The Best James Tupper Quotes

David: All I ask is that you promise to do the one thing that's been so hard for me to do. Forgive.
Emily: But that was a promise I couldn't keep. When deception cuts this deep, someone has to pay.

David: I am not the man they say I am and I did not do the things they say I did.

David: Emily Thorne? I'm, uh, David Clarke. I thought it was time we finally met.

David: [to Emily] I was very clear with you. I said stay out of this Malcolm Black business, but you didn't! Now you're gonna listen! I can't watch Victoria, and I can't have her being alone. This house is a fortress. There's plenty of room for the two of you. So for the time being, you're both gonna stay here. Do you understand?
[Emily nods]
David: Good. Play nice.
[Emily scoffs, he leaves, the two women give baleful glances at each other]

David: Do you remember how happy we were when we first came here?
Emily: The devil can have it!

Young: [play-acting] I, Amanda Clarke, take you, Jack Porter, to be my husband, in the presence of our best man Sammy.
[little puppy]
David: [entering] Amanda? Wow. What is going on here?
Young: It's my wedding, Daddy.
David: Looks like you're preparing one fancy event.
[she giggles]
David: What are these pipe cleaners?
Young: They're wedding rings, silly.

David: [writing a letter to Amanda] Conrad and Victoria knew the victims' families would need a devil to shoulder the blame for the money Conrad had been laundering for the terrorists. They chose me as the patsy, while passing themselves off as grieving benefactors. Never underestimate the power of guilt, Amanda. It compels people to some pretty remarkable places.