The Best Dr. David Eckland Quotes

Dr. David Eckland: [Deacon hands him a gun] I'm a pacifist.
Deacon: You're shitting me.

Dr. David Eckland: Only the Germans would invent a card game where the rules change halfway through. Where I come from, we just call it cheating.

Katarina: David! Get back here! Please.
Dr. David Eckland: Oh, it's not so bad. I dig it actually. Going out in a wild, romantic gesture to a beautiful woman all in the name of love.
Katarina: I don't love you.
Dr. David Eckland: You did once, and that can't be erased.

[the future timeline has been altered]
Katarina: Is there anything you wish to discuss, Dr. Eckland?
Dr. David Eckland: You really don't remember me?
Katarina: I read through some part of my journal, and it looks like your expertise in molecular biology was quite valuable. I apologize, Dr. Eckland, but you were not part of my original reality.
Dr. David Eckland: Well... Well, that's gonna make it awkward tonight - when you come to bed.

[first lines]
Dr. David Eckland: You know, the skeptic in me finds it hard to believe that all this is the result of the murder of a few crazy people back in time.
Katarina: It's not just murder. They're paradoxing a Primary, removing a vital string in the fabric of time. It's unwinding before our eyes. This is causality driven insane. Won't be long before it will devour past, present and future, destroying all of mankind.
Dr. David Eckland: Hell on Earth? You're not going all biblical on me now, are you, Kat?

Deacon: Dies a pacifist or lives a man.
Dr. David Eckland: Violence doesn't make a man.
Deacon: No, but it's a good way to unmake one. Point and pull and watch for the kick. Don't worry, I'll tell all your hippie friends that you fought them off with flowers and rainbows.

Dr. David Eckland: Do you think you would've married again? If the world hadn't gone to shit?
Katarina: I prefer to correct my mistakes, not repeat them.
Dr. David Eckland: Hey, where's the fun in that? Where would we be, if we were scared away by a little failure?
Katarina: Not in my bed, that's for certain.