The Best Lila Pitts Quotes

Lila: Well, you are easily distracted.
- It can't be.

- Uh, wait.
- I hate to rain on your parade, but there's something I have to show you.
- Something big.
Lila: Ugh!
Herb: Wait, no.
- It's...
- It's this.

Lila: [to Diego] I know everything about you. You are an open book written for very dumb children.

Lila: Jesus.
- Stan?
- Stanley?
- Ugh, rank. [hisses]
Diego: Found something.
- What?

- Nobody wants to listen to your endless bickering.
- Now, spread out, leave no stone unturned, and meet back here in 30 minutes.
Ben: This is a total waste of time.
- Did you hear that? He called us a duo.
Lila: I think your father is starting to grow on me.
- I forgot my journal.
- Go on. I'll meet you on five.

Lila: Stanley?
- -You gotta be kidding me.
- -Where the hell were you?
- What? A kid doesn't have time to get a Slushee and a Slim Jim?
Diego: Oh shit.

Luther: Bah, bah, bah!
- My day!
- Two hours.
- Do you think you can manage that?
- Yeah, fine.
- -Thank you.
- -[bell dings]
Lila: Wow.

- Finally, someone with a power worth mimicking.
- Lila? Why were you in a closet?
- -[exhales]
- -[footsteps approaching]
- -I'll explain later.
- -[guardian snarls]
Lila: Shit.
- -I'm tired of running.
- -Me too.

Diego: Go, go!
Lila: Who are those guys?
Diego: No idea. what the hell are you stopping for?
- We need a distraction.
- Follow me.
- -♪ come on home ♪
- -[People screaming]
- -♪ you're hearing what I say ♪
- -♪ that you're comin' home ♪

Lila: Hi, little guy.
- Hey.

- Hey.
- What do you say you and I go to America and terrorize an old friend of mine?
- Could be fun.
- -Hmm…
- -[man exhales]
Stan: Sure. I'm down.
Lila: Cool.

- Did you find him?
Diego: I can't… I can't get out.
- The doors won't let me.
- Yeah, I am never eating here again.
- You have the attention span of a fruit fly.
- -Where are you going?
- -To get help finding Stan.
Lila: Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey! No!

- Children."
- My mum used to say something along those lines.
- Yeah?
- Switch.
- What are you doing?
Lila: Just follow my lead.
- Uh, honey, no. I'm the man here.
- Shh...

Lila: I'm waiting.
- -♪ I'm the bad guy♪
- -[Lila laughs]
- Fed up yet, five?