The Best Regina George Quotes

Regina: You sure know how to hit a bitch.
Charlotte: [folding her arms] Looking for round two?
Regina: Relax. It's a compliment. So, you're "Overachieving Ivy Leaguer" now? Last year weren't you "Spoiled, angry party girl"? Which one is the real Charlotte Grayson?
Charlotte: It's Clarke. What do you want, Regina?
Regina: A simple answer. When you took all those pills last year, were you really trying to kill yourself?
Charlotte: What the hell kind of question is that?
[turns away]
Regina: The kind I wish I could ask my brother. He did the same thing last summer.
[Charlotte turns back]
Regina: Swallowed, like, half a pharmacy. I was just wondering what he was feeling... before he died.
Charlotte: [shakes her head sadly] That really sucks.
Regina: You wanna get out of here?
[Charlotte is keen]

Declan: [trapped in the cubicle, Regina is playing the viral video of her and Charlotte outside the club] Hey, is your phone online?
[grabs it]
Regina: What are you doing?
Declan: My God, you downloaded that thing to your phone?
[she snatches it back]
Declan: That wasn't a publicity stunt, was it? You really like her.
Regina: Whatever, pervert. Stop looking for a threesome.
Declan: That's why you wanted me out of the picture from the start. You can't stand it that she loves me, because why wouldn't she want a rich, damaged party girl instead?
Regina: God, seriously, shut up!
Declan: [smirking] Does Charlotte know how you feel? I don't know, maybe it would be easier coming from me, you know, the low-hanging fruit.
Regina: [threatening] You say anything to her, and...
Declan: You'll what? What are you gonna do?

Declan: [as he fails to break them out of the cubicle] Damn!
Regina: It's called Plexiglas, dumb-ass. What does Charlotte see in you anyway? I get the "forbidden fruit" thing, but... you are particularly low-hanging. You have something over her?
Declan: [sarcastic] Yeah. Blackmail is how I land all my girls.
Regina: Just trying to explain the inexplicable.

Charlotte: [coming down the stairs, giggling at the prospect] Nothing like a little retail therapy.
Regina: Sounds beautiful.
Daniel: Where are you two off to?
Regina: I'm taking Eeyore out to buck her up. Promise not to make any more headlines.
Daniel: Can I have a minute with my sister?
[Regina moves on]
Daniel: Look, I just wanted to say you don't have to be embarrassed about what happened outside that club. All right? Not around me.
Charlotte: Don't try to commiserate. You have no idea what I'm going through.
Daniel: Sure I do. I... I've been through a rough patch when I was your age. Hey, you... you're going to be at our engagement party later tonight, aren't you?
Charlotte: Sorry, but I can't be around Mom right now. And I'm sure you understand or you wouldn't be moving to France. But good luck tonight.
[moves to go, then turns back]
Charlotte: And this year, try not to shoot anyone.
[he scoffs]

Charlotte: [at Italian coffee shop] This place is awesome. I had no idea it was here.
Regina: Well, the coolest places are the hardest to find. Same goes for people.
Charlotte: [as they carry their coffees to dining table] Definitely true in your case. You sure don't make it easy.
Regina: I don't care what people think.
Charlotte: That must be nice.
Regina: Why do you? I mean, you're practically a celebrity. You should be out using the Grayson name to... do whatever you want. But instead, now you hide from it.
Charlotte: I'm not hiding.
[shaking her head]
Charlotte: I just don't have the luxury of being invisible. If I mess up, my parents know about it within ten minutes.
Regina: Screw them. Embrace your inner bad girl and come out with me tonight.
Charlotte: I can't. I promised Declan I'd help him with his college essay.
Regina: Or you can tear it up with me, and to hell with the rest of the world.
[takes a sip of her coffee]
Regina: It's your choice.
[Charlotte is tempted]