The Best Whitley Quotes

Whitley: We need your help.
Col. Jonathan Foster: Is that so? What did she do now? Please tell me that she isn't still grinding scavengers into that machine.
José: Project Splinter. It worked.
Col. Jonathan Foster: Katarina sent someone back in time?
Whitley: She did.
Col. Jonathan Foster: Well, then, how are we still having this conversation? Now? Where is that utopian wunderland she promised us?
Whitley: It's not that simple.
Col. Jonathan Foster: That I believe.

Whitley: I ever tell you what I wanted to be when I grew up? Architect. Told my father I wanted to grow up and design my mother her dream house. Then the plague hit.
Katarina: And you became a soldier.
Whitley: Spearhead, this place... they were never home. But I figured if I couldn't build something, at least I could protect something. So I thought.
Katarina: Knowing the fate of our facility and staying here makes me insane by definition.
Whitley: Time travel sounded pretty insane, too, when you first told me about it. It also sounded like hope. You're already working on another batshit-crazy plan to get us out of this mess, aren't you?
Katarina: The craziest.

Katarina: You know, anything we do, even if we undo it, it happened nonetheless, in God's eyes.
Whitley: Sounds like Foster. You gettin' superstitious on me?
Katarina: I don't think that God's wrath requires my belief.

Dr. Lasky: Voila!
Deacon: "Voila" is usually proposed to express satisfaction or approval. I'm not getting either from that piece of shit.
Katarina: That piece of shit is how we are going to disable the Guardians' unique advantage.
Dr. Julian Adler: Think of it as a modified EMP device, which will dampen all electronics and generate a burst of interference, to which even these suits will be susceptible.
Whitley: So what does that get us?
Katarina: A window. A very narrow window. Hannah?
Hannah: We'll splinter to 1953, to the exact moment James and Casssandra located the Witness's safe house. We'll detonate, then we'll engage.

Whitley: Then what do we do? Hmm?
Katarina: We take their core.
Whitley: Take it how?
Katarina: By any means necessary.

Whitley: [after Hannah has a disagreement with her mother] You're never gonna win an argument with her. Believe me, I know.
Hannah: She's so focused on saving the past, she never thinks about the future.
Whitley: Doesn't sound like there is one. You went to 2163. You said the world was dead. So we're gonna die either way. Why not go down fighting?

James: I need to use the machine.
Alternate: If I fire this thing up, it's gonna drain us. We're not gonna have any power left.
James: I can undo all this - put things back the way they're supposed to be.
Alternate: These people, they depend on me. I gotta look out for their future.
James: There is no future. "Whatever the world is now, it doesn't have to be this." Remember? I can change it.
Whitley: You're not actually considering this. If you turn this thing on, we'll bleed the core out. We'll be done. We can't survive.
Alternate: Maybe we're not supposed to.