The Best Col. Jonathan Foster Quotes

Col. Jonathan Foster: I, too, wish that the plague had never happened. The great minds lost, your daughter, my wife. But equally, I mourn the loss of who you might've been. I would so have loved to have seen her, instead of this.
Katarina: And very soon, you will.

Katarina: Where shall we talk? Your office?
Col. Jonathan Foster: I think over dinner would be more appropriate. I'd like to welcome all our guests.
Katarina: Charming. But I'm hardly a guest here, and certainly not welcome.

Col. Jonathan Foster: Those days we spent trapped underground, surrounded by all those books, human beings, gone. But their voices were still with us, thriving. We had hope. They were better times.
Katarina: Yes, they were.
Col. Jonathan Foster: You and I were better too.
Katarina: We were.
Col. Jonathan Foster: You were the most brilliant woman I had ever known.
Katarina: But I was also something else.
Col. Jonathan Foster: Yes? And what's that?
Katarina: A mother.
[she shoots him]

Katarina: Jonathan. Let me show you the machine, and then you will see...
Col. Jonathan Foster: Seeing a machine is not gonna make me believe in blasphemy.

Whitley: We need your help.
Col. Jonathan Foster: Is that so? What did she do now? Please tell me that she isn't still grinding scavengers into that machine.
José: Project Splinter. It worked.
Col. Jonathan Foster: Katarina sent someone back in time?
Whitley: She did.
Col. Jonathan Foster: Well, then, how are we still having this conversation? Now? Where is that utopian wunderland she promised us?
Whitley: It's not that simple.
Col. Jonathan Foster: That I believe.

Katarina: Do you remember the first year underground? No windows, no sunshine. I lost all sense of time. I felt as... as though I was choking.
Col. Jonathan Foster: It was a coffin.
Katarina: Yes, exactly. And we would sneak upstairs and look at the stars. Cassiopeia. Andromeda. Whole constellations, untouched by disease, oblivious to our suffering. And I told Hannah, no matter what will happen to us... the stars will remain. And I promised her...
Col. Jonathan Foster: [quoting Shakespeare] "Yet, do thy worst, old Time, despite thy wrong."
Katarina: "My love shall in my verse ever live young."