Top 50 Quotes From Open Range

Boss: It's a pretty day for makin' things right!

Boss: She ought not to sneak up like that.
Charley: She weren't sneaking. I scared that woman half to death.
Boss: Scared me a little bit too.

Boss: I aim to kill Baxter and those that done this, and if that marshal gets in the way, I'm gonna kill him too. So you best get your mind right about what's got to be done, Charlie.
Charley: I got no problem with killing, Boss. Never have.

Button: No need to ask for more chores, Mose.
Mose: Every man's got to pull his weight, Button.
Button: Yeah, but my weight is half of yours.

Boss: Much obliged to you, ma'am.
Sue: You're very welcome, Mr. Spearman.
Charley: Thank you, Sue.
[Boss and Charley walk towards town]
Sue: Take care of yourself, Charley.
Boss: Are you just gonna go off like that without saying nothing?
Charley: Ain't nothing to say.
Boss: I seen how you look at that gal and the way she looks at you. It ain't right to walk away without a word.
Charley: What do you want me to tell her, Boss? We probably ain't gonna make it? Be a big fat comfort.
Boss: I don't know what you should tell her, Charley. I wish I'd have said more to my wife before she passed. This may be the last time she sees you in this world, Charley. Or you her. So tell her whatever you can. 'Cause she's entitled to more than just your backside walking away.
[Charley returns to the house and knocks on the door, Sue opens the door]
Sue: Charley.
Charley: I'm not sure what's worth saying or not.
Sue: Well, you don't have to say anything.
Charley: Yeah, I do. Boss is right about that. He's right about a lot of things. It's just... I'm not who you think I am, Sue. I've... been places. I've done things. Most of them, I'm not proud of.
Sue: You know, I always hoped somebody gentle and caring might come along. Years pass. A small town and all. And your hopes begin to fade a little every day until you hardly remember what they were. I've seen who you are, Charley. The way you looked after that boy and the respect you give Boss. It might be little bits. But they're enough for a woman who looks.
Charley: Men are gonna get killed here today, Sue. And I'm gonna kill them. You understand that?
Sue: Yes. I want you to have this. It's always brought me luck.
Charley: I... can't take your locket.
Sue: It's not your choice when it's a gift.
Charley: It's a good likeness of you.
Sue: It's my mother when she was young.
Charley: She's beautiful. I want you to know that if I don't ever see you again that I meant everything I said to you and I appreciate everything you said to me. Ain't nothing that happened in this old town been a surprise. Except you.
[Charley walks toward town]
Sue: I'll be seeing you, Charley Waite.
Charley: [Charley speaks to Boss sarcastically] Happy?
Boss: Yeah. If you are.

Boss: We come for justice, not vengeance. Now them is two different things.
Charley: Not today they ain't.

Boss: Man's got a right to protect his property and his life, and we ain't lettin' no rancher or his lawman take either.

Charley: You're me, ain't yuh?

Boss: I married once. Never knowed that did you Charlie? Had a wife and child. Sweet little spread too nothing much but we was young. Loved each other. Never had a cross word. They caught the typhus and died. After that home didn't seem much of a place to spend time. Believe I've chanced my mind on that now that I'm getting on in years. If Button lives and we survive Baxter I am to see to it there's a home he's sleeping in instead of a cold prairie.

[Charley has explained his strategy for the upcoming fight]
Boss: Sounds like you got it all worked out.
Charley: Yeah, except the part where we don't get killed.

Denton: You're nuthin'!
Boss: Maybe so, but I'll still be breathin' in another minute.

Boss: Well, if I'm gonna get killed, I got a hankerin' to soothe my sweet tooth.

Boss: The name Butler mean anything to you?
Charley: You hear names when you're on the other side of things.
Boss: He as fast as they say?
Charley: He's a killer.
Boss: You know him if you saw him?
Charley: He ain't hard to recognize if you know what you're looking for.

Denton: I'm dying.
Boss: And for what? More cows? You killed a good man.

Boss: We'll let the brains of the outfit do the thinking. Sue?

Charley: [burying Mose and Tig] Be right to say some words.
Boss: You want to speak with the man upstairs, go on and do it. I'll stand right here and listen, hat in hand, but I ain't talking to that son or a bitch. And I'll be holding a grudge for him letting this befall a sweet kid like Mose.
Charley: Well, he sure as hell wasn't one to complain. Woke with a smile, seemed like he could keep it there all day. Kind of a man that'd say 'good morning' and mean it, whether it was or not. Tell you the truth, Lord, if there was two gentler souls in this world, I never seen 'em. Seems like old Tig wouldn't even kill birds in the end. Well, you got yourself a good man and a good dog, and I'm inclined to agree with Boss here about holding a grudge against you for it. I guess that means Amen.

Boss: Charley, you all right?
Charley: I'm fine.
Boss: Seems like you was, you know...
Charley: I said I'm fine. Just got some old feelings coming up.
Boss: You know, we never asked each other much. That's always been okay with me. I figured it was okay with you. But you said some things the last couple of days. Things that seemed like they had kind of a history to them. Hey, Charley?
Charley: Don't stand behind me, Boss.
Charley: [scene change to night] When I was a kid, a bunch of us would go into the woods with our peashooters. Nothing fancy, just enough to kill a bird or a squirrel, maybe something larger if we was lucky. Killed my first man in them woods. Held the paper on our farm, and after my pa died, he'd come around to get payment from my mom in any way he could. Weren't much older than Button when I shot him in the throat. Knew there'd be more killing, so I run off and joined the Army. War was on. They was only too happy to have me. My first skirmish was like hunting with my friends. We just sat up in some trees, and they came marching at us. Must have been a hundred of them dead after the smoke cleared. Went around and shot the rest who weren't. Those of us with the knack was made into a special squad so we could travel light and on our own into enemy territory. Orders were pretty simple. Make trouble wherever we could. With room like that, it wasn't long before we was killing men that weren't even in uniform. Seemed like that went on the rest of the war. After that, I come West. Lot of call for a man with them skills. And I put them to work for men just like Baxter. Every once in a while, I almost get through a day without thinking about who I am, what I'd done.

