The Best Edward Markham Quotes

Edward: Was that really necessary?
Peter: Well, you know me, Markham. Friend of the people.
Edward: What about me? Aren't I people?
Peter: People who shower.

Edward: Who's this friend?
Olivia: Olivia Dunham.
Edward: Five dollars I could name at least one item on your nightstand, Olivia Dunham. Don't tell me. You're gonna like this, I'm never wrong. It's a gift. Okay. Toni Morrison novel, something by Obama and/or the current issue of Bon Appetit.
Olivia: I'm reading Advanced Forensic Science by Anaman. I keep it next to my gun.
Edward: I like this one.

- I'm a very, very impressive man.
- And I'm still taken.
Edward: Can't blame a guy for trying.
- Do you have any idea what this means?
- Are you one of them?
- One of who?

Peter: Just tell us what you know about the stations.
Ed: First of all, they're as old as dirt. They say when Marconi invented the radio, the first thing he heard was the numbers, like they were floating around in space just waiting for someone to listen.
Peter: You're trying to tell me that Marconi picked up a transmission before humans invented the technology to send one?