The Best Julian Richings Quotes

Adviser to the Witness: The central spire is capable of splintering by itself. We can run. All we have to do is stop the sequence and release...
Olivia: Do not stop the sequence! It must finish, or else the process will reverse entirely. They don't have the numbers. Take as many faithfuls you can get. Destroy their machine. It's the only weapon they have.

Ben: That makes no sense.
- Beautiful! Bravo, Dad! Bravo!
- I didn't think the old man had it in him.
Chet: All right, all right.
- Time to turn those frowns upside down!
- This one is for all the party people in the place.

Adviser to the Witness: Katarina. You know the sad reality of luck is that it can only be defined by how long... it doesn't last.

[first lines]
Jor: Will you not understand? Krypton's core is collapsing! We may only have a matter of weeks! I warned you, harvesting the core was suicide! It has accelerated the process of implosion!
Lor: Our energy reserves were exhausted. What would you have us do, El?
Jor: Look to the stars, like our ancestors did! There are habitable worlds within reach. We can begin by using the old outposts.
Ro: Are you seriously suggesting that we evacuate the entire planet?
Jor: No, everybody here is already dead. Give me control of the Codex. I will ensure the survival of our race. There is still hope. I have held that hope in my hands...

Phillip: [looking ill, as if in a weird trance] No doctor can save me.

Heinrich: Today my descendants continue my legacy of making great men greater. Here at Fuchtopia. Sadly we no longer accept Groupon.

[first lines]
William: [before the court] What went we out into this wilderness to find? Leaving our country, kindred, our fathers' houses? We have travailed a vast ocean. For what? For what?
Governor: We must ask thee to be silent!
William: Was it not for the pure and faithful dispensation of the Gospels, and the Kingdom of God?
Old: No more! We are *your* judges, and not you ours!
William: I cannot be judged by false Christians, for I have done nothing, save preach Christ's true Gospel.
Governor: Must you continue to dishonor the laws of the commonwealth and the church with your prideful conceit?
William: If my conscience sees it fit.
Governor: Then shall you be banished out of this plantation's liberties!
William: I would be glad of it.
Governor: Then take your leave, and trouble us no further.
William: How sadly hath The Lord testified against you.
William: [turning to leave] Katherine...

Asteroth: I am Asteroth.
Julia: [Her and Kady bow] Astaroth, Demon of the Seventh Circle, Great Duke of The Inferno...
Asteroth: Oh, no, I'm Asteroth with an E. Astaroth with an A is my cousin. You can totally stand. The whole kneeling thing's weird.

Lor: General Zod, for the crimes of murder and high treason, the council has sentenced you and your fellow insurgents to 300 cycles of somatic reconditioning. Do you have any last words?
General: You won't kill us yourself! You wouldn't dirty your hands but you'll damn us to a black hole for eternity! Jor-El was right! You're a pack of fools, every last one of you!
General: [to Lara] You... you believe your son is safe... I will find him. I will reclaim what you have taken from us! I will find him. I will find him, Lara. I WILL FIND HIM!