The Best Ensign Janeway Quotes

Ensign: He goes out of his way to criticize me.
Counselor: Do you know any reason he might do that?
Ensign: No, that's why I'm here.
Counselor: Well. Maybe he's just tired of hearing you complain.
Ensign: Pardon me?
Counselor: I know I'm certainly tired of it. How do you think it feels to listen to someone whine about themselves all the time?
Ensign: Well, I didn't realize I was...
Counselor: This isn't Star Fleet Acadamy. You're not going to be caudled. If you can't take it here, you might think about a transport ship. There is a lot less pressure there.
Ensign: But I love being on the Enterprise. I don't want to be anywhere else.
Counselor: If you're not up to it, you don't deserve to be here. Isn't that right?
Ensign: I guess so.
Counselor: So you better take a hold of yourself or be prepared for transfer.
Ensign: I will, counsellor, thank you.
Counselor: Glad I could help.