The Best Striking Woman Quotes

Striking: You're walking through a red forest, and the grass is tall.

Striking: At last, the next cycle has begun.
Man: [about the 12] In 28 years, they'll be ready. This is quite the undertaking.
Striking: It has to be. Nothing is more important.
Man: You're certain of all this?
Striking: The Witness has spoken.
Man: But what of Jose Ramse?
Striking: On this day, November 11th of 2015, history will show that Ethan Seki will be found dead beside the accelerator he helped finance. His circle will come to an end.
Man: And James Cole?
Striking: James Cole will flee into obscurity, his future unknown to us. All of this is preordained, scripted by time, unmovable, because there is nothing more powerful than fate.

Striking: [from a letter to Ramse] We've known of you for a long time, Traveler. You were born José Ramse. You had a child. You are now separated from him by a great distance. Join me, Traveler, and forever he will be safe from those who seek to erase him. You are not alone, Traveler. You are important, valued, loved. I know you want to fight back against your tormenter. But there is a better way, and I can show it to you. Peace awaits you, Traveler. With love, Olivia.

Striking: Mr. Marker. You're a lion protecting your pride. A Roman centurion keeping the savage horde at bay, ensuring your seed continues. Why would you feel shame over what you were built to do? To endure. To thrive.
Aaron: Because it's wrong.
Striking: No, this is not a moral compromise. It's primal. Elemental. Magnificent. Darwin himself would be proud.
Aaron: Darwin. I missed his treatise on genocide.
Striking: Evolution, Mr. Marker, takes many forms.

Striking: Did you ever know your mother, Jennifer? They took her away, didn't they? Long time ago. Your father abandoned her too. Locked her away, till she went to sleep. No one was left to protect you. I can protect you now. You can be a daughter again.
Jennifer: I want to be a daughter again.

Striking: We should talk about James Cole.
José: He's not a concern.
Striking: How can you be so sure?
José: I killed him. In '87. That was his last jump. You have a working virus now. It's over. What's next?
Striking: The plague. And the coming of the 12.

Striking: Aaron Marker. Dr. Railly is very important, to us, and to you. So tell me, what're you willing to do to keep her alive?

Olivia: Jennifer, it's good to see you again. The reports of your recent wellness were quite pleasing to me.
Jennifer: My wellness? Who told you that, your spy?
Olivia: Stacy was there to watch over you, ensure your safety.
Jennifer: I'm tied to a chair. Epic fail.

Jennifer: You know what the one difference between you and my mother is?
Olivia: What?
[Jennifer stabs Olivia]
Jennifer: I get to say goodbye to you.

Dr. Cassandra Railly: Why're you doing this?
Striking: Because you're important. He has plans for you.
Dr. Cassandra Railly: The Witness.
Striking: He wants to meet you.