The Best Dr. Lasky Quotes

Nicodemus: Still not enough power?
Dr. Lasky: You can bring a hundred generators and it still wouldn't give us enough power to re-fire the machine. Without a working core...
Nicodemus: So fix it.
Dr. Lasky: We need another Adam Cell to kick-start it. To get one of those, You. Need. A time machine.
Nicodemus: Jones have any thoughts?
Dr. Lasky: None she's willing to share.

Jennifer: Lasky! Lasky, time for some real talk, me and you. Olivia: yeah or nay?
Dr. Lasky: Nay.
Jennifer: Killing our friends?
Dr. Lasky: Nay.
Jennifer: Big nay.
Dr. Lasky: Super nay.

Dr. Lasky: Voila!
Deacon: "Voila" is usually proposed to express satisfaction or approval. I'm not getting either from that piece of shit.
Katarina: That piece of shit is how we are going to disable the Guardians' unique advantage.
Dr. Julian Adler: Think of it as a modified EMP device, which will dampen all electronics and generate a burst of interference, to which even these suits will be susceptible.
Whitley: So what does that get us?
Katarina: A window. A very narrow window. Hannah?
Hannah: We'll splinter to 1953, to the exact moment James and Casssandra located the Witness's safe house. We'll detonate, then we'll engage.