The Best Leland Goines Quotes

[Goines is not impressed by the prospect of buying the frozen corpse of a Himalayan man]
Leland: I want... no - need a stellar sample from the past. And that ain't it.
Nakano: This particular piece is far more valuable than you think, Mr. Goines.
Leland: You have the balls to ask me for a half a mil in devalued US currency for some... Himalayan roadkill? No domo arigato, Mr. Roboto.

Oliver: Scientifically speaking, this guy is an impossibility. Look, this is the neural activity of a normal brain working compels mathematics. This - That's our friend in there. That is grand mal seizure activity without the chaos or the damage.
Leland: Hmm.
Oliver: Take a look at his adrenal glands.
Leland: They're on overdrive. Explains how he took down all that security.
Oliver: Right, but nothing explains his psychiology. Look, Markridge is the cutting edge of biotechnology, but this guy? This guy is a flesh-and-blood molecular computer. Programmed for what? No clue. We'll have to ask him. But I can tell you this Cole person is a product of advancements way past us... by 20 years, maybe more.

Leland: You can't kill me, Cole... 'cause that would you'd... you'd have no reason to come for me in the first place.
[Cole guns him down]
Dr. Cassandra Railly: He's dead. But you're still here.
James: No. No, no. That doesn't make any sense. That doesn't make any sense. He...
[shouts at Goines]
James: How is that possible?
[in a calmer tone]
James: How is that possible?