Mack: Shame what this town's come to.
Charley: You could do something about it.
Mack: What? We're freighters. Ralph here's a shopkeeper.
Charley: You're men, ain't you?
Mack: I didn't raise my boys just to see 'em killed.
Charley: Well you may not know this, but there's things that gnaw at a man worse than dying.

Sue: You're a disgrace, Marshal Poole. You always have been.
Sheriff: I know it. That's just the way it is.

Boss: I believe you have a friend of ours in your jail. His name's Mose Harrison.
Sheriff: Yeah, I got him here. He started a fight in the general store.
Boss: Mose don't start fights. He just finishes them.

Boss: My friend and me got a hankerin' for Switzerland chocolate and a good smoke.

Charley: There's nuthin' in this town seen a surprise, except you.

Boss: We'll drink to good health for them that have it comin'.

Charley: I'm not goin' to my maker without knowin' your given name. Mine ain't Waite; it's Postelwaite. Charles Travis Postelwaite. What's yours? Sure ain't Boss.
[Boss hesitates]
Charley: I mean it, Boss. I'm asking you straight up.
Boss: It's Bluebonnet.
Charley: Bluebonnet?
Boss: Bluebonnet, yeah.
Charley: No middle name?
Boss: No, just Bluebonnet Spearman. And don't you tell no one. I want to hear you swear an oath now, go on.

Charley: You the one killed our friend?
Butler: That's right. I shot the boy, too. And I enjoyed it.
[Charley pulls out his gun and shoots Butler]

Sue: You are coming back, aren't you? Then I'll be waiting for you Charles Postlewaite.
Charley: [to Boss, who is riding away] You bucket mouth! Can't keep nothing private.

Boss: It ain't right to walk away without a word.
Charley: Well what do you want me to tell her, Boss? We probably ain't gonna make it? Be a big fat comfort.

Charley: Weren't the only thing he said. Most time, a man will tell you his bad intentions if you listen, let yourself hear.

Doc: I'd say 'to good health,' gentlemen, but then I'd probably be out of business, wouldn't I?
Boss: We'll drink to good health for them that have it coming.

Boss: We got a warrant sworn for attempted murder for them that tried to kill the boy who's laying over there at the Doc's, trying to stay alive. Swore out another one for them that murdered the big fella you had in your cell. Only ours ain't writ by no tin star, bought and paid for, Marshal. It's writ by us, and we aim to enforce it.

Boss: It's a shame to go forever without takin' a taste of somethin'.

Charley: Men are gonna get killed here today, Sue, and I'm gonna kill 'em.

Boss: Mornin', boys!
[holds up bottle of chloroform]
Boss: I brung your breakfast!

Sue: [checking injuries] Are you the boy's father?
Boss: No ma'am. His name's Button, and he works for me.
Sue: It appears that's not very healthy.

Boss: [to Button] By God, if you're gonna pick your feet like a monkey, you do it down-wind.

Sue: I don't have the answers, Charley. But I know that people get confused in this life about what they want, and what they've done, and what they think they should've because of it. Everything they think they are or did, takes hold so hard that it won't let them see what they can be.

Boss: How much I owe you, doctor?
Doc: We're even. I figured I made enough off the damage he did to Baxter's men.
Boss: I wish he'd have made you wealthy.

[first lines]
Boss: [indicating a thunderstorm] Think she'll get over this-a-way?
Charley: Might.
Boss: Best bed 'em down.

Charley: You ever seen one this bad?
Boss: Not since Noah and the Flood.
Mose: Well, you should know, Boss, since you was there.
Boss: What'd you say?
Button: He said, "You should know since you was there."

Boss: It's a pretty day for making things right.
Charley: Well, enjoy it, 'cause once it starts, it's gonna be messy like nothing you ever seen.

Boss: A man's trust is a valuable thing, Button. You don't want to lose it for a handful of cards.

Ralph: This is dark chocolate. It comes all the way from Switzerland, Europe. That's near France, see. They call it 'bitter sweet.' Melts in your mouth.
Boss: You tried it?
Ralph: No.
Boss: How do you know it melts in your mouth?
Ralph: Well, truth is, we can't afford it ourselves.

Charley: I got no problem with killin', Boss. Never have!

Boss: Brought you a cigar, all the way from Havana, Cuba.
Percy: You don't say. I've heard about them but I've never had one. Much obliged to you.
Boss: What do you think?
Percy: Better than them crappers I usually smoke.

Boss: [cocks shotgun] One twitch, and you in hell.

Charley: I'm tryin' to put some bad times behind me, but sometimes they don't stay put.

[last lines]
Charley: Let's go get our cows.

Boss: I see they hobbled you.
Percy: It's been a while since I was in a fight. I panicked. Fell back, like to have broke my foot.
Boss: Ornery old fool.
Percy: Well, or that damned Cuban cigar got me riled up.

[Charley Waite kicks Button off his horse. He falls into the river]
Button: What you do that for?
Charley: Cheatin' at cards.
Button: I apologized to you for that.
[to Boss Spearman]
Button: Eh, Boss? I apologized to him for that.
Boss: Evidently he ain't over it yet.

Sue: So is it marriage that scares you two, or putting down roots?
Boss: No. Who'd have him? All rangy and mangy like a rough old dog.
Charley: How about I hold your head under water for just a little while?