The Best Ben Hargreeves Quotes

Ben: It's a shitty world filled with shitty people sometimes.

- What did we miss?
- The universe is ending, and we're all going to die.
Grace: Why have you brought me before my God?
- -Your right eye. Give it to me.
- -What are you doing?
- If we wanna beat this thing, first we need to understand it.
Ben: It's time to see what's on the other side.

- -♪ ooh ♪
- -[Jill chuckles softly]
Jill: Hello?
Ben: Oh.
- Hello, Jill.
- Cool if I join you?
- No. I mean... yeah, of course.

- Meet me in the alley behind Elliott's in 30 minutes, okay?
- Do not be late.
- I won't.
- I won't.
- Good to see you, brother.
Ben: You too.
- Bye. [Grunts]
- Oh, no.

- Wha...
- Why'd you do that?
- I have no idea.
[Woman] Whoo-hoo!
Ben: Come on, Klaus. You can do this.
- Stay strong. Don't give into temptation.
[Yelling] No!
- -[Scream' in -no! 9]

- Oh! Oh!
[Whimpers] Thank you.
- Come with me.
Klaus: Okay.
[Woman] I'll take care of you.
Ben: Seriously, Klaus?
- J' sunnyj'

- -He isn't a part of the deal.
- -[Ben] He is now.
- Ben, they aren't working with him.
- They had nothing to do with the attacks--
- Then they won't mind finding him and handing him over.
Ben: It's simple.
- Bring us the man who killed our siblings, and this will all be over.
- If not…

- We'd like to be served, please.
- You are not welcome here.
Ben: The hell are we doing here?
- S-Some ol' diy?
- You just stay here, pumpkin.
- Okay.

- Get off!
Ben: Ow!
- Aah!
- Have you showered?
Ben: Ow! Ow! Ugh! Ow!
Klaus: No!

- -[Ben] But who invited him?
- -[Allison] Just suffer with us.
Ben: I can't get invited to a party, and he's invited to this?
- -[Allison] Wow. You really can't relax.
- -Now we're all here.
Allison: Ben?
- Chill.
- -♪ We could be falling in love ♪
- -[Klaus] Psst.

Ben: That makes no sense.
- Beautiful! Bravo, Dad! Bravo!
- I didn't think the old man had it in him.
Chet: All right, all right.
- Time to turn those frowns upside down!
- This one is for all the party people in the place.

- I'm fine.
- Let's continue.
Ben: Sweet.
- You guys fight just like us.
- Nah, man.
- We don't fight like this.

Ben: You really want to throw three years of sobriety out the window?
[Klaus laughs] In case you didn't notice, the last three years have been a royal shitshow.
- And this is only gonna make it worse.
- Maybe. Let's find out.
- -♪ very long ♪
- -[Sighs heavily]

- Nobody wants to listen to your endless bickering.
- Now, spread out, leave no stone unturned, and meet back here in 30 minutes.
Ben: This is a total waste of time.
- Did you hear that? He called us a duo.
Lila: I think your father is starting to grow on me.
- I forgot my journal.
- Go on. I'll meet you on five.