The Best William Quotes

William: We will conquer this wilderness. It will not consume us.

William: Corruption, thou art my father!

[first lines]
William: [before the court] What went we out into this wilderness to find? Leaving our country, kindred, our fathers' houses? We have travailed a vast ocean. For what? For what?
Governor: We must ask thee to be silent!
William: Was it not for the pure and faithful dispensation of the Gospels, and the Kingdom of God?
Old: No more! We are *your* judges, and not you ours!
William: I cannot be judged by false Christians, for I have done nothing, save preach Christ's true Gospel.
Governor: Must you continue to dishonor the laws of the commonwealth and the church with your prideful conceit?
William: If my conscience sees it fit.
Governor: Then shall you be banished out of this plantation's liberties!
William: I would be glad of it.
Governor: Then take your leave, and trouble us no further.
William: How sadly hath The Lord testified against you.
William: [turning to leave] Katherine...

William: Did ye make some unholy bond with that goat?