buddy.
Olivia: He's dropped his inhaler. Grab it.

- Then I have to be here to let Broyles know.
Lincoln: So this look about right?
- Yeah, you look good.
Olivia: Okay. You're clear on everything, right?
- What you need to do?
Peter: Are you ready?

Olivia: Okay. Well, thank you, Diane.
- I'm really sorry to have bothered you at home. Bye.
- Colonel Broyles' show me was just swiped at Liberty island.
- What's he doing there?
Olivia: Bridge is there.
- The secretary of defense.
- He could be doing any number of things.
- Let's go.

[describing Walter Bishop's son]
Agent: His name is Peter Bishop. He's a high school drop-out, I.Q. at 190, which is 50 points north of genius, misfit, nomad, hasn't kept a job longer than two months. He's been a wildland fireman, cargo pilot, and, briefly, a college chemistry professor. He falsified a degree from M.I.T. and even managed to get a few papers published before he was found out. Sounds like a massive pain in the ass.

Olivia: Okay, his vitals are steady.
- His heart rate's a little low.
- I think that's just the sedative kicking in.
- Oscillation's coming through clear.
- Everything seems to be functioning.
Peter: Walter, you're good to go.
[Over speaker] You should be feeling pretty relaxed by now.

- Playing games, trading songs.
- He chats about girls with his friends.
- Which friends?
- Uh, Luke, probably. Luke dempsey.
Olivia: We're going to do everything we can...
- To find out what happened to your son.

Peter: Ready?
Olivia: No. You?
Peter: No.

Olivia: I made my choices. You made yours. I don't regret any of them and neither should you. You deserve all the happiness that you got.

- No, John, this is not a joke.
- Of course not.
- What the hell is going on here?
- Why do you have a picture of my father?
- Mcclennan [over radio]: And the same chair from my childhood?
Olivia: It's over.
- Don't.
- He's my responsibility.
- Professor. Professor, wait.
- I'm finished here.

Olivia: [over radio] Charlie, he's approaching a warehouse...
- Off Moore and Adams.
Charlie: Roger that.
- We 're turning on to Adams right now.
- Hey.
- He used a remote to get in.
- I guess we'll go the old-fashioned way.

Olivia: Peter?
- What happened?