The Best Dr. Julian Adler Quotes

Katarina: The Primary code has given us the method to reset the timeline.
James: Yeah... we're running out of time, so let's get me in that thing, erase me, whatever you gotta do.
Dr. Julian Adler: We can't. It would take 3 1/2 years for our systems to compile and assemble the entire code.
Katarina: Time will collapse in a matter of hours, 12, maybe 13 at best.
James: So we go back, give ourselves the code in the past.
Dr. Julian Adler: Rendering our machine useless for all those years. We halt the mission before it even began.
Katarina: We'd never reach this point with the answer.
James: What about Titan? It's a time-traveling city. It must have a thousand times the processing power we need.
Dr. Julian Adler: Possibly, provided that one could stop Olivia's final sequence and somehow - impossibly, mind you - gain access to her systems.
Katarina: Even if we could, we have no idea where or when Titan even is. I'm sorry. If I hadn't endeavored to change history, to rewrite time, to manipulate for personal...
Dr. Cassandra Railly: James...
James: I'll listen to rest of the speech in 12 hours. Till then, we got work to do.

James: What is it?
Dr. Julian Adler: Titan - it's splintered to England, 1491. She's done it.
Dr. Cassandra Railly: Jones.
Dr. Julian Adler: Thanks to Elliot Jones' data, we can use Titan's signature as an anchor, and with Katarina's tether telemetry as a beacon...
James: We can lock on.
Dr. Julian Adler: And send you to 1491.
James: [to Cassandra] You ready to get medieval?

Dr. Lasky: Voila!
Deacon: "Voila" is usually proposed to express satisfaction or approval. I'm not getting either from that piece of shit.
Katarina: That piece of shit is how we are going to disable the Guardians' unique advantage.
Dr. Julian Adler: Think of it as a modified EMP device, which will dampen all electronics and generate a burst of interference, to which even these suits will be susceptible.
Whitley: So what does that get us?
Katarina: A window. A very narrow window. Hannah?
Hannah: We'll splinter to 1953, to the exact moment James and Casssandra located the Witness's safe house. We'll detonate, then we'll engage.

James: Adler, how soon can you program the jump?
Dr. Julian Adler: It's not me you have to worry about. Jones' tether should act like a kind of lighthouse in the fog, but we are still firing a bullet into the storm here.
James: So aim carefully.
Dr. Julian Adler: That requires monumental processing power. Titan has that. We do not.
James: Figure it out. We're going.
Dr. Julian Adler: We could be off by years and miles. Should you make it through the fog at all, I am not putting anyone in that machine until we know what we're in for.
James: Jesus, Julian, sack up.
Dr. Julian Adler: I will knock you on your ass, boy!

José: [in 1944] Almost time.
James: [to Agent Gale] You're gonna want to see this.
Dr. Julian Adler: [in 2044] Katarina! Katarina, it worked, he did it. Mr. Ramse placed the ad and gave us the encrypted coordinates.
Katarina: Lock into these. Let's bring them home!
[in 1944, Ramse, Cole and Cassie are waiting to splinter back to the future. Ramse disappears first]
Dr. Cassandra Railly: [to Agent Gale] Yeah, you won't forget it.
[disappears as well]
James: H. G. Wells.
[chuckles, and vanishes into thin air]
Agent: Holy shit.

Katarina: Did you ever have children?
Dr. Julian Adler: A son. He succumbed, in 2017.
Katarina: The greatest lie is believing that we are shaping them. That we have any control. No. They make us. They can destroy us.

James: I know this.
Katarina: It's an ouroboros. Many cultures have it.
Hannah: Jennifer often drew that. Sometimes waking from a nightmare.
James: Why? Why did she draw it?
Katarina: She called it "the end of the beginning."
James: The secret to the universe is chock full of nuts.
Dr. Cassandra Railly: What are you talking about?
James: The future me said that there was an end to all this, that Jennifer was the key, that she had the answer to everything.
Dr. Cassandra Railly: She did. Guardians. Athan.
James: No, there's more than that.
Katarina: Ms. Goines wanted to return to her time. 2017.
James: Well, we need to find her. Get the machine back up and running again.
Dr. Cassandra Railly: We can't.
James: God damn it.
Katarina: Dr. Railly's right, it's impossible.
James: We're not giving up!
Katarina: Mr. Cole.
James: We need the core to get the machine to work. We had two. The broken one, and the one we slaughtered Spearhead for. We use the old to fix the new one.
Dr. Julian Adler: The old core was in storage. Outside the splinter perimeter.
James: Which means we know it'll be there.
Katarina: Crushed under the rest of the facility we left behind.
James: Well, there's only one way to know.
Dr. Cassandra Railly: Go back to Raritan? It's way too dangerous. We lost enough...
James: Deacon. Whitley, Lasky... Athan. They died for us. For this mission!
Dr. Cassandra Railly: Cole. There is no mission. It's over.

Dr. Julian Adler: I did my damnedest to enter every coordinate, every date, but it's little more than a jumble of data.
Jennifer: Okay... the weapon to destroy the demon... But how would you do that exactly?
Katarina: The loops and tangles of time. To stop something that never started, to end something that never began, you must break them. Untangle...

Dr. Julian Adler: What's left for us now, Katarina? What options do we have?
Katarina: I'm incapable of abandoning this place. There are no other options for me.
Dr. Julian Adler: Even if there's no hope? Even if it means knowing you will die here?
Katarina: Hope?
[she chuckles]
Katarina: Hope is the luxury of those who are unburdened by fate.

Dr. Julian Adler: [in 2043] Mr. Cole barely made it alive to 1987. You saw what condition he was in, and that was before the splinter to 2015. God knows what further damage that did.
Katarina: He survived. But he won't come back.
Dr. Julian Adler: So, that's all? We just... abandon him, then?
Katarina: I'm afraid it is we who are abandoned, Dr. Adler. Mr. Cole is just... a memory now - as the past was intended to be. This morning, yesterday, or thirty years, it's all just a million firing neurons. Given meaning by the human mind. We'll all be there, eventually.

Dr. Julian Adler: This is a simulation of the current time stream as we know it. When we initiate the Primary code sequence...
Jennifer: The serpent's free! Only traveling in one direction again.
Dr. Julian Adler: The loops are broken, erased.
Katarina: Julian, show me those splinter coordinates again.
Dr. Julian Adler: You were right, Katarina. These dates do not represent all our splinters.
Katarina: No, only Mr. Cole's. This is every time he has traveled, every moment he has affected the time stream. It's his entire life. This was never about splintering. This was designed to destroy a Djinn, and a Djinn cannot be deleted from just one moment. It has to be removed from every moment. The Primaries built a machine to erase James Cole.
Jennifer: No. Cole can't be a Djinn. You said yourself, this is something that can only be born of time travel. Cole's father wasn't a traveler.
Dr. Julian Adler: His mother, Marion.
Katarina: Hannah...

Dr. Julian Adler: What are you doing with those?
José: Jones needs it.
Dr. Julian Adler: She sent you?
José: Yeah.
Dr. Julian Adler: Are you lying to me, Mr. Ramse?
José: [punches him] Yeah.