The Best Pallid Man Quotes

Pallid: Jennifer, you deceived us.
Jennifer: Shit, no, son. I'm Honest Abe. I'm chopping down cherry trees.

Dr. Cassandra Railly: How did you survive the paradox at the book store?
Pallid: Oh, me? Um... I have really good genes.

Dr. Cassandra Railly: Kyle Slade, New York City, 1970s...
Pallid: It's 1975, to be precise. We sent two of our Messengers there after him. Or we will send. It's all this time travel, it's tricky to follow. It's rewarding when you do.

Dr. Cassandra Railly: You're insane.
Pallid: No, insanity and rationality may be on opposite sides of the animal, but lately, Doctor, the snake is eating its own tail. And if you were to ask *him*, he would tell you that 99.9% of all species that have ever existed, are now extinct. The natural order.
Dr. Cassandra Railly: Him? You mean God?
Pallid: No, no. Not God. The Witness.

Olivia: You shouldn't be here. You have work to finish.
Pallid: The virus was taken by James and Cassandra on the eve of its release. They've interfered again. Broken yet another cycle.
Olivia: James Cole somehow remains a threat to our perfect reality. Today, I will end his cycle, and then... I will assure the plague is born not as you have have intended, but as it always has.
Pallid: The Witness has spoken.

Elliot: Well, turns out, my pallid friend, that I, much to my utter and "holy shit" surprise, am a father. Mm-hmm. And although that I'm what you might call processing it - you know, denial, acceptance, picking out colors for a room I never got to paint - I have learned something. There's this thing - every father - every good father - would do for their kid. Wanna know what it is?
Pallid: Tell me, Elliot. What would a father do for their children?
Elliot: Fight.

Pallid: James, did you lure me here just to shoot me?
James: No, asshole. I'm here to save you.

Pallid: That's unfair. You know, time is cruel. You know, I watched the ones I loved die, defeated by time. In the end, we all lose... Yet you may win... if you choose to. Goodbye, Cassandra.

Pallid: [seeing Arianna dead] Oh, dear.
Dr. Cassandra Railly: How did you do this?
Pallid: Magdalena. She came back in time and warned us about what you were gonna do.
[flashback; Magalena is approached by a version of herself from the future]
Magdalena: [handing herself a knife] The Mother will try to harm herself. Arianna will help her.
Magdalena: Thank you for your sacrifice.
Pallid: [the flashback ends] You know, your son will always know that you chose death over him. Now the Witness is no longer safe, which is why the remainder of your days here will be less, uh... comfortable.

Pallid: Did you get your answers, darling? Of course not. The one who sees all and knows all is asking us to see nothing and know nothing. It's chaos. It's beautiful. A new uncertain cycle has begun.