The Best Cameron Britton Quotes

- You know, before you kill him, you might wanna hear what he has to say.
- I'm gonna kill you for what you did to patch.
- Or don't. See how that goes.
Hazel: Are you gonna...
- Come on!
- That's gotta hurt.

Shari: [beckoning from her car] Hi, I'm Shari Kenzie. I'm a social media journalist. I'm looking of Otto Anderson...
Jimmy: Are you sure you wanna do that?

Bill: I'm sorry, Ed, do you mean that violence in the movies drove you to kill those women?
Edmund: No. My point is, in reality it doesn't work the way you expect. When you stab somebody they're supposed to fall dead. They go, "Oh," and they fall dead, right?
Bill: Right.
Edmund: In reality, when you stab somebody, they lose blood pressure and they leak to death, very slowly.

- if we didn't find the briefcase?
Cha: You know what happens to people who step out of line.
Hazel: / guess / 'm just tired of all this being told what to do, where to go.
- Wouldn't it be nice to kill who you want for a change?
- Not who the commission tells us to?
- Sure are in the middle of nowhere.

- Police!
- Drop the gun, or you're going down!
Hazel: I'm coming out. Don't shoot.
- Hands behind your head, asshole.
Hazel: Okay.
- Just don't shoot.

[Five] I'm sorry, Hazel.
- What about the commission?
- I quit those assholes, remember?
- I don't owe 'em the fuzz off my peaches.
- Well then, who the hell are those guys?
Hazel: Shit.
- Run!

- Stop what?
Hazel: You know.
Cha: That's impossible.
Hazel: Why? Number five came back.
- And he failed.
- He's back at the commission.
- There's no way around this, Hazel.
- Our only choice is to do what they say.
- One way or another, they always get you.

Hazel: Life is short. Future doesn't come with any guarantees. You want something in life, you gotta go for it.

- You've learned absolutely nothing.
- I mean, nobody tells me shit.
- The truth is,
- I'm the one person in that house nobody will even notice is gone.
- You assholes kidnapped the wrong guy! [Laughs]
- Ow! I'm sorry, okay?
Hazel: Please make him stop talking.

Hazel: Sometimes what you want is right in front of you. By the time you realize it, it's too late.

Edmund: You see, Bill, I knew a week before she died I was gonna kill her. She went out to a party, she got soused, she came home alone. I asked her how her evening went. She just looked at me. She said, For seven years. She said, "I haven't had sex with a man because of you, my murderous son." So I got a claw hammer and I beat her to death. Then I cut her head off, and I humiliated her. And I said, "There, now you've had sex." If there's one thing I know, it's this: A mother should not scorn her own son. If a woman humiliates her little boy, he will become hostile, and violent, and debased. Period.

Edmund: Butchering people is hard work. Physically and mentally. I don't think people realize. You need to vent.
Edmund: What are you writing down?
Holden: [freely showing his notebook] Oh, I just think it's an interesting choice of words, "vocation."
Edmund: Well, what would you call it? A hobby? I'd say it's more than that. Look at the consequences. The stakes are very high.

- I don't know, but at least we know who owns the shoe.
- You're welcome.
- I was doing fine.
- Oh, yeah, you really had them...
Diego: Ever hear of a rope-a-dope?
Luther: Get out of here now! Go!
Diego: Luther, go!
Hazel: I lost my gun.
Cha: I'm going after them.

Edmund: Cops like me because they can talk to me more than they can talk to their own wives, some of them.

- Home, sweet home.
Cha: Yep.
Hazel: Hey, um...
- You hungry?
Cha: I could eat.

- j' don't stop me now... fi
Cha: Got him!
- J' just give me a call .fi j' don't stop me now... fi
Hazel: The bastard jumped again.
Cha: Come on, let's go.
- J” / don't wanna stop at all j'

- He's been sitting in this Van in front of a... a lab or something, and...
- Looking for the owner of an eyeball.
- One of those fake ones.
Hazel: That makes no sense.
Cha: Hold on, just hold on.
- Tell us more about this eye, and why is it so important?
- He said it had something to do with the end of times, or something.

Holden: You don't think you could benefit from psychiatry?
Edmund: I already did all that in the institution. It didn't take. For me, I think surgery might give me the best chance.
Holden: And if surgery doesn't take, in this modern society, what do we do with the Ed Kempers of the world?
Edmund: Well, isn't that your department?
Holden: From your perspective...
Edmund: Death by torture?

- Is that...?
- It's coming from our bedrooms.
Hazel: Cha-cha, shoot him.
Cha: Get out of the way, dumb-ass.
Cha: Come on.