The Best John Scott Quotes

- Freeze. FBI.
John: I have a gun. I will shoot.
- John?
John: [over phone] We got a runner.
- We need him alive.
- I'm on my way.
John: Hands in the air.
- John!

John: [into phone] Well, let me assure you, we'd be happy to treat you as family, too.

Paul: You know, if it's on time...
John: It will be.
- He'll deliver. He's just a little nervous.
- Did you see the look when you told him how much you'd be willing to offer?
- I hope you're right.
- If we get into another ashby situation, we're screwed.
- No. Stop. No. Get me out of here.
- Walter.

John: We got a runner in the back.
- We need him alive.
Olivia: I can't see his face.

- Maybe.
Olivia: What do you mean, "maybe"?
John: You'll see.
- So real.
- I need you to adjust the drugs.
- What did you give her this time?
- Drugs I'd rather be taking myself.
- Set the iv to 10 drips per.
- Peter, please.

- GPS chips ready?
Astrid: Yep.
- So we're putting GPS chips on carrier pigeons...
- To find a man who can control electricity?
- I have you to thank for that, don't I?
- Yeah. That's me.
John: Liv.

- John?
- Is that you?
John: Olivia.
- What's happening?
- Walter: It's fine.
- She's all right?
- She's fine.
- You're sure?
- Look.

- Walter?
John: Olivia.
- I want answers, John.