The Best Cha-Cha Quotes

- Stop what?
Hazel: You know.
Cha: That's impossible.
Hazel: Why? Number five came back.
- And he failed.
- He's back at the commission.
- There's no way around this, Hazel.
- Our only choice is to do what they say.
- One way or another, they always get you.

Cha: Hazel.
- Couldn't have gone far.
- That's not the only problem.
- The briefcase.
Cha: Shit!

- Is that...?
- It's coming from our bedrooms.
Hazel: Cha-cha, shoot him.
Cha: Get out of the way, dumb-ass.
Cha: Come on.

- I don't know, but at least we know who owns the shoe.
- You're welcome.
- I was doing fine.
- Oh, yeah, you really had them...
Diego: Ever hear of a rope-a-dope?
Luther: Get out of here now! Go!
Diego: Luther, go!
Hazel: I lost my gun.
Cha: I'm going after them.

- The briefcase is here?
Cha: It's where commission said.
- All righty.

- Home, sweet home.
Cha: Yep.
Hazel: Hey, um...
- You hungry?
Cha: I could eat.

- if we didn't find the briefcase?
Cha: You know what happens to people who step out of line.
Hazel: / guess / 'm just tired of all this being told what to do, where to go.
- Wouldn't it be nice to kill who you want for a change?
- Not who the commission tells us to?
- Sure are in the middle of nowhere.

Cha: You idiot!
- What?
Cha: You didn't put the "do not disturb" sign on the door!
- I did! I know I...
- Shit!
- Oh, my god, he's still here.
- Hi.

- When he's hungry, he eats, when he's tired, he nests, when he's horny, he screws, free to be free.
- Pretty sure they got it figured out.
Cha: And what's that?
- A simple life with a partner.
- Sometimes what you want's right in front of you.
- By the time you realize it, it's too late.

Cha: I hate sprinkles.
- Maybe I just hate doughnuts.
- Why are we here again?
- Refill?
- God, yes, please.
- Thank you.

[Waitress] It should only be a couple more minutes on the jelly-filled.
- I'll call you when they're ready.
Cha: That son of a bitch!

- Cha-cha.
Cha: That's our kid.

- j' don't stop me now... fi
Cha: Got him!
- J' just give me a call .fi j' don't stop me now... fi
Hazel: The bastard jumped again.
Cha: Come on, let's go.
- J” / don't wanna stop at all j'

- He's been sitting in this Van in front of a... a lab or something, and...
- Looking for the owner of an eyeball.
- One of those fake ones.
Hazel: That makes no sense.
Cha: Hold on, just hold on.
- Tell us more about this eye, and why is it so important?
- He said it had something to do with the end of times, or something.

- Aw, Jesus, Hazel!
Klaus: Jan says you're a real mensch, Hazel.
Klaus: He said you were such a great...
-! No!
Cha: Now.
- Screw it.
Klaus: Oh...
Cha: Shut up!